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操船环境是指对船舶操纵产生限制的影响因素,操船环境危险度评价结果直接影响船舶的正常航行,而当前方法操船环境危险度评价模型存在评价结果主观性强,评价精度低等不足。为了提高操船环境危险度评价效果,设计基于关联分析的操船环境危险度评价模型,首先分析当前操船环境危险度评价研究现状,并构建操船环境危险度评价的指标,然后采用关联分析方法对原始操船环境危险度评价指标进行处理,确定操船环境危险度评价的权值,最后根据关联分析结果处理操船环境危险度评价数据,并构建操船环境危险度评价模型。与其他操船环境危险度评价模型进行仿真对比实验,结果表明,本文模型可以合理确定每一种操船环境危险度评价指标的重要程度,得到高精度的操船环境危险度评价结果,而且操船环境危险度评价速度更快,可以为船舶安全管理者提供参考。  相似文献   

杨亚东  李根 《中国水运》2006,4(9):22-24
将长江张南水道作为具体研究对象,将地形条件的四大影响因素作为输入变量,应用模糊推理方法,对操船环境危险度进行评价,并对评价结果进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

近日,"雪龙"号和"雪龙2"号完成中国第36次南极考察任务,乘载186名队员,成功穿越"咆哮西风带"。"咆哮西风带"是西风带的形象称呼,它环绕在南纬40°~60°,是进出南极必经的一道鬼门关。这一区域常年盛行西风,是全球公认风浪最大、航海环境最恶劣的地区之一。  相似文献   

基于南京长江大桥#4桥孔通航现状对驶经桥墩的上行海船构成的潜在危机,通过对特定航区水文条件、适用规制、涉险因素的分析,应用船舶旋回机理和实船试验数据,提出了以安全距离驶经桥墩为目的的分段式行动模式.依据不同航段水域条件设计了随时空变化的操船对策.为上行海船选择合适通航量的有利时机驶经桥墩提供了操船等让的有效手段.  相似文献   

利用大型船舶操纵模拟器对航道航行水域进行模拟试验研究,包括不同风、浪、流等环境下操船危险度及安全评价结果,进、出港所需时间,并推荐航道的合理宽度,为工程结构设计和操船规程的制定提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

航行环境、船舶和操船者三个要素构成了船舶运航系统。航行环境由交通环境和自然环境组成。本文在阐述了影响操船能力致因后,分析了各因素对操船能力的影响,并将该影响指标化。这些定量化的指标表达了操船者的主观操船感觉,以便进一步综合评价航行环境  相似文献   

史晓平 《水运管理》2005,27(4):10-14
阐述上海发展游艇业的可行性。对上海港船舶交通环境的危险因素和发展游艇业面临的客观问题进行研究和探讨,应用AHP法对影响游艇安全的风险因素进行分析评价。针对发展游艇的重点水域黄浦江建立危险度分析模型,引入多层次、多因素综合评判方法对黄浦江4个航段进行危险度分析研究,提出游艇基地规划选址水域安全对策建议以及保障游艇活动安全的对策措施。  相似文献   

高岩松  翁跃宗 《中国航海》2007,(1):72-74,80
结合开展码头工程通航环境安全评估的专题研究工作,探讨船舶操纵模拟试验方法在码头工程通航环境安全评估中的应用,该方法主要包括通过船舶操纵模拟器的模拟试验获取的模拟船舶运动参数和运动轨迹,应用航迹带宽度、潜在操船水域、效用函数和靠泊操纵危险度等概念,对拟建码头工程所需的航道宽度、船舶回旋水域和靠泊操纵的安全性进行分析和评判。实际应用表明,该方法能客观、合理地分析与评估码头工程的通航安全,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

“雪龙”号于1994年10月26日至1995年3月6日,首次赴南极执行考察任务,历时133天,航行17186海里。这是我国第11次赴南极进行科学考察。此航次任务新、要求高、海区生、风险大,在国家海洋局的精心组织、正确指挥下,全体船员和考察队员团结拼搏,经受了艰苦环境和复杂任务的考验,圆满完成了任务。 穿越西风带 西风带位于南纬45~60度,常  相似文献   

计算简易操船模拟系统由 I B M 微机及其外部设备,机、舵模拟操作台,船舶操纵运动方程,风、流边界等环境的软件组成。通过该系统实施考虑风、流边界等条件下船舶进出港操船模拟,提供操船方法,培训船舶驾驶员。该系统根据需要也可提供船舶各种标准机动的航行结果。系统采用人(?)机对  相似文献   

基于国内外南极磷虾产业的发展现状,不论是保证捕捞产量还是提高船载加工产品质量,提升南极磷虾捕捞加工船舶及装备的现代化水平是南极磷虾产业发展的必由之路。作为南极磷虾捕捞、加工的平台,专业南极磷虾捕捞加工船船型的升级换代必然会影响到我国南极磷虾产业的发展及在国际上的竞争力,因此有必要对我国南极磷虾捕捞加工船及配备的捕捞系统、加工工艺等的发展趋势进行探讨和分析。研究挪威南极磷虾产业发展路径不难得出,南极磷虾捕捞加工船的"极地化、专业化、大型化、绿色化"是必然趋势,而这种趋势也应是我国南极磷虾捕捞加工船船型及相关系统、工艺发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

Since the article published by Loeb et al. [Loeb, V.J., Kellermann, A., Koubbi, P., North, A.W., White, M., 1993. Antarctic larval fish assemblages: a review. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53(2), 416–449.] about Antarctic ichthyoplankton, many surveys were carried out in different sectors of the Southern Ocean focusing on different aspects of the ecology of fish larvae. Some of these researches were conducted in the Subantarctic Kerguelen Islands and others on the continental shelf off Terre Adélie and Georges V land. Oceanographic and geographic features influence fish larvae ecology such as island mass effects, gyres, canyons. Antarctic fishes show also temporal segregation of spawning which induces temporal succession of early stage larvae. This avoids competition and probably the predation on early stages for species having few recruits. In that case, we have to understand how these larvae can deal with the match–mismatch with their preys and how they find sufficient food to survive. But our knowledge on Antarctic fish larvae is still insufficient as we do not know larvae for quite a lot of species and because of the difficulty to sample during winter.  相似文献   

“区港联动”是提升区域物流中心服务的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海外高桥保税物流园区是全国第一个"区港联动"试点区。5年来通过完善硬件设施,进行产业升级,优化软件环境,提升了服务水平,实践表明:"区港联动"是提升区域物流中心服务能级的重要途径。  相似文献   

Sovereignty claims over insular features and maritime jurisdiction in the South China Sea have been disputed for decades, and a governance regime to address ocean-related issues is urgently needed. This article first introduces the notion of a regime, and examines details of cooperation mechanisms in the Polar Regions. Lessons that can be applied to the South China Sea include that both soft and hard law regimes work to bring States concerned together to cooperate on the “commons” issues even when military conflicts or sovereignty disputes still exist. Consensus among bordering States would be necessary to make the South China Sea a “zone of peace.” Mechanisms that accommodate the various sovereignty claims and freeze existing and new claims to, as well as to prohibit military activities in, the South China Sea are recommended. Lastly, if a cooperative mechanism were to be established in the future, the Arctic regime would be more applicable to the South China Sea than the Antarctic regime due to their geographic nature. Thus, only States bordering the South China Sea should have voting and decision-making rights in the cooperative mechanism. As always, the political will of all parties is paramount to the success of such an endeavor.  相似文献   

Primary production events in both the Arctic and the Antarctic are highly localized. Carbon-14 incubations that did not account for this caused antarctic primary production estimates to be revised too far downwards from the historic view of high productivity. The primary production regime in the Arctic is even more heterogeneous than in the Antarctic. Arctic primary production rates are in the process of being revised upwards because of a better spatial and temporal distribution of incubation experiments and a re-awakening of interest in estimating new production from the distribution of chemical variables. Similarly, recent examination of temporal changes in nitrate concentrations and recognition of the importance of ice-edge blooms has caused antarctic primary productivity to be revised upwards. In both the Arctic and the Antarctic, the ratio of “new” to total primary production is high, and neglect of this fact can lead to an underestimation of the potential that these regions have for influencing global cycles of bioactive chemicals. Some recent data on temporal changes in nitrate from Fram Strait emphasize the poor state of our knowledge by suggesting an unexpectedly high “new” production rate of 1 g C m−2 d−1 for a 35 day experiment that encountered an early Phaeocystis bloom. Chemical distributions suggest that new production over the shelf seas that border the Polar Basin is about 50 g Cm−2 yr−1.The shelves in the Arctic Ocean's marginal and adjacent seas comprise 25% of the total global continental shelf. These extensive shallow regions have much higher rates of primary production than the Polar Basin and may be globally significant sites of denitrification. Globally significant silica deposition could occur on these shelves or on the adjacent slopes.Because of the differences in geomorphology and stratification, global warming is likely to increase primary production in the Arctic and will probably decrease antarctic primary production.In addition to sharing high ratios of “new” to total primary production, high ammonium concentrations occur in the Arctic and Antarctic. It is possible that these accumulations arise from a strong repression of nitrification at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Late-Quaternary changes in productivity of the Southern Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paleoceanographic records based on new proxies of export production have been constructed for the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. A radionuclide-ratio proxy of particle flux (10Be/230Th) and the accumulation rate of authigenic uranium, which responds to the flux of organic carbon to the sea bed, both indicate a dramatic increase, compared to the present, in the export production of the Subantarctic zone (approximately the region between the present-day positions of the Subtropical Convergence and the Antarctic Polar Front) during glacial periods. If the South Atlantic is representative of the entire Southern Ocean, then export production in the Southern Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum was substantially greater than at present. Previous studies, focusing on the burial of biogenic opal, failed to recognize the glacial increase in export production of the Southern Ocean because of a strong non-linearity between accumulation rates of opal and of organic carbon.  相似文献   

Technologies are considered tools to increase the number of "available options" and to "enlarge the freedom of action" of society to achieve specific objectives. One such objective is sustainable development of the coastal zones. One way to achieve this is via integrated coastal zone management (ICZM): the integration of otherwise sectoral management activities. ICZM is not yet a widespread practice. Even in situations where integrated management is attempted, the role of technologies that might be deployed on the coastal zone to satisfy other societal needs or to provide a solution to specific problem, is not always adequately considered. True integration requires an understanding of how a technology is influenced by or impacts the surrounding natural, economic, and social environment. The present article describes an analysis of the role and use of technologies in the European Union Demonstration Programme on ICZM.  相似文献   

笔者根据第21次南极考察随“雪龙”号船实航状况调研情况,较深入地了解、分析了船舶现状,阐述了“雪龙”号船改造设计基本构想与局部设计要点。  相似文献   

Due to its great meridional extent and relatively shallow depths, the Kerguelen Plateau constitutes a major barrier to the eastward flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. While most of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport is deflected north of the Kerguelen Islands, the remainder ( 50 Sv, 1 Sv = 106 m3 s− 1) must pass south of the islands, most probably through the Fawn and Princess Elizabeth Troughs. However, the paucity of finely resolved quasi-synoptic hydrographic data in this remote and infrequently sampled area has limited the progress in our knowledge of the regional circulation. Since 2004, a new approach using elephant seals from the Kerguelen Islands as autonomous oceanographic profilers has provided new information on the hydrography over the Kerguelen Plateau, covering the entire Antarctic Zone between the Polar Front and Antarctica, with a mean along-track resolution of about 25 km. These finely resolved bio-logged data revealed details of a strong northeastward current found across the Fawn Trough (sill depth: 2600 m; 56°S, 78°E). This so-called Fawn Trough Current transports cold Antarctic waters found mostly south of the Elan Bank, between the Ice Limit (58°S) and the Antarctic Divergence (64°S) in the eastern Enderby Basin, toward the Australian–Antarctic Basin. Our analysis also demonstrates that the Deep Western Boundary Current, which carries cold Antarctic water along the eastern flank of the southern Kerguelen Plateau collides with Fawn Trough Current at the outlet of the Fawn Trough sill. In other words, the Fawn Trough constitutes a veritable bottleneck, channelling the quasi-totality of the Antarctic Circumpolar flow found south of the Polar Front. Thanks to the unprecedented fine resolution of seal-borne data, a branch of flow centered at the Winter Water isotherm of 1 °C is also revealed along the northern escarpment of the Elan Bank, and then along the southern edge of Heard Island. Further analysis of different supplementary data reveals a complex circulation pattern in the entire Enderby Basin, with several distinctive branches of flow being strongly controlled by prominent topographic features such as the Southwest Indian Ridge, Conrad Rise, Elan Bank, and Kerguelen Plateau. This newly emerged frontal structure refines considerably previous large-scale circulation schematics of the area.  相似文献   

鉴于锚拉板式索梁锚固结构受力复杂、应力集中等问题,以厦漳跨海大桥南汊主桥Z12锚拉板式索梁锚固结构为例,采用ANSYS有限元软件对锚拉板式索梁锚固结构进行构造参数分析。结果表明,增大板厚、加长剪切剪焊长度以及增大塑性区半径均能改善应力集中状态,但以增大塑性区半径最为明显。  相似文献   

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