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文中从海上搜救值班人员和一线救援人员两个层面分析海上搜救人员面临的心理压力及表现,提出了提高海上搜救人员心理健康水平的相关对策。  相似文献   

海上搜救是一项复杂的综合过程,在实际演练中受制于人力、财力及物力不足,演练覆盖范围及次数都不能满足需求,海上搜救仿真系统在实际的培训及演练中异常重要。同时海上搜救仿真是一个综合模拟过程,包含船舶紧急状态的操控、GMDSS模拟及告警等过程。本文在剖析海上搜救整个流程的基础上,重点分析搜救系统各模块及人员的通信技术,构建基于搜救流程的通信架构,以满足对于人员演练的实际需求,最后对系统进行可行性验证。  相似文献   

现阶段,我国海上搜救的立法不足,人员的多区域配合程度需要提升。文章通过对目前中国海上搜救管理体制情况进行分析研究,在基于目前我国现阶段对海上搜救的新需求基础上,借鉴其他国家的先进经验进行本土化结合,采用合作治理的方式以期探索海上搜救管理在体制上的路径创新,能够针对性地找寻出当下海上搜救面临问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

海上搜救是我国履行国际公约、承担海上遇险人员救助的义务。本文通过对"7·27"海难搜救的分析和总结,指出了海上搜救存在的问题并提出了改进海上搜救工作的个人见解。  相似文献   

本文通过调研海上搜救知识库,搜集了海上搜救方法其中包括搜寻海域确定方法、人员搜寻方法等;搜集了各级海上搜救机构及他们的责任区;搜集大量海上搜救案例,并通过对这些案例的分析,提出各种海上搜救事件的辅助决策方案,为我国的海上搜救事业贡献微薄之力。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,人类的海上活动累年增加,海上险情更是不断发生。在险情发生后,为了能最大程度的减少财产损失和挽救人员生命,国家各级政府都建立相应的《海上搜救应急预案》。本文作者结合自己十数年的搜救应急值班经验,从搜救工作定位、搜救力量构成、值班职责、搜救发展等几个方面,并对其中的细节加以阐释,对如何做好搜救应急值班工作提出建议。  相似文献   

为更有效地进行海上搜寻和救助,保障海上人命和财产的安全,在分析我国海上搜救的现状和特点的基础上,根据我国海上搜救需求的变化,提出对策建议:加强海上搜救力量建设,提升海上搜救能力;加强海上搜救力量运用研究,提高海上搜救效率.  相似文献   

安飞 《中国船检》2007,(2):38-40
海上搜救是保障海上人命及财产安全的最后一道防线。在近几年,我国海上搜救能力显著提升,其中气象服务对海上搜救工作的帮助功不可没。据我国海上搜救中心统计,在刚刚过去的两年中,在气象部门的鼎力协助下,我国运输船舶受台风影响的人员死亡率为“零”!而去年10月,中国气象局与交通部紧密合作,使中央气象台与海上搜救中心正式联姻,不仅诞生了一组海上安全新概念,而且使我国海上搜救事业迈入了一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

一、英国实行的大搜救管理模式英国搜救工作实行大搜救的管理模式,包括对海上、陆地和航空器遇险人员的搜救,具体分为:英国近海、远海和海岸线海上搜寻和救助;英国陆地和海上民用航空搜寻和救助;内陆搜寻和救助。  相似文献   

8月28日上午,日照海事局与连云港海事局在日照海事局共同签署了两市海上搜救与防污染区域性合作协议,建立了区域性合作机制。双方同意共同利用海上搜寻救助的现代技术设备和通信网络等资源为对方海上搜救工作提供谘要的支持和配合,实施资源共享,以便迅速确定和救助海上遇险人员、船舶和设施,提高遇险人员的生存几率与搜救成功率。同时,双方要对对方关注的重要搜救信息进行通报,确保搜救应急联动信息传递及时、准确、到位。  相似文献   

胡菠  王智 《中国海事》2009,(3):50-53
水上移动业务标识码是水上无线电台的一项主要身份识别信息,在遇险搜救活动中扮演着重要角色,国际电信联盟高度重视这一有限资源的管理和使用,并为此制定了技术建议书。文中介绍了我国水上移动业务标识码管理的背景和现状,并通过分析水上通信技术及搜救作业新需求,对最新修订的ITU—RM.585—4技术建议书进行了解读,包括建议书的范围、总体要求,对船舶电台的标识码、海岸电台的标识码、参与搜救飞行器电台的标识码、AIS助航设施的标识码和母船救生筏通信设备的标识码分配和使用规则,以及对号码资源进行保护和重新启用的方法等。最后,文章提出了我国标识码管理适应新建议书规则及普及宣贯有关知识和政策的工作计划。  相似文献   

文中主要介绍了海事主管机关从事或控制的救助作业的性质和状况,针对在实施救助过程中.涉及到耗用社会资源的补偿问题,特别是从执行救助方委托海事部门与被救助方协商补偿事宜及时实现补偿的务实操作等方面进行了分析,并提出了有关意见及建议,  相似文献   

目前,渔业船舶已经成为我国海上搜救工作中的一支重要力量,但发生海难事故的渔业船舶自身的救助成功率却偏低。文中试结合近几年渔业遇险船舶搜救的大量案例,分析影响渔业船舶救助成功率的几大主要原因,并对如何提高渔业遇险船舶救助成功率提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

A rather significant number of business entities already operate within (or, have considered to exploit) the Arctic region, focusing upon previously untapped resources such as precious minerals and large quantities of oil and gas; touristic and fishing activities are clearly on the rise, with various endeavors of maritime transport also being put forward. Up until recently, harsh year-long environmental conditions have significantly hindered the necessary access and transport connections in the Arctic. Even in the case that weather conditions did permit vessels’ passage, unreliable navigational aids and lack of infrastructure/support provided obstacles difficult to overcome. However, environmental data recorded during the last couple of decades clearly indicates that there is a continuous decline of ice coverage in the “High North.” Given this steady decline, the Arctic has now been viewed as a promising field for economic activities and is considered as a potential connecting corridor between Asia and Europe/America (and vice-versa). As human presence and operations are expected to intensify there, it is of utmost importance to evaluate the current level of support towards ships that will be crossing the region; capabilities in relation to search and rescue (SAR) operations and oil spill response are also important. The analysis in hand will first deliver a discussion of the so-called Arctic Passages. While various different maritime routes have been proposed in relation to the Arctic, the most promising one, the Northern Sea Route (NSR), will provide the epicenter of discussion. Through an extensive literature review that includes numerous internet resources, the current analysis will identify the numbers of icebreakers already operating in the NSR, as well as those that will be commissioned into service in the near future. The choice to research the specific type of vessels is supported by a simple argument: icebreakers currently are and will continue to be in the foreseeable future the main “tool” to support shipping activities in the Arctic. Furthermore, emergency management capabilities in the Russian Arctic will be examined to include the current state of rescue coordination centres along with the availability of SAR assets. Additionally, the efforts thus far by the Arctic Council to increase coordination and interaction among the States involved in Arctic affairs will be summarized; the latter will be achieved via a brief review of a very important legally binding agreement: the “search and rescue” instrument. In conclusion, the Russian State has already heavily invested in icebreakers’ building and their current number is fully capable to handle the present level of limited traffic. On the other hand, ships are currently faced with long distances to cross (often without adequate support) adverse environmental conditions, unpredictable hurdles, and slow response times in case of an emergency. Therefore, in case ships operating in the region are increased, it will be difficult to deal with all the additional demands for support. Of particular interest is the fact that considering the vast area of the NSR, the overall available response capabilities in the region under discussion are rather thin; any further increase of maritime traffic in the “High North” must be balanced with additional strengthening of emergency management capabilities. In any case, should the NSR become fully integrated in the global maritime transport system, Russia’s geopolitical status will be clearly improved and further research is needed to discuss the implications both at the regional and global levels.  相似文献   

提出一种用于海上救援的双桨式双体船设计方案,该双体船将救援与驾驶相结合,具有高航速、稳性良好、操纵灵活等优势,采用电力推进方式,航行过程中对海洋造成的污染较小,具备直行、避障、曲线行驶、转向等突出的航行性能。该双体救援船具备完整的巡视、搜索、救援能力,可对落水人员实施有效救援,适用于景区、游乐场的安保巡视等近海救援领域,对紧急事故有较强的应急救援能力。  相似文献   

邓洪章 《船舶》2006,(4):1-5
该文主要介绍了我国海事救助的规定和海事救助系统,搜救通信手段,通信的发展对搜救的影响,主要法律法规,搜救通信的发展与需求,以及我国海事搜救通信的现状和经验教训。  相似文献   

论海上遇险黄金救援时间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄敏东 《中国海事》2014,(12):40-42
文中对海上救援时间进行分析,论述了海上遇险黄金救援时间的必要性,并提出了相关建议,有利于科学制定海上搜救措施,提高海上救助成功率。  相似文献   

陈筱 《中国海事》2012,(11):44-46
海上搜救任务协调员是海上搜救的组织者、策划者、指挥者、总结评估人,主导着收集、评估信息,制定行动方案,组织搜救力量实施救助.责任重大。因此,有必要对其资格与职责进行探讨。  相似文献   


This study empirically evaluated the effects of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) applications and acceptable cost on intention to use UAVs in maritime shipping contexts. Factor analysis was employed to identify key UAVs applications (i.e. pollution forensics, supervision and service, search and rescue, humanitarian and emergency delivery, and safety and security), acceptable UAV cost, and intention to use UAVs. Survey data were collected from 201 respondents working for a maritime port corporation, shipping company, agency, and stevedoring company, and then hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to test research hypotheses and examine the effects of UAVs applications and acceptable cost dimensions on intention to use UAVs. The results suggested that the pollution forensics, supervision and service, search and rescue, humanitarian and emergency delivery, and safety and security dimensions positively affected intention to use UAVs. The study findings also revealed negative associations among seniority, turnover, and intention to use UAVs. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications are proposed to assist maritime port bureaus, corporations, and operating practice design in remaining competitive and efficient.  相似文献   

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