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<正>海运业正逐步走向新常态,行业应面向未来整体规划。2019年11月1日,联合国贸易和发展会议(UNCTAD,以下简称贸发会)发布《2019年全球海运报告》,报告摘取2018年1月至2019年6月的数据,描述期间全球海运发展状况,分析  相似文献   

进入八十年代以后,美军十分重视战略海运部队的建设。1984年1月,美国防部在五角大楼成立了战略海运处,负责管理战略海运部队;同年3月,海军部长莱曼正式把战略海运与海上控制、力量部署相提并论,同作为海军建设的“三大要素”。据透露,1986  相似文献   

回顾2017年干散货运输市场运行情况,对各船型市场走势及主要影响因素进行分析。展望2018年全球和国内经济形势,对全球经济的风险点和增长点进行归纳。在分析各货种主要影响因素的基础上,就2018年各货种的海运需求进行预测。分析运力交付拆解、存量运力以及超大型矿砂船等影响运力供给的主要因素,预测全年各船型运力变化情况。最后结合宏观经济形势、海运供需情况和大宗商品价格走势,对2018年干散货市场走势进行预测。  相似文献   

海运作为我国社会经济发展的战略通道,具有特别重要的意义。然而,庞大的海运市场被国外企业占据半壁江山、重要战略物资未实现"货国运"、国际金融危机的后续  相似文献   

刘伟 《珠江水运》2006,(Z1):10-12
本文试从海运在广西经济发展中的作用和广西发展海运的优势、劣势和面临的机遇与挑战等方面进行分析,找寻广西海运发展存在的主要问题,提出发展广西海运发展的战略设想。  相似文献   

根据美国联邦政府2009年国际贸易海运统计数据,对美国国际贸易海运的发展,尤其是中关之间的海运发展情况进行分析,认为尽管金融危机正逐渐消退,但其对国际贸易和全球实体经济的影响一时难以消除,因此中美之间的贸易和海运状况难以在2010年全面恢复至危机前水平。  相似文献   

高峰  彭传圣 《水运管理》2012,34(7):31-33
为推动中美贸易发展,根据美国联邦政府部门2011国际贸易海运统计数据,对美国国际贸易海运的发展,特别是美国与我国大陆之间的海运发展变化情况进行分析,并得出结论:2012年美国与我国间海运货值和货量变化仍面临不确定性。  相似文献   

正中良海运被迫于2018年6月24日发布《暂停航线经营的公告》,宣布从2018年6月25日起暂停所有航线经营。目前,中良海运停运所造成的一系列后果还在持续发酵当中。自2018年5月下旬以来,陆续有关于洋浦中良海运有限公司(简称中良海运)经营困难,面临倒闭危险的传闻,理由是其运力下降,并拖欠巨额债务。该传闻导致相关港口企业等纷纷向中良海运催讨欠款,并采取控箱控货措施,以期收回中良海运拖欠的港口费用等。该事件引发货方强烈反响并使中良海运的经营陷于混  相似文献   

为推动中美贸易发展,根据美国联邦政府部门2010国际贸易海运统计数据,对美国国际贸易海运的发展,特别是美国与我国大陆之间的海运发展变化情况进行分析,并得出结论:2011年美国与我国间海运货值和货量变化仍面临不确定性。  相似文献   

何建中 《中国水运》2014,(11):10-15
今年8月,国务院发布了《关于促进海运业健康发展的若干意见》(以下简称《若干意见》),明确提出了建设海运强国的发展目标和主要任务。我们要全面贯彻落实国务院《若干意见》文件精神,进一步明确实施方案,强化具体政策措施,加快实现我国由海运大国向海运强国迈进。积极应对国际金融危机的影响和挑战改革开放特别是进入新世纪以来,我国海运业持续快速发展,取得了明显成就,为经济社会发展提供了重要运输保障。2008年国际金融危机爆发后,世界经济增速放缓,海运  相似文献   

It is the aim of the European Union to develop a transport policy that supports its economic and sustainable growth and where the concept of sustainable mobility is a driver in the development of such policy. To achieve this goal, the European Union (EU) is promoting the shift of goods to unused existing capacity in rail and sea modes. As such, it is the objective of this paper to carry out a review of the European shipping policy at a time when the EU Member-States are suffering from high levels of congestion, noise and pollution that not only affect the environment but also the quality of life of all citizens. This paper considers the development of EU shipping policy in three stages.  相似文献   

It is the aim of the European Union to develop a transport policy that supports its economic and sustainable growth and where the concept of sustainable mobility is a driver in the development of such policy. To achieve this goal, the European Union (EU) is promoting the shift of goods to unused existing capacity in rail and sea modes. As such, it is the objective of this paper to carry out a review of the European shipping policy at a time when the EU Member-States are suffering from high levels of congestion, noise and pollution that not only affect the environment but also the quality of life of all citizens. This paper considers the development of EU shipping policy in three stages.  相似文献   

The achievement of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in the European Union inevitably raises questions of law. Law has the potential to assist ICZM, but it also has the capacity to impede it. The European Demonstration Programme on ICZM has revealed considerable diversity within the 13 national legal systems governing the European Union (EU) coastal zone, but it has also shown a similarity of legal problems and has identified some examples of good practice. There are already provisions of European Community (EC) and international law that exert a unifying influence on aspects of coastal management in Europe. However the constitutional powers of the EU are limited by the legal principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, and any ICZM initiative must be consistent with these. The potential mechanisms available include a legally binding EC directive, but the European Com mission has instead preferred a nonbinding recommendation and strategic guidance. Each approach offers some practical advantages and disadvantages, but the success of any method will ultimately depend upon political will.  相似文献   

在对江苏内河航运现状和欧盟重视发展内河航运的具体措施介绍的基础上,运用模糊层次评价法分析内河航运在江苏综合运输体系中的优势,认为大力发展内河航运是江苏经济可持续发展的重要基础,并对江苏发展内河航运提出四点建议。  相似文献   

To address the maritime security issue, the IMO Diplomatic Conference adopted in December 2002 the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. The European Union fully agreed with its contents; Regulation (EC) No. 725/2004 transposes in Community Law the associated rules, which came into force on 1 July 2004. Interesting questions from an EU-policy point of view are then: What are the additional costs associated with the implementation of security regulations by port facilities (here in particular terminals) in EU-member states? Moreover, how are these additional costs being recovered by port facilities? Another inter-related question is: are there any subsidies involved in the cost recovery? The present paper addresses these questions with the presentation of the main results of an explorative empirical study on maritime security-related costs and their financing in EU-member states. Furthermore, a number of topics are recommended for further study on maritime security costs and financing and associated (EU) regulations.  相似文献   

Whilst the emphasis of European Union rail legislation to date has been on freight, measures such as separation of infrastructure from operations, infrastructure charging regimes and regulation have major implications for the passenger sector. But implementation of these measures in many countries has been inadequate. Crucial to overcoming these problems is the establishment of strong independent regulators in all member states. There is currently no requirement for competition in the passenger sector except for international services, but there is experience both of open access for commercial services and of competitive franchising. However, even where permitted open access competition has been very limited and there is evidence that undesirable cream skimming may be a problem. Experience of franchising has generally been positive, but in some cases it has failed to drive down costs. It is concluded that a combination of more sensible risk sharing, a determination not to renegotiate, longer franchises and limited open access competition where justified by benefits is likely to be the best way forward.  相似文献   

胡昊 《港工技术》2021,(1):73-76
波兰希维诺乌伊希切~什切青航道疏浚工程是欧盟的一项重要工程,该疏浚工程具有航道里程长、水域条件多样、与多种现有设施发生冲突、工程区域内存在沉船和危险爆炸物等特点;同时施工还需要在欧盟严格的环境保护要求下进行;本文根据该工程的特点,对疏浚工艺进行了研究,结论可为相关工程提供依据。  相似文献   

The establishment and implementation of a training programme requires a training needs assessment (TNA). Without this approach, more often than not, training programmes have failed to succeed and to make such an assessment the instructional designer, i.e. the person in charge for this work, needs to follow a methodology. Unlike the other industries, the port industry has neglected the use of these methodologies, which is shown by the lack of research work published in academic journals. With a view to fill the existing gap, the paper proposes a five-step TNA methodology to be used in the port industry and applies its first three steps to investigate the port training situation in the new European Union member states. To achieve this objective, the paper is structured in the following way: puts the research work into context; addresses the role of ports; presents a port TNA methodology; explains research methodology; addresses port training issues in the new European-member states; and presents conclusions and further comments.  相似文献   

After several years of negotiation between Canada and the European Union, the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) was ratified in early 2017. The regime set out by the Canadian Coasting Trade Act that reserves shipments of cargo between Canadian ports to Canadian vessels remains mostly untouched under CETA. Minor, yet potentially significant, changes to the regime are introduced by the trade agreement. Provisions are made to liberalize the repositioning of empty containers within Canada. The liberalization of public markets now allows European firms to compete in the Canadian dredging market. Finally, EU vessels can undertake some transshipment activity in Canada but this is limited to international cargo on the specific Montreal-Halifax route. The paper attempts to highlight some possible CETA’s consequences for domestic Canadian shipping markets. It uses industrial economics analytical tools drawn from a Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm. From a literature review, it reconstructs different cases of deregulation that occurred internationally. The observed transformations are then characterized in terms of the SCP model. The paper identifies some common impacts which occurred in different transportation industries after a deregulation process. Using these findings, it concludes by discussing potential impacts for domestic shipping markets in Canada.  相似文献   

文章列出了近十年来上海船舶研究设计院为欧洲船东设计的滚装船的基本情况,着重介绍了部分滚装船的设计背景、设计思想、主要性能和技术特征。这些船舶的设计显现了欧洲船东及航运市场对此类船型的技术要求及市场需求变化的轨迹。  相似文献   

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