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随着建设海南自由贸易港的深入推进,航运产业的重要性越来越凸显,大力完善航运产业条件,助推自贸港建设是当下海南航运产业的重要任务。本文首先列明了建设自由贸易港对海南航运产业的总体要求,然后分析了海南航运业与建设自贸港建设在航运制度体系、港口发展硬件基础设施、货物运输自由、航运服务环境、航运邮轮业等方面存在的差距,并就航运产业完善途径提出了部分探讨性建议,希望能够为相关工作的实践提供参考。  相似文献   

通过介绍海事部门在服务海南自由贸易港建设中的重要作用和主要做法,分析海事部门所面临的挑战,提出深化海事部门服务自由贸易港建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

正对接海南自由贸易港和国际陆海贸易新通道两大战略机遇,破解海南集装箱港口双核发展困境一、海南省集装箱港口发展现状2014年,海南省交通运输厅发布《关于推进海南东南亚航运枢纽和物流中心建设实施意见》,首次提出打造以海口港、洋浦港为双核的面向东南亚、背靠华南腹地具有资源配置能力的区域性航运枢纽和具有国际竞争力的物流中心。2018年,《中共中央国务院关于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》也明确指  相似文献   

通过分析海南自由贸易港国际船舶登记现状,对标香港先进船舶登记经验,从基本原则、国际船舶登记程序、国际船舶登记规则和配套航运服务产业等四方面提出海南自由贸易港国际船舶登记建议。  相似文献   

正海南全岛建设自贸区稳步推进自贸港建设4月13日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在海南建省办经济特区30周年大会上郑重宣布,党中央决定支持海南全岛建设自由贸易试验区,支持海南逐步探索、稳步推进中国特色自由贸易港建设,分步骤、分阶段建设自由贸易港政策和制度体系。4月14日《中共中央国务院关于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》正式发布。首份中国籍国际航行船舶电子证书签发4月17日,中国籍国际航行船舶"新美洲"轮通过电邮收到了法定检验证书。这是交通运输部海事局授权中国船级社签发的首份中国籍国际航行船舶电子证书。船舶电子证书在提高  相似文献   

正2018年4月13日,在庆祝海南建省办经济特区30周年大会上,习近平总书记宣布,党中央决定支持海南全岛建设自由贸易试验区,逐步探索、稳步推进中国特色自由贸易港建设。在总书记讲话精神的指引下,一年来,海南省明确提出,加快建设全岛自由贸易试验区,同步建设建设中国特色自由贸易港,以高质量发展为海南注入持久动能;对标建设自贸区的国家战略新要求存在的短板,交通运输部推进海南交通运输全面深化改革扩大开放工作组加足马力高标准、高定位、高起点的谋划,推进海南交通大建设、大发展……至此,海南迎来了国际海运领域全面对外开放、港口资源整合、邮轮  相似文献   

<正>港口是建设自由贸易港不可缺少的基础性条件,洋浦港要成为海南自由贸易港先行区和示范区,谋划好、建设好洋浦港对建设海南自由贸易港的作用和意义十分重大2020年6月1日,中共中央、国务院颁发了《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》,标志着中国特色自由贸易港建设正式进入实施阶段。"在海南建设自由贸易港,是推进高水平开放,建立开放型经济新体制的根本要求;是深化市场化改革,打造法治化、国际化、便利化营商环  相似文献   

正"十三五"以来,海南海事局全力保障151万艘次进出港船舶、8.1亿吨货物、1.1亿人次旅客安全畅通,事故四项指标比"十二五"分别下降14%、60%、44%、22%,水上交通安全形势稳中向好。1月22日,从海南海事局2021年工作会议上获悉,2021年该局将聚焦制度集成创新,对标国际海事管理先进经验,创新海事监管模式、优化海事营商环境、探索海事管理模式、打造国际海事合作交流平台,着力构建与高水平自由贸易港相适应的海事政策制度体系和管理模式,全力打造海南自由贸易港海事特区。  相似文献   

正2018年初在改革开放新的历史关口,习近平总书记和党中央赋予了海南全岛建设自由贸易试验区和逐步探索、稳步推进中国特色自由贸易港的重大责任和使命。7月下旬,交通运输部印发了《交通运输部贯彻落实中共中央国务院支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见实施方案》(下简称交通运输部实施方案),提出将海南打造为交通运输改革开放试验区、交通强国建设先行区。海南海事局作为交通运输部派驻海南的水上交通安全监管机构,有机会处于深化改革开放的最前沿,见证并参与海南深化改革开放进程,深感责任重大,使命光荣。走进新时代把握新机遇迎接新挑战,立足新起点拓展新空间展现新作为,海南海事将在交通运输部、  相似文献   

正"要把制度集成创新摆在突出位置""高质量高标准建设自由贸易港",习近平总书记近日对海南自由贸易港建设作出重要指示,进一步为海南自由贸易港建设指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理韩正5月30日至31日在海南调研时强调,要认真学习贯彻习近平总书记重要指示精神,全面落实《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》,真抓实干,稳扎稳打,推动海南自由贸易港建设开好局、起好步。6月1日,中共中央、国务院印发《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》,海南自贸港正式开启"蓝图"向"实景"挺进的大幕。  相似文献   

This paper examines where problems of shipping policy jurisdiction between international, supra-national and national levels have occurred. These range across the issues of public goods — safety, security and environment— and show up inadequacies in the current shipping policy-making processes. New frameworks — commonly termed “polycentric governance” and “multi-level governance”— sensitive to the complexities of the maritime industry and its associated political structure urgently need to be adopted. The paper is based upon research work recently carried out across the European Union supported by a number of publications and will include examples from Greece, the United Kingdom, Spain, France and also the new member states. Suggestions for improvements in policy-making structures will be made and recommendations put forward for consideration by policy-makers in the maritime sector at all jurisdictional levels  相似文献   

The employment and management policies of the shipping industry are in legal and administrative confusion. The shipping industry is struggling with an unworkable global governance based on flag state sovereignty and a sanctionless international regulatory regime. Seafarers suffer most from this state of affairs, but so do the shipping industry’s public image. Few co-operatives of maritime workers exist in national or international shipping. A new employment theory is long overdue. Human centred management policies can only attain their full potential through co-operative or mutual associations. This paper describes the application of enlightened and socially conscious management principles to the shipping industry. Seafarers’ co-operatives are the future organisational building blocks of the shipping industry. Co-operatives can rescue maritime workers from developing countries from exploitation and the debilitating effects of casual labour by providing “all in one” seagoing and shore based professional careers. Seafarers’ co-operatives can solve the shipping industry’s maritime training and education problems. The seven universal principles of co-operative management will guide shipping management in setting human centred objectives that command respect of those who come in contact with the shipping industry.  相似文献   

周翔 《世界海运》2010,33(3):26-29
发展航运服务业,建设上海国际航运中心,就要打造健全完善的现代航运服务体系,在形成航运产业集群的基础上,发展融合衍生的新型、高端航运服务业。  相似文献   

The maritime policy of the US has evolved over more than 100 years from the support of US shipping through mail and fleet auxiliary contracts before the turn of the century, to the present array of direct and indirect Government aids and regulations based on the assumption that a strong maritime industry composed of both US-flag shipping and US-shipbuilding capacity is essential for the economic well-being and defence of the country. Notwithstanding massive direct and indirect aid to the US merchant marine, amounting to well over a billion dollars a year in recent years, US shipping and shipbuilding has declined dramatically and now comprises less than 3% of world shipping. Only 2.8% of US foreign trade by volume and 6% by value is today carried in US flag ships. Government aids constitute well over 33% of total revenues of US-flag shipping.

The traditional argument for US Government support has been the need for cost parity to permit US-flag shipping to compete effectively in international trade against foreign shipping serving the same routes with presumably lower operating costs. This argument is difficult to sustain today, as vessel costs of many other industrialized nations are now about equal to those of US-flag ships.

In 1970 the US enacted a new, vastly more liberal, maritime act for the support of the US maritime industry. Notwithstanding its even more liberal terms and elimination of the strict cost-parity interpretation, the US maritime industry continues its decline. The recent bankruptcy of two old, established subsidized shipping companies has caused tremors in the industry, yet no new ideas, policies, or plans seem to be forthcoming. It is the objective of this paper to study the development and effects of various historic US Government policies relating to the support of the US maritime industry, and evaluate the positions taken by proponents or opponents of the maritime policy leading to the policy development.

The decision processes are studied by evaluating literature on the evolution of Congressional, administration, industry, and labour interest and positions on the issue of Government aid to the maritime industry. The impact and effectiveness of various elements of past and present US maritime policy is evaluated in relation to the stated objectives. The alternatives to these policies are reviewed in the light of the changing US position in international trade, military strategy, and political objectives. In addition the effectiveness of the present and alternative policies is evaluated as it is and will be affected by changing technology in use, composition of ownership, and operations of US-flag shipping and shipbuilding.  相似文献   

随着现代科技在航海技术上的应用,给传统的航海设备和技术带来了深刻变化,尤其电子航海战略的全面实施势必对未来航海运输业产生进步而深远的影响。文中通过对电子航海战略实施给船舶、船员带来新变化的分析,从海事主管部门、航海院校和航运企业等不同角度提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

This paper begins by defining the meaning of the term ‘maritime policy’. Since devolution in the UK, the opening of the new Scottish parliament in 1998 and the creation of the Scottish Executive, little effort has been made to establish a distinct maritime policy for Scotland. As was evident prior to devolution, the primary emphasis from any maritime policy perspective has continued to be a focus on lifeline island ferry services. This ignores significant developments in several other key maritime transport sectors, and this paper provides examples of areas that require some form of policy response, including intra-European short sea shipping, UK coastal shipping, urban/river transport and global container shipping. Long-standing institutional bias against maritime transport coupled with subsidy devoted almost entirely to land transport systems has resulted in a quite distorted marketplace. This suggests that a maritime policy is now imperative if maritime transport is to play a more significant role in the overall transport system. Further discussion centres on the need to consider, from a Scottish policy perspective, the role of various state-sponsored maritime service providers and how these bodies might fit better within evolving policy. The conclusion is that formulation of a maritime policy by the Scottish Executive is overdue and that a degree of restructuring of transport responsibilities within the Executive, combined with adequate resource allocation towards the maritime industry, will be necessary in order that market distortions can be overcome, so enabling Scotland to fully exploit the competitive and environmental advantages that maritime transport can provide.  相似文献   

This paper begins by defining the meaning of the term 'maritime policy'. Since devolution in the UK, the opening of the new Scottish parliament in 1998 and the creation of the Scottish Executive, little effort has been made to establish a distinct maritime policy for Scotland. As was evident prior to devolution, the primary emphasis from any maritime policy perspective has continued to be a focus on lifeline island ferry services. This ignores significant developments in several other key maritime transport sectors, and this paper provides examples of areas that require some form of policy response, including intra-European short sea shipping, UK coastal shipping, urban/river transport and global container shipping. Long-standing institutional bias against maritime transport coupled with subsidy devoted almost entirely to land transport systems has resulted in a quite distorted marketplace. This suggests that a maritime policy is now imperative if maritime transport is to play a more significant role in the overall transport system. Further discussion centres on the need to consider, from a Scottish policy perspective, the role of various state-sponsored maritime service providers and how these bodies might fit better within evolving policy. The conclusion is that formulation of a maritime policy by the Scottish Executive is overdue and that a degree of restructuring of transport responsibilities within the Executive, combined with adequate resource allocation towards the maritime industry, will be necessary in order that market distortions can be overcome, so enabling Scotland to fully exploit the competitive and environmental advantages that maritime transport can provide.  相似文献   

One of the most urgent environmental problems facing the shipping industry today is the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from its operations and the possible cost-effective ways in which this reduction could be accomplished. Various technical and operational measures have been proposed as well as market-based instruments for the achievement of the compliance of marine industry with these measures. This paper investigates the levels of environmental awareness of the Greek shipping companies and their views and practices on the proposed policies for the reduction of GHG emissions from their ships. A survey was carried out using a questionnaire distributed to Greek shipping companies of different sizes, involved in different segments of the marine industry, so that the survey's results not only represent a large part of the Greek shipping industry but also reveal the different environmental attitudes and practices on maritime GHG emissions among the shipping companies. Given the size and the importance of the Greek shipping industry in the international maritime field, this paper's results present a special significance as they could be further analyzed and taken into account for the achievement of the compliance of marine industry with any future policy instrument for the reduction of maritime GHG emissions.  相似文献   

One of the most serious and persisting problems confronting the shipping companies of all the developed maritime nations is the retention of seafarers who will yield long periods of service at sea. Turnover and wastage involves considerable expenses in recruiting and training of new seafarers. One of the means for the recruitment and retention of seafarers is the vocational nautical school system. In contrast to general education, where the objectives are diffuse, vocational institutions have very specific functions. Their achievements are therefore generally measured by means of the relative number of graduates who enter and remain in the industry for which they were trained. The present study examines the problem of the commitment to the maritime occupation of graduates of nautical schools in Israel in recent years, and it attempts to evaluate nautical education by examining the proportion of graduates who actually entered the maritime occupation and the extent of their stability at sea. No attempt is made to evaluate the economic efficiency of the nautical training system.  相似文献   

Developments in UK shipping: the tonnage tax   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The new UK Government, elected in May 1997, came to power with a commitment to reverse the decline of the UK shipping industry and enhance the employment prospects of UK seafarers. The Government commissioned Lord Alexander of Weedon to investigate the case for a tonnage tax. In this paper, the economic arguments for supporting the UK shipping industry are reviewed. There is some evidence that the UK holds a comparative advantage in world markets in key sectors of the shipping industry and on-shore maritime related activities, but is being undermined by lower foreign taxes. In the absence of government support, the UK shipping industry is likely to continue to decline, and, by further reducing the supply of qualified UK ex-seafarers, put at risk the successful on-shore activities. Various measures that might be used to support a national shipping industry, e.g. a tonnage tax, are considered. The paper concludes by discussing the likely impact of the tonnage tax on the UK's shipping industry.  相似文献   

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