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Social equity is increasingly incorporated as a long-term objective into urban transportation plans. Researchers use accessibility measures to assess equity issues, such as determining the amount of jobs reachable by marginalized groups within a defined travel time threshold and compare these measures across socioeconomic categories. However, allocating public transit resources in an equitable manner is not only related to travel time, but also related to the out-of-pocket cost of transit, which can represent a major barrier to accessibility for many disadvantaged groups. Therefore, this research proposes a set of new accessibility measures that incorporates both travel time and transit fares. It then applies those measures to determine whether people residing in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada experience the same levels of transit accessibility as those living in other neighborhoods. Results are presented in terms of regional accessibility and trends by social indicator decile. Travel time accessibility measures estimate a higher number of jobs that can be reached compared to combined travel time and cost measures. However, the degree and impact of these measures varies across the social deciles. Compared to other groups in the region, residents of socially disadvantaged areas have more equitable accessibility to jobs using transit; this is reflected in smaller decreases in accessibility when fare costs are included. Generating new measures of accessibility combining travel time and transit fares provides more accurate measures that can be easily communicated by transportation planners and engineers to policy makers and the public since it translates accessibility measures to a dollar value.  相似文献   
区域交通可达性测算方法分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
可达性是反映区域空间结构与交通网络关系的重要指标。为了对区域的可达性进行准确描述,以引导人口和产业合理分布、完善区域综合交通网络建设,在国内外已有可达性研究成果的基础上,结合我国区域发展和交通网络建设现状,从客运和货运2个角度建立区域节点城市和区域整体可达性指标模型,并利用新模型对北京都市圈的可达性进行实证性测算研究。  相似文献   
为克服现行评价城市公交覆盖水平的核心指标只基于供给角度,忽略公交服务效率和不同区域民众出行需求各异的局限性,从公交供给和居民出行需求角度出发,兼顾公交服务的普遍性与效率性,提出并构建了公交人文覆盖率指标,探索通过选取不同人文因子以计算公交人文覆盖率的方法。研究结果表明:公交人文覆盖率指标比现行的公交覆盖率指标更能体现公交服务水平,将公交人文覆盖率指标纳入城市公交覆盖水平的评价体系有助于抑制“为覆盖率而覆盖”的盲目行为,对提高公交资源的利用率有积极意义。  相似文献   
针对北京市中心城区重点功能区范围内轨道交通线网密度、站点覆盖率不足等问题,以北京CBD重点功能区为研究对象,应用空间句法理论及空间分割方法,建立CBD地区道路网空间句法模型,量化分析该区域内可达性与交通流量的关系,结合既有轨道交通网络,对CBD地区轨道交通线网规划设计、路由选择提出指导性建议.结果表明,将可达性评价指标与交通流量相结合,能够定量描述城市轨道交通网络可达性及结构绩效,并选择可达性较高轨道交通线路路由.该方法适用于城市轨道交通线网规划以及不同规划方案的比选和评价,可以作为方案评价方法之一,同时应该结合其他线网规划要素,在城市轨道交通线网规划中作为重要考虑因素综合研究.  相似文献   
城市轨道交通线路规划、设计和建设全过程年限较长,在此期间土地利用规划通常多有调整,导致工可研阶段的客流预测结果难以支撑新线开通时运输计划编制等运营管理工作。提出一种基于土地利用的城轨新站点客流预测方法,首先研究城轨站点周边人口岗位数据统计方法,其次提出人口岗位比、人口岗位总数和站点可达性指标概念,基于K近邻非参数回归预测方法构建进出站量预测模型,最后依托广州地铁客流数据对模型进行精度分析。结果表明,所有站点进站量预测的平均绝对误差占平均实际进站量的19.0%,进站量大于2万人次的站点平均相对误差为16.0%,所提方法可为城轨新线开通后运输组织提供决策依据。  相似文献   
In response to the trends of manufacturing revitalization and workforce shortage in the U.S., this study investigates how Foxconn changes accessibility to industrial employees by automobile and by transit in Southeast Wisconsin. Results suggest that there is a mismatch between the Foxconn site and the areas with high accessibility to industrial employees. With a great demand for labor, Foxconn reduces employee accessibility by automobile throughout the region, while its impact on employee accessibility by transit is more localized. The results inform industrial firm locations, workforce housing development, and transportation service provisions. The analysis framework shifts the angle of accessibility research to focusing on the perspective of employers, and it can be applied to investigate future large-scale economic development projects.  相似文献   
借助开源大数据平台,提出交通可达性及城市经济活动数据采集策略,利用全局常参数和局部变参数回归模型研究北京市六环区域内两者的空间特征.相比于全局模型,局部模型能够较好地刻画交通可达性与城市经济活动间的空间异质性特征.结果表明,私人交通可达性呈现以天安门为中心径向递减的多圈层结构,公共交通呈现轨道交通沿线区域高的特点.交通可达性与经济活动匹配度具有空间非平稳性,空间分离和匹配现象并存.西北部、中部区域空间匹配特征显著,东北部、东部区域次之,西南区域空间分离现象最为严重.丰台及良乡等分离区域,宜重视道路及轨道线网等基础设施建设工作;未来科学城等私人交通匹配,公共交通分离的区域,可考虑修建轨道线路,并增加公交运营服务水平;中关村科学城、北京经济技术开发区等匹配区域,以调整交通运营管理政策为主.  相似文献   
以北京三环到四环片区的70个轨道交通站点为样本,从宏观层面步行网络的整体度和微观层面步行路径的通畅度两大层面分析站点周边步行空间的连续性,借助卫星图观测、地图标记及实地勘察等方法探寻其主导问题及影响因素。研究表明:北京城区站点周边步行网络整体度受主干道、快速路、高架桥三者影响最大,河流和铁路次之,少部分站点受轨道交通高架线路影响导致出入口周边地上与地面空间未能有效整合。借助行人出站后经常使用的步行流线从时间和空间的角度分析,影响步行路径通畅度的环境要素主要体现在过街设施的连接性、平面交叉口的时间阻隔效应以及建(构)筑物的双重导向性三大方面。为实现地铁乘客从出站至目的地的步行可达,从轨道交通线路及站点选址、站点出入口空间设计、站区环境要素及政策引导层面提出构建通畅连续的步行空间相关建议。  相似文献   
In many developing countries, massive investment in transit infrastructure is concurrent with the proliferation of automobiles. Planners expect that investment can slow the growth of auto ownership. However, few studies have examined the relationships between transit access and auto ownership in developing countries, whereas research in developed countries offers mixed findings and the outcomes may not be applicable to developing countries. This study employs a random effect ordered probit model on data collected from Guangzhou residents in 2011–2012. We find that transit access is negatively associated with auto ownership, after controlling for demographics and other built environment variables. This result suggests that, although income is the dominant driver for auto ownership in growing developing countries, transit investment is a promising strategy to slow the growth of auto ownership. This study also highlights the importance of addressing spatial dependency in clustered data.  相似文献   
城市职住空间错位的研究通常以测度就业可达性为基础,但传统测度方法在应 用到国内城市时具有明显的缺陷.本文提出一种改进的就业可达性测度方法,通过引入就 业机会权重系数,量化了城市就业机会分布不均的特征,并以此为指标分析了职住空间 错位对于居民通勤行为的影响程度.研究显示,南京市主城区就业可达性差异性明显,呈 现从中心向外围逐步递减的趋势,且递减程度愈发明显.同时就业可达性对于低收入者的 通勤时间影响显著,可达性的提高有利于降低通勤时间,但是由于低收入群体在出行方 式选择上的局限性,可达性的提高无法拓展他们的就业范围,必须从优化公共资源配置 的角度来消减弱势群体的就业障碍.  相似文献   
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