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“一江两河”河谷区作为黑颈鹤主要越冬栖息地之一,境内铁路建设运营必然会对黑颈鹤栖息环境造成负面影响。而目前针对动物影响评价多采用线位关系法与种群密度法在该区不具科学性与操作性,严重降低了铁路建设对黑颈鹤影响评价结论的可靠性与科学性。本文在近两年的野外观测试验与资料总结的基础上,从铁路工程占地、列车灯光、噪声、运营阻隔等方面结合黑颈鹤越冬生态行为特征,系统论证了铁路工程对黑颈鹤越冬期的影响强度,并提出针对性的治理措施,实现了经济效益和生态效益的双赢。  相似文献   
Changes in sediment quality, with special reference to benthic habitat conditions resulting from macroalgae overgrowth, were studied in the Venice Lagoon, Italy. Data were collected biweekly in spring and summer from 1993 to 1998 and from 2001 to 2002, as part of the macroalgae growth control strategies managed by the Venice Water Authority-Consorzio Venezia Nuova. Benthic habitat conditions were studied by means of Sediment Profile Imaging, which allowed the collection of several variables: aRPD (apparent redox potential discontinuity), prism penetration depth, presence of anoxia on the surface of the sediment, presence of reduced gas bubbles, stage of benthic colonization. All these variables led to the calculation of an environmental index (Organism–Sediment Index, OSI), which was then related to physical variables and macroalgae abundance. Until 1996, the overall benthic habitat of the Venice Lagoon showed almost stressed conditions; from 1997, the seaweed biomass rapidly declined and the OSI increased significantly. The OSI seemed to be affected by seaweed biomass, sediment compactness and water depth. Macroalgae biomass greater than 4.5 kg/m2 led to the complete disappearance of stage III of benthic colonization; values as low as 0.70 kg m2 already had a severe impact on recolonization. SPI attributes indicated the main mechanisms that could have contributed to the benthic quality: seaweed proliferation is often followed by rapid decay of macroalgae biomass, especially when present in large amounts. The decrease in seaweed biomass often results in oxygen depletion in the water column and thus in the sediment, preventing complete benthic colonization. This research confirms the importance of in situ rapid reconnaissance surveys to assess the impact of eutrophication on the benthic habitat.  相似文献   
鉴于目前关于我国公路建设中两栖类动物通道设置方法还缺少系统性研究,基于国内外成 功经验,结合我国国情,初步提出了公路两栖类动物通道的设置方法,包括位置确定、诱导生境 (包括微型水塘群和迁徙走廊) 设置、迁徙走廊保护设施(隔离栅、易进出的构造物和标志牌) 设置、效果评价等。以交通运输部典型绿色循环低碳示范路——鹤大高速公路穿越靖宇国家级自 然保护区段为依托工程,应用上述方法设置了6 处两栖类动物通道,指出了未来要继续深化研究 通道的关键参数和设计要求等,以促进我国道路生态学的发展。  相似文献   
Increasing interest in implementing an ecosystem-based management approach has made stakeholder involvement vital and has highlighted the need for an effective participatory framework. In this study we used a participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) framework to collaboratively map the marine resources of the transboundary Grenadine Islands with a broad range of stakeholders from the two sovereign nations. We found the application of PGIS allowed the collective resolution of an appropriate mapping scale and a locally relevant habitat classification scheme that would not only serve the needs of resource managers, but could also be understood by resource users. Furthermore, multi-level stakeholder involvement in the mapping process captured resource use profiles and other fishing-related attributes, gave credibility to local knowledge and ownership of information, and was instrumental in building capacity to access and use the produced information. Lessons learned included the importance of investing considerable time early in the participatory process, which was later rewarded by stakeholder buy-in and led to financial and in-kind support. Furthermore, hosting the information in multiple formats on a project website has resulted in easy access and use by a wide range of stakeholders over a cross-country scale. We believe our experiences will be valuable to other practitioners considering using PGIS, particularly for those working in similar resource-limited, developing nation contexts.  相似文献   
通过对国道207穿越山西省泽州猕猴省级自然保护区路段猕猴栖息地现状进行实地调查,对目前存在的动物阻隔问题提出综合生态修复与解决方案。  相似文献   
对四种珍稀涉禽类野生动物对宝中线黄河铁路特大桥影响响应机制进行研究。结果表明,四种珍稀野生动物对铁路运营已适应,并在河心滩、河岸滩范围内形成了两种截然不同的选择偏好性区域,野生动物对铁路桥的趋避距离在100—120m以上,通过改变影响区滩地地表植被群落结构特征以及对栖息地进行异地重建的方式可以降低和消除铁路运营对野生动物的影响。在此基础上本文认为,在铁路工程野生动物影响评价过程中,应首先根据野生动物生态行为对受影响动物群落进行筛分,选出敏感控制因子作为评价重点对象,同时根据区域自然环境、工程内容等方面进行分析论证影响水平,最后以此为基点提出针对性的保护措施。  相似文献   
陕西叶下珠属植物资源概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查陕西省叶下珠属植物的种类、分布及野生资源概况 ,为其合理开发利用提供依据。方法 采取查阅文献、标本与实地调查的方法。结果 陕西省叶下珠属植物有两种即叶下珠 ( phyllanthusurinariaL .)和黄珠子草 ( phyllanthussimplexRetz .)。 结论 叶下珠适宜在相对较潮湿且温差相对较小的环境中生长 ,黄珠子草适宜在相对较干燥的环境中生长。  相似文献   
Beach replenishment has been proposed to increase nesting habitat for horseshoe crabs, but its environmental consequences may compromise the egg development and viability of this declining species. Horseshoe crab habitat requirements were used to build a habitat suitability model in STELLA to predict the potential impacts of beach replenishment on horseshoe crab eggs. A habitat suitability index (H.S.I.) comprised of six variables (dissolved oxygen, sediment grain size, sand temperature, sand moisture, wave energy, and salinity) was developed and compared between replenished and natural beaches. Sediment grain size and dissolved oxygen were higher in the natural beach, whereas sand temperature and moisture were higher in the replenished beach, resulting in significantly higher suitability of the natural beach (p = 5.39 × 10?15, df = 30). The model was most sensitive to air temperature, rainfall, tide, and sediment grain size. This model is useful for understanding the processes affecting horseshoe crabs and predicting impacts of coastal management activities on habitat suitability. Based on the results of this model, beach replenishment is not recommended for increasing or improving horseshoe crab habitat, unless care is taken to match fill sediment to natural grain size and color.  相似文献   
In Frank Capra's classic film It's a Wonderful Life, a despondent man takes a journey to see what life would have been like without him: the journey paints a bleak picture. In true Hollywood form, he is ultimately reassured of his impact even though his accomplishments were immeasurable. The film's protagonist, George Bailey, is the perfect metaphor for Connecticut's Coastal Management Program. The Program can measure quantifiable elements: the number of site plans reviewed, number of permits issued, acres of tidal wetlands restored. But coastal managers often lose sight of the accomplishments and ripple effects of management, possibly because accomplishments are taken for granted. Perhaps the true value of coastal management programs lies in that intangible, immeasurable idea of what coasts would be like without them.

This article takes readers on a George Bailey–esque journey by identifying the Connecticut Coastal Management Program's accomplishments since its adoption in 1980, reviewed in the context of several questions: What if the Program had never been adopted? What would public access look like? How many acres of tidal wetlands would be lost to development or Phragmites invasion? Hopefully, the results of the exercise will put coastal management into better context and highlight the successes.  相似文献   
Injuries to natural resources from the release of hazardous substances into aquatic environments have led to hundreds of millions of dollars in compensatory damages awarded under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and other legislation. The institutional mechanisms for negotiating and carrying out the terms of CERCLA natural resource settlements are still in their infancy, and each case has a unique set of injuries, assigned damages, payout schedules, trustee council membership and operating procedures, and environmental conditions and constraints. One of the settlements that has made significant progress toward large‐scale habitat enhancement has occurred in Elliott Bay, a busy, seriously impacted urban harbor in Washington State. The Elliott Bay case is unique among natural resource injury settlements because of the active involvement of two local governments, the City of Seattle, and Metro, who were named as defendants in a lawsuit brought by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on behalf of the natural resource trustees of Elliott Bay. Both local governments have maintained, and continue to operate, outfalls that discharge into Elliott Bay, and both entities were subject to attempts to recover damages under CERCLA. Following the filing of the lawsuit over injuries to the natural resources of the estuary, alleged to have resulted from the operation of these outfalls, the parties involved negotiated a consent decree settlement. The Elliott Bay/Duwamish Restoration Program has established a process to redress some of the injuries that were attributed to the operation of these outfalls.  相似文献   
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