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Millennials, defined in this study as those born between 1979 and 2000, became the largest population segment in the United States in 2015. Compared to recent previous generations, they have been found to travel less, own fewer cars, have lower driver’s licensure rates, and use alternative modes more. But to what extent will these differences in behaviour persist as millennials move through various phases of the lifecycle? To address this question, this paper presents the results of a longitudinal analysis of the 2003–2013 American Time Use Survey data series. In early adulthood, younger millennials (born 1988–1994) are found to spend significantly more time in-home than older millennials (born 1979–1985), which indicates that there are substantial differences in activity-time use patterns across generations in early adulthood. Older millennials are, however, showing activity-time use patterns similar to their prior generation counterparts as they age, although some differences – particularly in time spent as a car driver – persist. Millennials appear to exhibit a lag in adopting the activity patterns of predecessor generations due to delayed lifecycle milestones (e.g. completing their education, getting jobs, marrying, and having children) and lingering effects of the economic recession, suggesting that travel demand will resume growth in the future.  相似文献   
我认为,造船师和轮机师考虑海上环境设计的船舶,它们99.9%的时间在海上渡过。但他们忘了,这些船舶还必须进入河道装卸货物。当某件引起公众高度关注的事故发生,船舶建造者或许会进入公众视线,发现他们犯有疏忽罪,要为建造了动力不足和操纵不良的船舶负责。一位引航员的观点国际  相似文献   
为了阐述20世纪除汽车机动性外,交通发展经历的最重要的进程——城市高速公路的出现,考察了过去100年来美国城市交通规划的历史。通过回顾各种研究资料,认为资助州际公路发展所采用的方法使联邦和州公路工程师成为主管,这影响了公路的选线及设计。联邦公路工程师只关注机动车通过效率的最大化,而在很大程度上忽略了城市的其他利害关系。没有先进的规划理念指导、过度建设、稀疏、放射环状的道路网对于加强机动性取得了极大的效益,但通常要为此付出巨大的社会和环境成本。最后指出,在实践中要重新审视具有百年历史的协调交通与土地利用规划的观点,而且,公共财政权宜之计式的政治决策方式将对工程、出行和城市形态产生深远的影响。·  相似文献   
The national-flag fleets of most of the traditional martitime nations have, in virtually every case, been in decline in the 1980s and 1990s, despite the continued growth of ocean shipping. They have declined in terms of numbers of vessels and numbers of sea-going jobs, although not necessarily in terms of cargo carried. However, a number of those nations have responded to the changed technological and competitive conditions with some success by attempting to adjust crewing and work practices on vessels at sea. Neither the USA nor Australia has been in the forefront of such change. However, considerably more progress has been made in modernizing crewing practices and work rules in the Australian-flag fleet than in the US-flag fleet. There are a variety of reasons for this, inluding government policy. However, it is our argument that one of the principal reasons the US fleet lags behind the Australian fleet in the adoption of modern crewing practices and work rules is the much greater degree of union rivalry in the US shipping industry. In fact, while the degree of fragmentation and rivalry among unions in the Australian flag fleet has declined dramatically since 1980, their US cousins have continued, and in some ways expanded, their pattern of fratricidal behavior. First we shall discuss some of the technological and competitive imperatives that are driving human resource management practices in shipping and the crewing and industrial relations adjustments that are being made around the world to adjust to them. Then we shall indicate how the Australian and US fleets have responded to these challenges. This will be followed by a discussion of unionism in the Australian and US maritime industrics as it has devloped in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Finally, we shall draw conclusions about the impact of different patterns of unionization.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to analyse the origins of the 1998 lockout and strike in Australian stevedoring which brought to an end a period of industrial peace and relative labour stability on the island continent's docks. The causes of the dispute along with the denouement are examined. The author also sets the dispute in the context of the pro-active multinational management of human resources in the global economy and the implications of such trends for Australia.  相似文献   
Australia's merchant fleet underwent a delayed response to the trends responsible for the attrition of the OECD fleets over the past decades. A combination of political factors and the heritage of protectionism led to centrally-directed and government-sponsored programmes of modernization. Essentially, compliance with the federal government's shipping policy was achieved through the linkage of reform to tax incentives and to the management of change by tripartite shipowner, government and trade union committees. This paper explores the basic pattern of the reforms, their costings, assessment and policy alternatives.  相似文献   
Since paper freight-hedging tools were introduced to counter volatile tanker freight rates, the hesitant uptake of tanker Forward Freight Agreements (FFAs) has been attributed to traditional risk seeking propensities amongst tanker owners, naturally reluctant to hedge against risk. To test how far the well-documented generic determinants and incentives for corporate hedging could explain this hesitation in the tanker market, the attitudes of tanker owners and charterers towards freight hedging, risk and perceptions of FFAs, were surveyed. Although FFAs were widely viewed as an important development, some respondents were unaware of their function and a majority had not used them. The link between freight hedging activity and participants' risk aversion was not clear-cut, but with market liquidity critical to raising FFA usage improved technical education is essential to widespread acceptance  相似文献   
This article discusses the employment of Kiribati seafarers on German owned and flagged shipping. The authors examine the origins of the German shipping industry sponsored training and recruitment programmes on the Kiribati atolls. The implications of the creation of a manorial ‘internal’ labour market for German container shipping in the South West Pacific is assessed. The impact of labour participation in the international shipping industry on Kiribati's former fisherfolk is also examined.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the role of ratings' and officers unions, and that of boarding-house keepers, in relation to the recruitment and supply of seamen for the Hong Kong Merchant Navy  相似文献   
在评价由道路系统以及交通量的改变而引起的交通行为特征变化时,交通微观仿真模型正迅速地成为首选的工具。交通微观仿真模型与传统分配模型在建立、产生结果和报告等方面存在某些共性,但也有很多不同之处。从对数据要求的讨论到模型的建立,介绍了应用微观仿真模型的全过程,并探讨了如何使用微观仿真模型对不同设计方案进行评价,进而分析各方案所产生的效果。  相似文献   
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