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冯济民 《航海》2001,(1):13-14
在8级大风中安全接送8艘进出口船舶,快速、灵活、平稳、安全的特性和对各种船型的适用性受到引航员和外轮船长的高度赞扬。因深水航槽延伸,引航作业区外移,上海港长江口6级以上大风不能接送引航员的禁区从此被打破……  相似文献   

近日,中远海运集团发布了一则消息:中远海运集团、连云港港口控股集团和哈萨克斯坦国家铁路公司正式签署了哈萨克斯坦霍尔果斯东门无水港股权转让协议,收购完成后两家将拥有东门无水港49%的股权.  相似文献   

以市场为中心、以顾客为关注焦点的经营理念已经被企业、社会所广泛接受,文章就如何在经营过程中贯彻这个理念,谈了一些做法和看法,认为应该与顾客建立“诚信”为本的经营战略伙伴关系、提高顾客满意度、提供人性化的售后服务、以顾客满意度测评结果为依据,持续改进、提高产品质量和售后服务质量。  相似文献   

小型船舶因稳性、进水角和储备浮力决定了它倾覆时间小于大船的瞬间性和事故频率高于大船的规律性。预防和控制小型船舶事故就应把重点放在预防和控制险情发生上,而不能放在险情发生后的应变上。  相似文献   

企业档案是指企业在生产经营和管理活动中形成的对国家、社会和企业有保存价值的各种形式的文件材料,它是一种无形资产,是企业的宝贵财富,它反映了企业的发展进程,记述了企业经营、管理、  相似文献   

<正>2019年4月18日,宁夏天元物流集团刘钧董事长、于维众副总经理陪同加纳共和国塔科拉迪港务局阿法多兹局长和塔科拉迪港引航站丹奏副站长专程赴上海港,拜访上港集团领导,中国引航协会会长薛一东、常务副会长兼秘书长陈建华,感谢中国引航协会组织上海港引航站、舟山引航站、复兴船务有限公司等单位,在理论培训、业务指导、实操训练等方面,对塔科拉迪港引航员和拖船船长给予的无私帮助,提升  相似文献   

目前,船舶设计部门、船舶修造厂.验船部门及港航监督部门,在船舶设计、修造.检验及安全检查中,主要是以1999年《船舶与海上设施法定检验规则》(以下简称《规则》)、2001年《钢质海船八级与建造规范》和2002年《钢质内河船舶八级与建造规范》(以下简称《规范》)为依据。《规则》中明确指出:“本法规是执行法定检验的依据”  相似文献   

"走出去"战略,让"COSCO"这个民族品牌扬名世界.如今,中远的远洋航线覆盖全球160多个国家和地区的1600个港口.放眼世界任何一片海域,人们都能看见飘扬着五星红旗、印有"COSCO"标志的中远货轮.  相似文献   

中国船级社(CCS)的海洋工程服务始于1980年,迄今走过了近30个春秋.期间,CCS海工经历了从无到有,从法定入级检验到竞争第三方发证检验,从浅海迈向深海的成长过程.近年来,伴随中国海上油气资源开发节奏的加快,CCS海洋工程检验业务和技术能力得到了迅猛发展,检验服务水平日臻成熟和完善.与国家海洋工程发展同行,向深海进军,是CCS海工矢志不渝的追求.  相似文献   

根据中央要求,扬中航道处按照上级党委部署,制定了<"三个代表"重要思想学习教育活动实施方案>,成立了活动领导小组.处领导成员分别建立基层联系点,深入分工定点班组,开展调研督查活动,和基层同志同学习、同工作、同落实,取得了显著成效.目前全处上下干部群众精神振奋,工作热情高昂,学教活动正在深入扎实地开展.  相似文献   

This paper provides an up-to-date review of the previous literature concerning the impact of passenger rail franchising on productivity and costs in Britain, and also presents important new evidence. In particular, the extension in time of previously-used datasets offers the first opportunity to study the impacts of re-franchising. The previous literature emphasised the failure of franchising to produce sustained productivity gains, with a sharp deterioration in productivity after 2000. The new evidence presented offers a somewhat more positive view of the British experience. It suggests that part of what was previously considered to be falling productivity may in fact be due to exogenous changes in diesel prices. Further, new data suggests that the recent increases in costs have resulted in higher quality of service. Finally, competitive re-franchising, and the associated unwinding of short-term management and re-negotiated contracts, seems to have led to improvements in productivity between 2006 and 2008. Nevertheless, it remains the case that passenger rail franchising in Britain has failed to reduce costs in the way experienced in many other industries and in rail in other European countries. The evidence is that somewhat larger franchises, avoiding overlapping and optimising train density and length, should reduce costs. We also speculate that the major increase in wages and conditions of staff might be moderated by longer franchises, although that remains to be proved. This re-appraisal of the British case is important in the context of the wider international interest in the use of franchising in passenger rail, and its relevance to the current review of ways of introducing competition into the domestic rail passenger market in Europe.  相似文献   

风浪中螺旋桨水动力变化规律是研究舰船在风浪中速航性能的重要方面。本文参照有关文献,提出了一种计算风浪中螺旋桨推力、转矩损失的实用定量计算方法,既可用于较精确地估算舰船在风浪中的增阻和失速,还可供提高舰船在风浪中速航性的研究和螺旋桨设计参考。  相似文献   


Transferring decision-making process from central to local government and enhancing the role of local communities in managing coastal zones is an increasing commitment by governments in Southeast Asia. This article analyzes decentralized coastal zone management in two neighboring countries, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Federal system in Malaysia is argued to be able to influence more decentralized coastal zone management and to promote community-based management approaches. Meanwhile, the large diversity of coastal resources and communities combined with a still as yet tested decentralization policy in Indonesia is argued to bring more challenges in implementing the decentralization and community-based approaches in coastal zones. The lessons learned in this study provide insight in how far decentralized coastal zone management has taken place in Malaysia and Indonesia. The significant differences in the pattern of coastal zone management in these two countries are discussed in detail. This study recognizes that co-management and community-based approaches can be appropriate in dealing with coastal zone management. This comparative perspective is important to the development of a bigger picture of sustainable coastal zone management processes and cross-regional knowledge-sharing in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

军事中的人机结合与作战自动化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
信息化作战不仅使战场环境更加复杂多变,而且使得作战节奏加倍提升,指挥自动化在作战中显得越来越重要。文章分析和探究了军事领域中人机结合的演化模式和作战指挥自动化问题,从宏观层次阐述了科技进步对技术装备开发与作战指挥模式的影响机理,总结了它们之间的内在关系,这对于作战指挥的研究与军事技术的创新都具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

根据断面水文测验结果,分析确定了海区底质泥沙特性,海水含沙量及流速;对闸下港区造成泥沙淤积的原因进行了较深人的分析;根据水文测验的有关数据,运用一般“文献方法”和“规范方法”分别对港区泥沙淤积强度作了估算;对于如何冲淤和减淤,从方法上和理论上作了论述。  相似文献   

The influence of intrusions of eastern North Atlantic central water (ENACW) in the north and northwestern Iberian shelf on phytoplankton composition and abundance and on particle-size distributions of seston was analyzed using data collected on three extensive cruises during spring 1991 and 1992. Water with temperature and salinity values between 12.20 and 13.86 °C and between 35.66 and 35.98 psu, respectively, characteristics of the subtropical type of ENACW (ENACWt), was detected in the upper 100 m of the water-column in all cruises, but particularly in the western coast in 1992. The highest salinity values of this water were found near the surface (0–100-m depth) and in early spring 1992, while minimum salinity values, and also minimum geographical extension, were found in late spring in both years. Phytoplankton blooms concentrated in frontal areas between different water types, with maximum intensity and extension in early spring.Using temperature and salinity characteristics, samples were classified in four groups corresponding to the major water types found in the region: Bay of Biscay central water (BBCW), two segments of ENACW of different salinity and surface water influenced by continental runoff. This classification was significantly confirmed by three independent discriminant analyses using hydrographic and chemical (dissolved nutrients and chlorophyll) variables, phytoplankton species abundance variables and particle-size concentration of seston variables. Phytoplankton blooms related to the presence of saline waters were characterized by the dominance of either chain-forming diatoms or a mixture of diatoms and phytoflagellates and high concentrations of seston. The diatom species dominating in saline waters were typical of upwelling-induced blooms occurring generally during summer. Blooms occurring in waters influenced by runoff also contained diatoms but in lower numbers than those of saline waters. Nutrients were not exhausted in the region, suggesting that phytoplankton populations were still in active growth. These results are interpreted taking into account the known variability in water-mass formation and in the poleward current driving ENACWt along the shelf, and indicate that saline intrusions are a major feature affecting the distribution and composition of plankton in the spring in the southern Bay of Biscay, thus enlarging to a wider spatial scale their reported influence on the pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

近年来,随着与船舶自主航行相关的信息技术、人工智能技术水平的提高,无人船舶行业取得了长足的发展,其在海上安保、环境监测等领域应用也越来越成熟。为推动无人船在海事管理方面的应用研究,破解港口水域海事监管手段不足的瓶颈问题,文中在分析港口水域海事监管特点和无人船系统建设条件的基础上,定量研究了无人船在港口水域海事监管应用面临的性能指标确定、船型平台选择、载荷设备搭配、运行管理体系建设等方面的具体问题,提出了一种港口水域海事监管无人船系统的应用解决方案。  相似文献   

针对宁波舟山港岛屿岸线利用开发所遇到的问题,总结宁波舟山港选址和建设码头的经验,对宁波舟山地区港口建设码头选址过程中遇到的各类岛屿岸线问题进行分析,提出采用顺流连岛、炸礁清障、导流堤整治水流、避开转流回流段等整治措施,得出宁波舟山港地区码头选址可采用的有效整治利用岸线的方法。认为:宁波舟山港岛屿岸线整治和利用须使得该段岸线前的往复潮流主轴线基本顺直,避免转流和回流岸段。  相似文献   

闫勇  韩鸿胜 《水道港口》2012,33(2):113-118
利用珠江口伶仃洋海域实测水文、泥沙及水深测量等现场实测资料分析,建立了南起万山群岛、北至虎门、东起汲水门、西至珠海—澳门的港珠澳大桥整体物理模型,研究工程实施对伶仃洋诸港口、伶仃航道、铜鼓航道及附近海域流场、潮位和水深变化的影响。结果表明:港珠澳大桥实施对潮流、潮位的影响仅在桥轴线上下游各4 km的范围内,对伶仃航道、铜鼓航道通航基本没有影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents a global ocean implementation of a multi-component model of marine pelagic biogeochemistry coupled on-line with an ocean general circulation model forced with climatological surface fields (PELAgic biogeochemistry for Global Ocean Simulations, PELAGOS). The final objective is the inclusion of this model as a component in an Earth System model for climate studies. The pelagic model is based on a functional stoichiometric representation of marine biogeochemical cycles and allows simulating the dynamics of C, N, P, Si, O and Fe taking into account the variation of their elemental ratios in the functional groups. The model also includes a parameterization of variable chlorophyll/carbon ratio in phytoplankton, carrying chl as a prognostic variable. The first part of the paper analyzes the contribution of non-local advective–diffusive terms and local vertical processes to the simulated chl distributions. The comparison of the three experiments shows that the mean chl distribution at higher latitudes is largely determined by mixing processes, while vertical advection controls the distribution in the equatorial upwelling regions. Horizontal advective and diffusive processes are necessary mechanisms for the shape of chl distribution in the sub-tropical Pacific. In the second part, the results have been compared with existing datasets of satellite-derived chlorophyll, surface nutrients, estimates of phytoplankton community composition and primary production data. The agreement is reasonable both in terms of the spatial distribution of annual means and of the seasonal variability in different dynamical oceanographic regions. Results indicate that some of the model biases in chl and surface nutrients distributions can be related to deficiencies in the simulation of physical processes such as advection and mixing. Other discrepancies are attributed to inadequate parameterizations of phytoplankton functional groups. The model has skill in reproducing the overall distribution of large and small phytoplankton but tends to underestimate diatoms in the northern higher latitudes and overestimate nanophytoplankton with respect to picoautotrophs in oligotrophic regions. The performance of the model is discussed in the context of its use in climate studies and an approach for improving the parameterization of functional groups in deterministic models is outlined.  相似文献   

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