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从水上溢油应急处置全过程角度,分为风险防范、监测报警、预测预警、应急设备、损害评估和综合辅助等六个方面,全面阐述了水上溢油应急处置全过程技术标准体系现状,分析了目前溢油应急处置标准体系存在的主要问题,并提出了完善建议。本研究可为溢油应急处置标准的制修订,以及溢油应急处置工作的全过程控制提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

技术规章对于高速铁路的安全运营具有重要的支撑作用。本文介绍了高速铁路技术规章体系的架构,分析了自我国高速铁路开通以来实施的基本技术规章及各专业技术规章的变化特征,认为我国高速铁路技术规章具有从单一趋向全面、从分散趋向综合、从试行趋向成熟、动态优化成为常态的发展趋势,为高速铁路技术规章管理工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

道路应急管理机制初成体系 据11月11日召开的“公路应急和风险管理机制”国际研讨会透露:我国已初步建立了公路应急和风险管理机制,以综合预案和现场处置为代表的公路突发事件应急管理工作取得重要突破。  相似文献   

我国公路应急和风险管理机制初成体系 据2010年11月11日至12日在北京召开的“公路应急和风险管理机制”国际研讨会消息,目前,我国已初步建立了公路应急和风险管理机制,以综合预案和现场处置为代表的公路突发事件应急管理工作取得重要突破。  相似文献   

吴璧君  姜阳  张建平  孟宏  魏众 《综合运输》2022,(2):33-37+61
高速铁路的健康发展与安全运行离不开完善的法律法规体系支撑,当前高速铁路安全系统治理法律法规存在高铁安全立法滞后、缺少上位法,职能责任主体不明晰等问题。本文通过重点剖析高铁领域法律法规、行政规章、条例现状,分析高速铁路安全治理法律法规存在的主要问题,研究提出相关措施建议,为提高速铁路高质量发展提供法律保障。  相似文献   

奇华 《运输经理世界》2023,(13):143-145
随着我国公路里程不断突破新高,路网规模已经十分庞大,国家和社会大众对公路安全也越来越重视,为解决公路路网管理与应急处置问题,使公路应急事件得到高效处理,对公路路网管理与应急处置和服务体系进行研究,提出完善数据服务体系平台、加强应急组织体系建设及提升应急运行机制水平等措施,以期为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

本文提出了轨道交通路网突发事件应急预案数字化的研究思路,在应急处置流程数字化、应急资源数字化及应急预案管理数字化三个方面做出了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

如何根据地方铁路运输特点制定行之有效的行车应急处置方法,提高安全管理水平,是十分重要的课题。研究从应急预案、应急组织、应急救援、应急响应四个维度,分析地方铁路企业在行车应急处置工作中存在的共性问题,提出改善应急管理和提升应急处置能力的方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

为加强四川省公路交通突发事件应急管理工作,健全应急预案体系,完善应急管理体制机制法制,提高应急预警能力、响应能力及保障能力,有效发挥公路交通部门在应对突发事件中的抢通保通作用,文章对四川省公路交通行业应急管理现状进行了调研,深入分析了存在的问题,提出了公路交通突发事件应急管理的工作目标和思路以及下一步的工作建议。  相似文献   

文章结合广西公路建设项目突发环境事件应急预案编制案例研究和周边省份现场调研结果,对公路突发环境事件应急预案编制中的环境风险评估、环境应急资源调查、应急组织机构、预警、应急处置和监督管理等编制技术要点进行了分析和探讨,提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

铁路运输在国民经济运行中发挥着重要作用,各国铁路公司都非常重视对铁路运营、安全、效益的管理及评价。国外铁路经过两个世纪的发展,积累了丰富经验,通过分析美国、日本、欧洲等国家和地区的普速、高速铁路,在运营效率评价、运营安全评价、服务质量评价、经营效益评价、安全保障法律法规建设和第三方评价机构发展等方面的现状,从客户服务质量评价、安全评价标准体系建立、效率效益导向的经营效益评价机制建设、第三方专业评价机构发展等维度,总结对我国高速铁路运营安全效益评价的经验借鉴及启示。  相似文献   

With the rapid expansion of the high-speed railway infrastructure in China, conflicts arise between the interests of local citizens living along the planned tracks and the national interests of governmental authorities and project developers. This paper addresses questions of why and how Chinese citizens mobilize for and participate in protests against high-speed railway projects and to what effect. To this end, a comprehensive study was conducted on the decision-making process, public opinions, and protest actions regarding the plans and site choices for the Beijing–Shenyang high-speed railway from 2008 to 2013, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. In general, local residents are supportive of high-speed railway project construction, but they contest the closed decision-making process and the poor design and siting choices for the track by governmental authorities and companies. After four years of resident protests through formal complaints, lobbying, protest demonstrations, organizing alternative opinion polls, and discussions with authorities, citizens were partially successful in changing the siting of the track, adding protective measures (e.g., tunnels and sound screens), and saving green belts. Two conclusions can be drawn from this case study. First, regardless of the growing legal requirements, public participation in major projects in China is far from a standard practice. Final citizen participation is often preceded by serious conflict. Second, with defined good governance boundaries, there is increasing room for public participation in environmental movements, which does influence final decisions.  相似文献   

文章分析了传统铁道工程实训条件的局限性,并针对高铁轨道构造及其施工与维修过程特点,提出了高职院校传统的铁道工程实训教学基地应将高铁轨道构造、施工新技术、维修新设备等引入实训建设中,围绕高铁轨道精调、无缝线路焊接及探伤、大型机械养路等方面实施"高铁"转型改造方案,构建基于当前高速铁路的铁道工程实训教学基地。  相似文献   

Compared with most optimization methods for capacity evaluation, integrating capacity analysis with timetabling can reveal the types of train line plans and operating rules that have a positive influence on improving capacity utilization as well as yielding more accurate analyses. For most capacity analyses and cyclic timetabling methods, the cycle time is a constant (e.g., one or two hours). In this paper, we propose a minimum cycle time calculation (MCTC) model based on the periodic event scheduling problem (PESP) for a given train line plan, which is promising for macroscopic train timetabling and capacity analysis. In accordance with train operating rules, a non-collision constraint and a series of flexible overtaking constraints (FOCs) are constructed based on variations of the original binary variables in the PESP. Because of the complexity of the PESP, an iterative approximation (IA) method for integration with the CPLEX solver is proposed. Finally, two hypothetical cases are considered to analyze railway capacity, and several influencing factors are studied, including train regularity, train speed, line plan specifications (train stops), overtaking and train heterogeneity. The MCTC model and IA method are used to test a real-world case involving the timetable of the Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway in China.  相似文献   

自动驾驶列车是京张高铁智能化的一个重要体现,该项智能技术设备的运用对既有行车组织、设备维修、旅客服务等方面产生了较大的影响。为充分发挥智能设备的先进功能,需要与之相配套的技术规章体系。本文研究智能驾驶技术对行车组织、设备维修、旅客服务等方面的影响,分析既有相关技术规章的适应性,并从自动驾驶技术设备运用、管理、维修的角度出发,提出技术规章制修订的建议。论文的研究为京张高铁自动驾驶智能设备的运用提供保障,也为智能京张的技术规章体系构建提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

船舶应变部署表的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶应变部署表是在紧急情况下保障船舶和人员安全的应急计划,对于保障航行安全和海洋清洁有着重要的作用和意义。文章介绍了国际公约和国内法律对船舶应变部署表的相关规定,阐述了应变部署表的填写规则,分析了应变部署表与船舶安全的关系,并针对船舶安检中发现的应变部署表的常见缺陷,提出了相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   

当前铁路隧道施工亟待解决的若干技术问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速铁路隧道工程建设标准高,施工难度大,安全风险高,施工管理要求严格。文章以贵广铁路隧道工程为实例,结合当前国内隧道施工技术现状和贵广铁路隧道创新技术的现场实践,研究分析了制约隧道施工安全和施工效率的突出技术问题,取得了一系列研究成果:①基于精细爆破技术的微台阶开挖工艺可有效解决IV、V级围岩隧道开挖进度与工序安全距离之间的矛盾;②得益于通风技术和空气净化技术的进步,无轨运输方式可以适应于长大隧道的施工;③隧道仰拱快速施工设备和隧道沟槽移动模架的开发应用填补了这一领域的空白;④信息化施工是未来隧道施工技术发展的大趋势。  相似文献   

蒙内铁路作为连接东非第一大港蒙巴萨和肯尼亚首都内罗毕的一条客货并行一级线路,对肯尼亚国内以及东非地区的经济发展和政治稳定具有重要的意义,也对于我国"一带一路"战略的实施以巩固中-肯关系和中非关系有着至关重要的意义.由于较为特殊的地理原因使得蒙内铁路全线长大坡道占比超过50%,使得长大坡道上的行车安全成为蒙内铁路安全运营的重中之重.本文以11.7‰的长大下坡道为研究对象,介绍了以DF11机车牵引,17辆编组时以118km/h进行紧急制动试验的情况,制动距离为890m;紧急制动前有充足的充风时间,制动实施至列车管压减为0用时3s,符合规定要求.基于试验结果验证了理论计算和软件计算的可靠性和准确性,计算结果指出为了使17辆编组列车在800m制动距离以内完成制动,当坡度为12‰时,建议其制动速度不高于112km/h,坡度6‰以下时,建议其制动速度不高于118km/h.本文的分析和计算结果旨在为蒙内铁路长大下坡道的安全行车运营以及整体安全控制体系的制定提供有效可靠的试验依据和理论支撑.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a mathematical model for the train routing and timetabling problem that allows a train to occasionally switch to the opposite track when it is not occupied, which we define it as switchable scheduling rule. The layouts of stations are taken into account in the proposed mathematical model to avoid head-on and rear-end collisions in stations. In this paper, train timetable could be scheduled by three different scheduling rules, i.e., no switchable scheduling rule (No-SSR) which allows trains switching track neither at stations and segments, incomplete switchable scheduling rule (In-SSR) which allows trains switching track at stations but not at segments, and complete switchable scheduling rule (Co-SSR) which allows trains switching track both at stations and segments. Numerical experiments are carried out on a small-scale railway corridor and a large-scale railway corridor based on Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway (HSR) corridor respectively. The results of case studies indicate that Co-SSR outperforms the other two scheduling rules. It is also found that the proposed model can improve train operational efficiency.  相似文献   


In recent years, Chinese railway freight transport has been facing great challenges from transport market reformation and economic expansion. Although the total volume of railway freight has been increasing, its market share has decreased greatly, especially at the beginning of migration from command economy to market economy. This paper considers four aspects believed to be responsible for the loss of the railway freight market share. First, we review the history and current situation of the Chinese railway freight transport and study the relationship between economic development and freight transport in China. Second, the causes resulting in the loss of the market share of railway freight are analysed in detail. Third, the current measures taken by Chinese Railways (CR) to restore its competitiveness are discussed. The effects of these measures on railway traffic volume, market share and productivity are also studied. Finally, the way forward for the future of CR is discussed. It is concluded that CR has not yet adapted sufficiently to new economic conditions, although in recent years progress has been made. Further reform will be needed.  相似文献   

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