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索道安全管理是索道的生命线,索道票务管理维系着索道的经济命脉,两者相辅相成.缺一不可.山东泰山索道公司加强科学管理,实现了索道安全运营18周年,在即将进入新世纪之初,公司管理者在加强安全管理的同时,审时度势,不断追求安全经营管理的完美性.2001年下半年公司再次作出具有里程碑意义的决策,摒弃旧的票务管理制度,以启用"条形码式自动售票检票系统"为契机,建立新的票务管理机制. 此套管理系统是由制票机、检票机、后台计算机三部分组成,通过电脑网络联结起来. 售票处:售票员通过售票机将索道票即时打印出来.票上印有明示的文字信息和用于机器识读的防伪条形码信息.信息中包含有时间、乘车线路、售票员编号、人数、票种、单价、总价、序列号等内容.这些信息基本上都是由计算机自动生成,售票时只需选择票种、人数,占击确认,便可打印出票来.同时电脑上还会显示出应收票款数额,售票员可据此收款,财务结算也非常方便. 检票处:游客将索道票插入检票机,检票机对票进行真假识别后,给予记录、打孔检票,开启门禁,并且使绿灯发光表示可以放行,这一系列的工作只是在一瞬间完成的,条码票只能使用一次. 出站口:在出站口设置了单流向旋转门,对人员流向进行只能出不能进的控制,不设专人职守,该处的管理由下车区的服务员负责. 通过几个月的运作,尤其是经过"十·一国庆黄金周"的检验证明:"条形码式自动售检票系统"的开通带来的不仅是泰山索道公司服务硬件设施的完善和增加经济效益,也必将促进整个公司服务质量的进一步提高. (王瑞国)  相似文献   

目前,上海轨交使用的票种比较少,功能也比较单一。本文结合上海轨交乘客的实际需求,提出制定定期票、计次票、储值票、往返票的新票种方案,并通过对轨交票务清分系统历史数据的分析,对这些新票种的发行规则进行了研究和探讨,以期降低乘客乘坐轨交的成本和进一步扩大轨交的运载市场。  相似文献   

文章就目前广西高速公路征费管理系统的具体情况,对高速公路征费管理系统的数据库、征费统计报表及数据传输等问题进行了研究,主要介绍数据库设计、统计报表分析、数据传输方面的内容.  相似文献   

以工作流技术为核心对企业节能减排项目管理系统进行建模,从而使项目管理的业务逻辑和具体功能独立开来,达到项目管理的统一、有序的管理,提高管理系统的兼容性和整体协作性,使系统的组织更顺畅,工作流程更灵活、适应性更强。采用快速开发平台技术,通过参数定制的方式进行开发,相较于传统的编程开发模式,通过对智能报表、数据维护、MVC业务控制和其他参数的管理,可以方便、快速、高质量地开发复杂的业务系统。  相似文献   

上海轨道交通自2005年10月启用非接触式单程票以来,已累计发行4000万余张。单程票在使用过程中,票卡会产生图案不清、影响使用等问题。目前,已有近100万张磨损票无法使用。按照正常流程,这些车票将被粉碎填埋销毁。  相似文献   

据东风商用车公司最新年度报表显示:2011年东风商用车公司中重卡销售超23万辆,市场份额稳步提升,持续稳居国内中重卡行业领先地位,支撑了"东风"品牌中重卡销量全球领先的地位。东风中重卡全面跃居行业第一  相似文献   

隧道施工人员远程实时定位与安全管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TMIGS系统是一种新型的隧道施工人员定位与安全管理系统,该系统通过在隧道内架设基站,让施工人员佩戴定位卡,进而能实时确定施工人员在隧道内的具体位置,它非常方便隧道施工现场的人员管理和安全维护.人员定位卡有报警功能,带班卡具有短信息功能,如隧道现场有安全隐患或有坍塌前征兆时,可及时与控制台或管理员手机联系,以便及时采取措施,避免施工灾害事故的发生.  相似文献   

交通运输部目前发布《关于推动公路水路交通运输行业IC卡和RFID技术应用的指导意见》(简称《指导意见》),要求通过不断提高IC卡和RFID(射频识别)技术应用水平,为交通运输电子政务、智能交通和现代物流发展提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

为了在保障城市轨道交通车站运营安全的同时有效控制运营成本,首先对管理现状及可行性进行分析,重点针对城市轨道交通车站涉及行车安全、客运服务、票务收益的站务员委外管理的可行性、优势、风险及其防范等进行分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

2010年1-11月,我国微卡整车和非完整车辆销量共计55.57万辆,同比增长18.2%。其中,非完整车辆3.697Y辆,同比增长18.2%;整车销量51.88万辆,同比增长17.6%,增速低于卡车整车市场平均增速(26.1%),也低于重卡整车(87.7%)和轻卡整车(27.1%),但高于中卡整车增速(下降2.6%)。  相似文献   

A multi-channel strategy for the purposes of marketing and ticketing has been widely employed in various fields, including the transportation industry, yet few transportation studies have investigated ticket channel-related issues. This study thus adopts Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) as a case study to identify passengers’ perceptions regarding key factors that affect the channel preference through which they receive their services, particularly across a four-stage ticket purchasing process, including information enquiry, booking, payment, and ticket pick-up. To investigate these key factors, we base the framework of our research model upon customers’ perceived value perspective, adopting a multinomial logit model to examine the influence of channel attributes on HSR passengers’ preferences. The relationship among the decisions made by these passengers at each ticket purchasing stage is also examined. The findings of our study demonstrate that perceived risk, perceived benefit, and perceived ease of use are critical factors influencing passengers’ channel preference throughout the ticket-purchasing process. Perceptual differences are proven to exist due to various demographic factors and trip characteristics. The conclusions of this study have implications for THSR management to design appropriate ticketing channel services for certain types of passengers and can also be generally applied to multiple distribution channels in conventional railway system and intercity bus services.  相似文献   

为解决城市轨道交通车站售票能力冗余导致城市电力资源及地铁公司运营成本闲置的问题,分析普通车站日常客流分布,综合考虑地铁车站售票设备成本和乘客的时间成本因素,建立地铁车站售票设备开启数量优化模型,同时通过排队论和Lingo软件进行计算,获得最优化的地铁车站售票设备开启数量。以郑州地铁农业南路站的日常客流为例,应用地铁车站售票设备开启数量优化模型,计算得到农业南路站售票设备优化方案,通过优化方案进行节能成果分析证明,该方案可有效节约城市电力资源及地铁公司运营成本。  相似文献   


The need for improved public transport (PT) ticketing in ever-growing deregulated PT markets has made well-designed integrated ticketing systems a priority area of intervention for PT service providers around the world. Yet, very little practical evidence of its impacts are reported in Sweden and in the world at large. The focus of this study was the impacts of the Movingo integrated ticketing scheme in terms of PT patronage, user satisfaction and the perceived quality of the ticketing set-up. Three travel surveys were conducted along the Stockholm-Uppsala route. Methods including logistic regression and correlated t-tests were used to analyse the samples. The findings suggest that the scheme made rail commuting more attractive resulting in an overall increase of about 24% in ticket sales with 3% – 15% car commuters reporting that they patronised PT services after the project. The scheme also resulted in increased rail commuter satisfaction. The overall perceived quality of the ticketing set-up did not however improve due to interoperability challenges. Service providers’ uncertainty about equitable distribution of revenue among the participating service providers, interoperability challenges and the lack of interest among most of the participating service providers to sell Movingo tickets are some issues to be addressed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews product debundling trends that have occurred in the US airline industry. Multiple sources of ancillary fees related to ticketing refunds and exchanges, checked baggage, on-board pets, preferred and/or advanced seating assignments, frequent flyer ticket redemptions, and day of departure standby policies are reviewed. Despite the fact that both low cost and network carriers stress the importance of future ancillary fees in their investor reports, our assessment suggests that these fees will be more broadly adopted by low cost carriers. We anticipate that many network carriers will eliminate ancillary fees, particularly as they begin to recognize how these fees can impact other system performance objectives such as minimizing the number of misconnecting passengers. We estimate that the debundling phenomenon has diluted revenues to the US Airport and Airways Trust Fund by at least 5%.  相似文献   

结合上海市郊铁路扩改建工程实例,为了更大程度地发挥城市公共交通整体化效应,提出将市郊铁路纳入城市公共交通一体化运营的建议和构想,分析探讨了该一体化运营的经营管理模式、票务、行车和换乘等方面的实施方法。  相似文献   


Fare evasion is a significant concern for most transit authorities. The traditional approach to fare compliance has focussed on modifying the physical control of ticketing or ticket inspection rates. Yet recently the perspective on fare evasion has begun to shift toward profiling the fare evader or understanding the customer motivations to fare evade. This paper uses a literature review method to document the characteristics of these three perspectives on fare evasion: the conventional transit system perspective, the customer profiling perspective and the customer motivations perspective. We find that the conventional transit system perspective, although straightforward to measure and control, has its limits particularly in “open” transit systems. The customer profiling perspective attempts to identify, based on demographics, which customers are more likely to fare evade. However this perspective has little use beyond profiling and is ethically questionable. The customer motivations perspective provides a richer understanding of how customers define fare evasion and what attitudes, social norms and circumstances motivates them to fare evade. Considering that between 20% and 40% of a city’s residents admit to fare evading at some point, understanding these complex motivations can help improve revenue compliance at a time when most governments heavily subsidise their transit systems.  相似文献   

高速公路收费站无人值守发卡系统采用无人值守发卡机发卡代替传统人工发卡,具有节约入口排队等候时间、节约建设及运营成本、性能稳定和可靠性高等特点。文章介绍了高速公路收费站无人值守发卡运营管理模式及工作流程,分析了采用无人值守发卡机的应用价值,指出其具有广阔的应用领域和市场前景。  相似文献   


London Underground is currently going through a revolution in its fare collection systems. Magnetically encoded tickets are being introduced, obtainable from ticket office or self‐service machines, which are then checked automatically at start or finish of journey in the Underground's central zone. The microprocessor controlled equipment handles all accounting aspects of fare collection, because it is all part of a computer‐based network with centralized monitoring and control. The machinery was progressively installed from April 1987 to December 1988. This paper describes the history of the system, describes the new ticket and issuing machines, as well as discussing the development and project management tasks involved.  相似文献   

文章从汽车客运联网售票的必要性入手,介绍了柳州汽车客运联网售票系统的应用现状,分析了当前实行联网售票存在的问题,并探讨了柳州汽车客运联网售票的发展方向。  相似文献   

This study examines the users’ acceptance and usage of mobile payments, focusing on the mobile ticketing technologies applied in a public transport context. We investigate the main predictors of the intention to use mobile ticketing and the relation between those predictors, considering the prominent literature on users’ technology acceptance background and extending the knowledge through an innovative contribution. The main models of reference in this study are the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Diffusion of Innovation Model (DOI) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The new model that we proposed is called the Integrated Model on Mobile Payment Acceptance (IMMPA), and it was designed specifically for mobile payments in the public transport, on the basis of the models previously mentioned. It was developed by mixing the variables of the existing models and adding new ones tailored to the mobile payment/ticketing framework. The theoretical framework was tested using the Structural Equation Models. The results show that the intention to use a technology is affected by the Usefulness, Ease of use and the Security of that technology. Moreover, the Usefulness is simultaneously influenced by the Ease of use, the Compatibility with users’ values and needs and their Attitude towards mobile services. Furthermore, the model confirms the direct relation between the intention to use a technology and its actual usage. The new predictor, that is the Attitude towards mobile services, includes those requirements that every mobile ticketing payment must address in this context: complete information, further information about time and delay, speed of use, intuitive interface, and path customisation. Another new construct detected is the Security, in reference to mobile payment. Because it could represent an obstacle to mobile ticketing distribution, it must be considered by market operators. The originality of the paper addresses the realisation of a new model, the IMMPA, which was specifically designed for mobile payment in the public transport.  相似文献   

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