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黄国明  陈小明 《中国海事》2009,(1):32-35,42
文中简要分析了泉金客运航线的通航现状及各类对台直航船舶的监管特点,介绍了海事部门在对台直航船舶监督管理方面积累的成功做法和宝贵经验,形成对直航船舶监督管理的初步探讨意见和相关建议,供相关海事机构决策参考。  相似文献   

<正>台台直航客滚班轮复航2013年3月23日,台州港大麦屿港区迎来2013年对台客运直航首个航班,标志着停航了近5个月的台台直航客滚班轮正式复航。台台直航客滚班轮航线于去年10月20日因客运淡季和检修两方面原因停航。据介绍,此次复航后的台台海上客滚班轮直航航线采用夕发朝至的运营模式,每周六傍晚从大麦屿港区出  相似文献   

为适应两岸“大三通”启动和直航后预期客流量激增的需要,福建计划2009年内基本完成福州、厦门、泉州、莆田4个对台客运码头的改造,以迎接和更好地服务闽台海上客运直航。  相似文献   

专家研讨台州一台湾海上直航战略意义 中央党校国际战略研究所近日举行台州一台湾海上直航发展战略研讨会。与会代表认为,2009年6、7月,浙江台州港与台湾基隆港顺利开通海上货运、客运直航,这是海岸“大三通”的一件大事。台州是浙江省距离台湾最近的一类开放口岸,与台湾在血缘、地缘、文化、  相似文献   

5月8日下午,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝在福建省委书记卢展工等的陪同下,深入考察了厦门国际邮轮中心。 厦门是祖国大陆率先与金门实行货物、人员直航,并和高雄试点直航的城市。自从2001年开通试航厦金“小三通”海上客运航线以来,客运量持续增长,截至今年4月底,  相似文献   

10月23日,2008年厦金航线海上搜救演习在厦门湾成功举行,这是厦门至金门海上客运直航航线开通7年多来,海峡两岸首次联手进行的海陆空大规模联合海上人命搜救演习,此次演习必将成为两岸海上搜救合作历史上新的里程碑。  相似文献   

福州港加快港口建设力度.2006年以来一批深水码头和深水航道相继投产与投入使用.使福州港吞吐能力进一步提升。特别是最近开辟的日本航线。对台湾高雄试点直航航线和至大连内贸班轮航线都为福州港集装箱运输注入生机。据有关部门统计,福州港2006年上半年全港货物吞吐量达4485万t,其中集装箱47万TEU,今年有望突破100万TEU,从而跻身我国百万标箱大港之列。与此同时,今年1-6月份福州港完成对台试点直航481航次,进出集装箱15.44万TEU,完成“两马”客运直航291航次,  相似文献   

曾强 《中国港口》2011,(8):45-45
<正>台州大麦屿港至台湾基隆港海上客运直航定期航班迎来开通周年。从去年开始,"中远之星"轮定期航班已营运99航次,总运送旅客42806人次,其中进港21236人次,出港21570人次。自去年圆满完成"三步走"战略,对台湾海上直航工作取  相似文献   

2008年12月15日,中国大陆和台湾首次直航开通了客运和货运服务,由此开辟了一个伟大的新篇章。随着海峡两岸的航运需求超乎想象地飞速增长,海峡两岸的商人发现来往两岸忽然变得非常便捷。这给两岸的旅游业也带来了极大的益处,许多居民可以用比较小的成本去拜访他们的朋友和亲戚。  相似文献   

1月31日上午,交通部海事局常务副局长刘功臣、副局长王金付等领导视察了厦门至金门海上客运直航航线。刘功臣指出,运输是服务型行业,交通部提出“三个服务”,其中重要的一点是要为人民群众安全便捷出行服  相似文献   

鲁鼎 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):436-439
以豪华邮轮的轮机系统为研究对象,分析满足SRtP要求的轮机系统的拓扑结构。首先,分析了SRtP的设计要求和技术指标,SRtP指标主要包括航速和续航力、马桶数量、饮用水储存量、食物储存量、室内温度。然后,通过归类法将相关的轮机系统进行分类,分为SRtP中提及的轮机系统、有序撤离中提及的轮机系统。第一大类再细分为推进器、发电机及其辅助系统,消防、舱底及压载系统,支持安全区的系统。最后,给出了双套系统的拓扑结构、具备隔离功能的并联系统的拓扑结构、消防舱底及压载系统的拓扑结构、安全区系统的拓扑结构、有序撤离中提及的轮机系统的拓扑结构,并分析了各种拓扑结构的容量配置。进而,给出了满足SRtP的轮机系统的搭建策略,为相关系统的设计提供了指导。  相似文献   

Bulent Acma 《水道港口》2010,31(5):544-544
The Southeastern Anatolia Projec(tGAP),one of the most important projects for developing remarkable natural resources of the world,is accepted as a change for getting benefit from rich water and agricultural resources of the Southeastern Anatolia Region.The GAP Project has been considered as a regional development projects through years,but the dimensions of sustainability,protection of environment and participatory have been attached to the master of the project in recent years.When the GAP Project is completed,the Upper Mesopotomia, the centers of many civilisation,will re-again its importance as it had in the ancient times,and will be alive a center of civilisation.Moreover,when the problem of water shortage and water supplies in the world for the future is kept in mind,the importance of Southeastern Anatolia′s water supplies will be doubled.For this reason,the GAP Project,developed by depending on water and natural resources of the region,will have an important place in the world.The aim of this study is to introduce the region with rich natural resources and the GAP Project.For this reason,firstly,the natural potential of the region will be introduced.Second,the GAP Project will be presented in details.In the third stage,the projects being processed for protecting the natural sources and environment will be analyzed.In the last stage,strategies and policies to develop and to protect the natural resources of the region in short,mid,and long terms will be proposed.  相似文献   

潘燕华  余晓云 《船舶工程》2014,36(4):120-124
材料成本在整个造船成本中占有约70%的份额,所以控制造船成本的关键是要控制材料成本。本文从设计、计划、采购、入库、领用、核算等材料成本形成的全过程梳理材料管理的职能、过程、活动,找出材料成本控制的关键环节,建立材料成本控制体系,并以项目为主线,详细阐述在信息集成环境下每个环节材料成本控制的实现方法,使材料成本管理和控制有效统一。  相似文献   

Desiccation of the Aral Sea has led to the formation of new soil cover on the exposed seabed. Investigation of the newly formed dry land is very important since it is a source of dust storms and salts transferred to long distances. A soil map of the exposed seabed for 2000 has been produced on the basis of the map for the year 1990 (Institute of Soil Science, Uzbekistan), satellite images, and selected field observations of groundwater table. During the period 1990–2000, the sea recessed 20–32 km, thus changing the soil cover characteristics. The maps of soil cover with the detailed information on soil textures, the characterization of soil types, the soil formation trends, and the changes in soil types during the sea recession process are available. Attention has been paid to erosion tendencies and susceptibility to dust and salt transfers. As a whole, the soil cover was formed as a result of the replacement of excessive wetlands (salt-marsh), located in the form of strip along the sea, by hydromorphic and semi-hydromorphic, semi-automorphic and automorphic soils. The drying seabed has complicated lithological and morphologic composition. The territory of the exposed seabed is characterized by different hydrological conditions. Groundwater depth varies from 0.5 to 10 m. With the shore's recession, the water storage groundwater is approaching the surface. With general tendency towards desertification, the initial soil cover changes. The soils that did not reach the complete genetic formation, under the influence of quickly changing hydrogeological conditions, are transformed into the other types and subtypes. Often, while becoming dry, they are self-destructed and change into sands. Currently, the following types of soils are observed on the exposed seabed: automorphic solonchaks, semi-automorphic solonchaks, semi-hydromorphic solonchaks, hydromorphic solonchaks, desert sandy soils, sands.  相似文献   

To estimate the maneuvering ability of a ship, an accurate estimation of the hydrodynamic forces and moment acting on the ship's hull is indispensable. For the purpose of developing a numerical method of computing the viscous flow field around a hull and evaluating its validity, the hydrodynamic pressure on the hull and the velocity field were measured. Two full ship models with different hull forms in the aft part were used for the experiment. From the results of pressure measurements, the distribution of hydrodynamic lateral forces was obtained. The simulation method is a numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equation based on a finitevolume method and applied to the maneuvering motion. The measured and computed results agree qualitatively well, and the method is a valuable tool for estimating the maneuvering ability of a ship. The typical characteristics of the flow field in the steady turning condition are revealed by the numerical simulation, and the mechanism of the relations between hull form, flow field, and hydrodynamic forces are clarified.Translation and combination of articles that appeared in the Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, vols. 176, 177, 179 (1994–1996): The original article won the SNAJ prize, which is awarded annually to the best papers selected from the SNAJ Journal, JMST, or other quality journals in the field of naval architecture and ocean engineering.This work was conducted as part of the joint SR221 project supported by JSRA (Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan). The authors express their sincere gratitude to the persons concerned, and especially to M. Kanai, S. Eguchi, S. Usami, K. Tatsumi, and T. Kawamura.  相似文献   

基于粗糙集理论的舰船电子设备状态预测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对舰船电子设备使用环境复杂的特点,采用粗糙集理论对其状态进行预测。通过分析设备正常运行的历史数据完成信息系统的初始化,利用粗糙集理论对初始化后的数据进行属性约简并得出决策规则。最后把经过初始化的实时数据带入决策规则中来完成对设备的状态预测。  相似文献   

从河床演变观点评荆江碾子湾河道的整治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江下荆江河段的碾子湾河道长度只有28km,分布着严重碍航的碾子湾浅滩,藕池口浅滩,石首锐弯与被泥沙沉积的石首港。1980年以来碾子湾河道发生严重的侵蚀与沉积。1995年2月至3月因碾子湾浅滩严重沉积使航道恶化,断航达29天,约500多艘江轮与6万多名旅客相继滞留在碾子湾河道上,在长江中游近代航运史上实属罕见。本文从近40多年来碾子湾的河床演变和鱼尾洲护岸工程角度评述碾子湾道与石首港恶化的原因,这  相似文献   

In this study, we focused on a novel parallel mechanism for utilizing the motion simulator of a high-speed boat (HSB). First, we expressed the real behavior of the HSB based on a seakeeping trial. For this purpose, we recorded the motion parameters of the HSB by gyroscope and accelerometer sensors, while using a special data acquisition technique. Additionally, a Chebychev high-pass filter was applied as a noise filter to the accelerometer sensor. Then, a novel 3 degrees of freedom (DoF) parallel mechanism (1T2R) with prismatic actuators is proposed and analyses were performed on its inverse kinematics, velocity, and acceleration. Finally, the inverse dynamic analysis is presented by the principle of virtual work, and the validation of the analytical equations was compared by the ADAMS simulation software package. Additionally, according to the recorded experimental data of the HSB, the feasibility of the proposed novel parallel mechanism motion simulator of the HSB, as well as the necessity of using of the washout filters, was explored.  相似文献   

王维周  刘华 《水运工程》2011,(10):149-153
华电曹妃甸重工装备制造基地一期项目码头工程,采用地下连续墙作为板桩码头前沿主体结构。曹妃甸地区是新近吹填地貌,地质为粉细砂、粉砂层,临海近,地下连续墙施工受潮差影响大,具有成槽难度大、易塌孔、护壁要求高等特点。主要论述华电曹妃甸码头工程地下连续墙施工的关键设备、槽段划分和接头形式选择、地基处理、导墙设计、工程泥浆及配合比、成槽检测、钢筋笼吊放、混凝土灌注、接头管施工等关键施工技术和工艺流程,以及一些技术要点的控制办法,保证了工程质量,对同类工程施工具有参考价值。  相似文献   

本文采用规范设计、理论分析和数值仿真相结合的方法,建立LNG船与LNG-FSRU两船旁靠系泊的理论和数值分析模型,对LNG旁靠FSRU码头系泊和软钢臂单点系泊两种典型系泊模式下的转运及卸载作业进行数值分析.同时考虑外部海洋环境风、浪、流组合作用下的综合作业工况,确定FSRU与LNG近距离旁靠作业时系泊设备、缆绳种类、固定式和漂浮式护舷的选型和布置,对LNG、FSRU船的运动特性以及运动过程中缆绳张力和护舷受力开展统计分析,优化系泊系统布置和参数.在系泊系统设计和分析的基础上,根据系泊缆的直径、所受最大张力值,为系泊设备选型提供参考,便于开展码头系泊系统和单点系泊系统布置研究.基于旁靠系泊的设计标准提出LNG-FSRU安全作业的最大允许海况,为LNG-FSRU的运营提供可靠的技术保障.  相似文献   

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