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载重线的核定和船体设计是保证有限航区敞口集装箱船航行安全的关键。其中载重线直接反映出船舶的结构强度和承重能力,设置载重线的主要目的是避免超载行为,确保有限航区敞口集装箱船的运行安全。目前,我国有限航区敞口集装箱船载重线标划中存在一些问题,这不仅不利于海事部门的检查和管理工作,而且也给船舶的航行安全埋下了隐患。本文分析了有限航区敞口集装箱船载重线核定的相关内容,并在此基础上对有限航区敞口集装箱船设计的相关问题展开了探讨。  相似文献   

敞口集装箱船的货舱舱底水系统是保证航行安全的关键项目之一。目前,我国近海航区敞口集装箱船的舱底系统的设计要求是根据《敞口集装箱船检验暂行规则(2008)》执行,文章以印尼某船东设计的近海航区800 TEU敞口集装箱船为例,对敞口集装箱船的货舱舱底系统设计,以及对敞口与封闭货舱并存的敞口集装箱船货舱的水喷淋消防系统的设计要求进行阐述,以便为今后同类型项目提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

为实现超大型集装箱船营运载重吨的最大化,基于《国际载重线公约》的要求,提出一种特定的载重线堪划方案。在满足法规和规范的前提下,区别航线上的季节海域对最小干舷的不同要求。结果表明:该载重线堪划方案与传统的载重线勘划方式相比有一定优势。  相似文献   

(1)"释义"中仅勘划一条淡水载重线没有依据 附则1第6条(6)规定的原文是:"…,因而其载重线是勘划在相当于或低于根据本议定书所核定的最低季节性最小干舷载重线位置,则仅需勘划淡水载重线"."释义"的文字是:"…,因而其载重线是勘划在相当于或低于按公约附则1所核定的最小干舷的最低季节性载重线位置时,则可只划一根淡水载重线,如图8所示.如业主要求,可同意勘划全部载重线".  相似文献   

五年前世界第一艘无舱盖(HATCH-COVERLESS)集装箱船或称敞口(OPEN-TOP)集装箱船“贝尔先锋”(BELL PIO-NEEK)号问世时,创建这种船型的意图主要是为了:(1)缩短船舶在港时间;(2)增加每船每年营运航次数;(3)减少港口费支出。从目前在役无舱盖集装箱船的营运情况来看,上述三个目标基本上全部实现。尽管如此,船东和船舶经营者对这种船舶的接受程度十分有限。 一、无舱盖集装箱船队现状 截至1995年5月1日世界上一共有15艘在役的敞口集装箱船,另有2艘在订造中,这些船舶的大部分为两家公司所拥有或者经营,即荷兰的渣华轮船公司(NEDLLOYDLINES)和瑞士的北亚轮船公司(NORASIALINE)。其余船舶则由其船东投放到租船市场上。爱尔兰沃特福德的欧洲集装箱航运公  相似文献   

250TEU江海直达敞口集装箱船船型经济论证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以250TEU江海直达敞口集装箱船为研究对象,利用V isual C 平台建立了此类船舶船型技术经济论证的一般程序,并给出了符合250TEU江海直达敞口集装箱船技术要求和经济要求的可行方案,以及优选方案的敏感性分析结果。  相似文献   

为了提升洋山港集装箱集散速度,提出了将现有内河集装箱船适当改建后投入长江至洋山港特定航线的方案。叙述内河敞口集装箱船营运洋山港区特定航线必须满足的适航技术要求,船公司应注意并必须采取的技术措施以保证船舶的安全性。  相似文献   

徐南 《中国海事》2007,(12):44-45
船舶干舷的核定和船舶载重线的勘划是船舶安全的重要保障。本文针对目前存在的不注重正确核定船舶干舷和勘划载重线标志的现象,提出改进的方法和建议。  相似文献   

近几年来国内沿海航区船舶超过核定航区航行的行为增多,存在着较大的安全隐患,文中结合国内航行海船法定检验技术规则的规定对沿海航区船舶不能超过核定航区航行的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

继续讨论载重线公约附则里值得探讨的问题,其条款的序号及文字,均以《国际航行海船法定检验技术规则》第3篇《经修正的1966年国际载重线公约1988年议定书附则B》为准。首篇已经有言在先:一家之言难免偏颇,甚而荒谬,欢迎批评指正。附则第6条(6)仅需勘划淡水载重线的规定:"如对船舶所核定的干舷比最小干舷为大,因而其载重线勘划在相当于或低于根据本议定书所核定的最低季节性最小干舷载重线位置,则仅需勘划淡水  相似文献   

钢质国内航行海船有限航区船体构件尺寸的折减方法,规范表述容易引起岐义,本文通过以单底海船实肋板的剖面模数计算为例,提出合理的规范折减方法。  相似文献   

王辰  陈兵  孙榕 《中国海事》2022,(1):29-31
针对现有技术手段对深远海区域船舶动态感知能力不足的问题,分析了基于SAR的深远海船舶动态感知技术实现深远海船舶动态监控的可能性,并对海事应用场景进行了初步研究,认为该技术可用于大区域深远海船舶交通态势分析、深远海遇险船舶定位及应急指挥、海事日常空中主动巡航监管,可作为海事系统技术体系的一个重要组成部分"陆海空天"一体化...  相似文献   

The combating of the present great variety of criminal activities occurring at sea mainly involves measures to be taken on land, in particular in ports.However, also actual enforcement at sea will continue to play an essential (complementary) role. This article surveys the rules of international law governing law enforcement measures at sea. These rules are complex, because distinctions have to be made between the various jurisdictional zones at sea and between the positions of the flag state, the coastal state and the port state. Traditionally, ships in the high seas (all sea areas beyond a narrow band of territorial sea) were under the exclusive jurisdiction of the flag state. In an increasing number of situations, the coastal state now has law enforcement authority over foreign ships in expanded areas up to 200 nautical miles offshore. But apart from these situations, flag state jurisdiction still prevails beyond the territorial sea. This makes effective law enforcement difficult. In practice, many obstacles can be overcome by making more effective use of the authority of the port state, and by concluding new international agreements providing for specific enforcement systems.  相似文献   

沈庆  李跃  吴广怀 《船舶力学》2003,7(6):37-46
在救灾和战争等非常情况下,利用中小型近海滚装渡轮或改装后的渔轮渡海输送重荷载,具有可征用船只数量多和装卸载不依赖吊装设备等优点。缺乏港口屏蔽的海浪环境中重荷载进行滚动卸载时,必须考虑波浪对船的作用和重荷载与船的相互作用。本文通过对船在波浪中所受表观重力和表观浮力的分析,导出波浪作用力矩的计算公式。运用浮基多体系统动力学方法,建立波浪-浮基-重荷载系统的动力学方程。使用标准的龙格-库塔四阶方法进行数值积分求解。考虑海况、船型和重荷载在船上运动参数等因素,计算了各工况下的横摇运动响应。进而给出了重荷载安全快速卸载的驾驶操作要求及相关运动规律。  相似文献   

This paper describes the current situation with piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly off the Horn of Africa and in Southeast Asia. This situation may be aggravated due to the downturn in international shipping following the global financial crisis. This has led to surplus shipping capacity, crews paid off, lower profits, and ship owners seeking to cut costs. Many ships are laid up in anchorages prone to sea robbery, and there is a risk that ships might be less well maintained and operated. This paper also explains how some ships are more vulnerable to attack than others. Sub-standard ships are more likely to be successfully attacked than quality vessels. Issues are identified that might be addressed by the shipping industry and ship owners, as well as by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). In addition to being a victim of piracy, the shipping industry could be adding to the problem by laying up ships in vulnerable areas, reducing wages and sizes of crew and employing sub-standard ships. This situation could be symptomatic of wider problems in international shipping that throw doubt on the effectiveness of current regimes for ship safety, security and marine environmental protection.  相似文献   

随着很多国际航行船舶选择加装脱硫塔来应对全球限硫令,单个设备运转试航船舶艘次大量增加。该类试航活动次数频繁、航经水域通航环境复杂、参与人员较多且未经必要的培训,存在较大的安全风险。文中归纳加装脱硫塔船舶的试航活动特征,梳理、分析存在的安全隐患和监督难点,提出相应的管理对策和建议。  相似文献   

A system for forecasting the operability of ships was developed by extending a wave forecasting system with the ship responses to the forecast sea states. The system produces 4-day wave forecasts in an implementation for the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone, where the vessels’ seakeeping performance is forecast, although the method presented could well be applied to any other coastal region. The proposed procedure requires the knowledge of the transfer functions for different ship speeds and headings. The computations are made for two different types of fishing vessels that currently operate in the Portuguese coast. Ship motions and derived responses are evaluated with a strip theory code and compared with the prescribed values of relevant seakeeping criteria that represent the limit conditions that still allow standard operational conditions for those vessels. For each forecast sea state at each grid point at a given time, the response spectrum is calculated and operability indexes are computed and compared with the maximum allowed values for a specific operation criterion. The results are presented as operational index maps for various areas of the Portuguese coast, and the information provided by system will help ship masters to plan the operation of their ships, namely to decide the areas to operate in anticipation. In this way, they can identify areas in which the level of operationally of their ships will be degraded due to weather conditions and avoid them.  相似文献   

黄志 《中国水运》2006,6(10):26-28
从船舶保安等级的确定,对船舶限制区域的控制,船舶保安演习的开展,PSC对船上保安的监督管理等方面说明实施ISPS规则对船上工作的要求;并根据船上在实施保安规则过程中存在的问题,提出做好船上保安工作的对策与建议。  相似文献   

从极地航行船舶所在的环境状况入手,分析了低温、冰况、船上结冰、高纬度、极昼极夜对船舶航行安全和使用造成的影响,提出相应的应对方案和措施来减少和消除由此带来的影响,研究极地船舶在电气设计和设备配置的特殊性,对极地航行船舶电气设计具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

通海阀内流场的三维数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通海阀是船舶内部管路系统与外界连接的重要装置,主要用于各管路海水注入和排出的控制和调节.其性能的好坏直接影响全船各系统甚至整个船舶的性能。在实际使用中发现,通海阀噪声振动加速度偏高,对船舶声学性能产生影响。因此,以通海阀为研究对象,采用Fluent软件对通海阀在不同的开口度和流量下的内流场进行数值计算,给出通海阀阀腔内的速度场和压力场图.根据该可视化结果分析影响通海阀性能和产生噪声的原因,为通海阀的内流道优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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