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正崔维成教授,是上海海洋大学深渊科学技术研究中心主任,主要负责研制11 000米全海深载人潜水器和深渊科学技术流动实验室,是上海交通大学第一批"长江学者奖励计划"特聘教授。他曾担任载人潜水器"蛟龙"号第一副总设计师,5 000米海试现场副总指挥、三位试航员之一。2013年5月17日,他作为"蛟龙"号研制和海试团队的代表,受到党和国家最高领导人接见,并获颁"深潜英雄"勋章和  相似文献   

易家康 《航海》2003,(6):28-28
玛丽安娜海沟中的挑战者深渊是世界大洋的最深地点,它纵深海面下达10900米。这个裂缝据悉是由2个海洋板块垂直错动形成的,不过研究人员现已掌握的事实更具有戏剧色彩。迹象显示一个板块正被推向另一板块下,挤压作用力正把下沉板块劈成两半。 挑战者深渊的陷落沟渠地区坐落西太平洋,是卡罗琳板块和玛丽安娜小板块之间的界标。地震记录表明这里沟渠中的大多数地震显然震源都靠近地表,因此地震学家认为两个板块一定正  相似文献   

大深度载人潜水器搭载作业工具是借助深海载人运载器对深海地质、环境、生物和矿产资源等开展针对性科学研究的水下作业工具的统称,各式搭载作业工具能够不断提升和完善载人潜水器深海科学研究、调查勘探的综合作业能力。文章首先对我国首台7,000m级大深度载人潜水器"蛟龙号"及其作业工具进行了介绍,简述了国外同类型潜水器作业工具配备情况,然后在蛟龙号载人潜水器海试及应用的基础上,深入解析了我国大深度载人潜水器搭载作业工具技术现状,最后探讨了深海搭载作业工具发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步,人类开始把目光投向了被称为深渊区的6500米以下的海沟。上海海洋大学深渊科学与技术研究中心(HAST)提出建造一个由3个11000米着陆器、1个11000米复合型无人深潜器和1个11000米载人深潜器组成的全海深的深渊科学技术流动实验室。对于潜水器而言,随着下潜深度的进一步增加,水动力学科将发挥更加关键的作用,如何实现快速、稳定的潜浮运动是全海深无人和载人潜水器开发过程中所需解决的关键问题之一。论文对世界范围内现有的三艘全海深载人潜水器和一艘全海深复合型无人深潜器进行论述,总结全海深潜水器开发中水动力学最新发展趋势,重点探讨潜浮运动和水动力外形优化领域的最新进展。针对HAST正在开发的全海深载人潜水器,提出了水动力学研究和设计方面的初步设想。  相似文献   

深海是国际海洋科学技术的热点领域,也是人类解决资源短缺、拓展生存发展空间的战略必争之地。无论是探索深海科学奥秘,还是开发海洋战略资源,都离不开海洋高技术的支撑。近几年,在国家海洋局的组织安排下,中国大洋协会、上海海洋大学深渊科技中心等科研机构联合完成了多项深海潜水器的开发与研制。7 000米级载人深潜器"蛟龙号"2002年,中国科技部将深海载人潜水器研制列为国家高技术研究发展  相似文献   

正当前,人类正在大力对深海特别是6500米以深的深渊开展科学研究。作为深渊科考的重要工具,面向全海深的作业型万米级有/无人潜水器的研制已成为深海潜水器的重要发展方向。下潜至万米水深并不是天方夜谈,人类早在几十年前就实现了万米载人下潜,只不过当时的潜水器需要携带浮力舱,不具备作业能力和航行动力,属于第一代载人潜水器。现在建造  相似文献   

王芳  胡勇  崔维成 《船舶力学》2016,20(12):1557-1572
为进一步探索深渊海沟,需要研制全海深载人潜水器。在给定设计深度下,潜水器的成功研制取决于对载人舱选材的合理性。合理选材使得载人舱的重量较小,同时,材料具备良好的综合性能使其能够承受非常高的外部压力及适应严峻的环境条件。在全海深载人舱设计过程中,马氏体时效钢以其较高的强度、良好的韧性、较好的可加工性能及热处理性能而备受关注。其中,18Ni系马氏体时效钢因具备较好的综合性能而作为全海深载人舱的备选材料,因此在载人舱设计之前需要对备选材料的综合性能进行合理的评估。该文对载人舱材料选择标准进行了探讨,以此为基础,针对18Ni系马氏体镍钢的重要性能指标进行了分析,分析结果将为后续的材料试验研究和载人舱初步设计提供理论指导。  相似文献   

深海载人潜水器发展现状及技术进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘涛  王璇  王帅  王磊 《中国造船》2012,(3):233-243
本文对国内外深海载人潜水器装备的发展现状进行了综述,介绍了我国"蛟龙"号载人潜水器研制的基本情况。在此基础上,对国内外深海载人潜水器装备的特点进行了总结,并讨论了深海潜水器装备的最新技术进展。  相似文献   

为进一步探索深渊海沟,需要研制全海深载人潜水器。在给定设计深度下,潜水器的成功研制取决于对载人舱选材的合理性。合理选材使得载人舱的重量较小,同时,材料具备良好的综合性能使其能够承受非常高的外部压力及适应严峻的环境条件。在全海深载人舱设计过程中,马氏体时效钢以其较高的强度、良好的韧性、较好的可加工性能及热处理性能而备受关注。其中,18Ni系马氏体时效钢因具备较好的综合性能而作为全海深载人舱的备选材料,因此在载人舱设计之前需要对备选材料的综合性能进行合理的评估。该文对载人舱材料选择标准进行了探讨,以此为基础,针对18Ni系马氏体镍钢的重要性能指标进行了分析,分析结果将为后续的材料试验研究和载人舱初步设计提供理论指导。  相似文献   

正10月3日,由中船重工牵头研制的"深海勇士"号载人作业潜水器在我国南海圆满完成全部海上试验任务后,胜利返航三亚港。"深海勇士"是中船重工牵头研制的我国第二台深海载人潜水器,作业能力达到水下4 500 m,是继"蛟龙"号之后我国深海装备领域的又一里程碑。它的海试成功,全面验证了潜水器的各项性能指标,标志着"深海勇士"号载人作业潜水器研  相似文献   

正San Francisco,California,June 8-13,2014.OMAE 2014 is the ideal forum for researchers,engineers,managers,technicians and students from the scientific and industrial communities from around the world to:·meet and present advances in technology and its scientific support;·to exchange ideas and experiences whilst promoting technological progress and its application in industry·to promote international cooperation in ocean,offshore and arctic engineering.In line with the tradition of excellence of previous OMAE conferences,more than 900 technical papers are planned for presentation.Outreach for Engineers Specialty Forum This Specialty Forum is designed for students and professionals who may not be familiar with the Ocean and Offshore industry,as well as those who have just recently specialized in this field.  相似文献   

正November 4-6,2014Moody Gardens HotelConvention Center/Galveston,TX The Deepwater Operations Conference and Exhibition is celebrating its 12th anniversary this year.This growing event will continue the tradition of excellence in addressing operational challenges involved in developing deepwater resources.We will return to the Moody Gardens Hotel and Convention Center on November 5-7,2014 in Galveston,Texas.  相似文献   

正19–24 October 2014 SingaporeCONFERENCE THEMES The overall aim of the ICHD Conference is to provide a forum for participants from around the world to review,discuss and present the latest developments in the broad discipline of hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics.The first International Conference on Hydrodynamics(ICHD)was initiated in 1994 in Wuxi,China.Since then,9 more ICHD conferences were held subsequently in Hong Kong,Seoul,Yokohama,Tainan,Perth,Ischia,Nantes,Shanghai and St Petersburg.Evidently the ICHD conference has become an important event among academics,researchers,engineers and operators,working in the fields closely related to the science and technology of hydrodynamics.The 11th ICHD will be held in Singapore in 2014.  相似文献   

Site-based projects were initiated in Chawka Bay-Paje, Zanzibar, and Nyali-Bamburi-Shanzu, Kenya, to demonstrate the benefits of an integrated coastal management (ICM) approach for addressing coastal issues such as tourism development and enhancement of resource-dependent village economies in eastern Africa. A two-year, multidonor project used three primary strategies to make rapid, but sustainable, progress toward ICM. These included using interagency government teams for ICM planning, adopting an internationally recognized framework for ICM as a project ''road map,'' and explicitly incorporating capacity-building strategies into all aspects of the project. Within two years, integrated ICM action strategies, prepared through participatory processes, were being implemented at both sites, and both teams were working to expand the scale and scope of ICM in their nation. More importantly, the project helped create committed, capable, interagency groups that continue to work together to address urgent ICM issues.  相似文献   

舰艇反鱼雷技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对目前舰艇反鱼雷技术中的非杀伤、软杀伤和硬杀伤等比较先进的手段进行了阐述,并在此基础上分析研究了舰艇反鱼雷技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Fishing communities, the Government of Thailand Department of Fisheries, local nongovermnental organizations, universities, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and FAO's Bay of Bengal Program have undertaken a partnership in management of Phang-nga Bay's coastal resources. It is the first project of its kind in Thailand, and although still in the early stages, offers insights that may contribute to our knowledge of how we can improve our management of coastal resources, including the importance of (1) building relationships within the governance process; (2) combining education, enforcement, and economic incentives to achieve compliance; (3) implementing solutions early; and (4) government support of community-based decisions. These insights reinforce trends emerging in other coastal management projects in the Asian region.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simplified method for the reliability- and the integrity-based optimal design of engineering systems and its application to offshore mooring systems. The design of structural systems is transitioning from the conventional methods, which are based on factors of safety, to more advanced methods, which require calculation of the failure probability of the designed system for each project. Using factors of safety to account for the uncertainties in the capacity (strength) or demands can lead to systems with different reliabilities. This is because the number and arrangement of components in each system and the correlation of their responses could be different, which could affect the system reliability. The generic factors of safety that are specified at the component level do not account for such differences. Still, using factors of safety, as a measure of system safety, is preferred by many engineers because of the simplicity in their application. The aim of this paper is to provide a simplified method for design of engineering systems that directly involves the system annual failure probability as a measure of system safety, concerning system strength limit state. In this method, using results of conventional deterministic analysis, the optimality factors for an integrity-based optimal design are used instead of generic safety factors to assure the system safety. The optimality factors, which estimate the necessary change in average component capacities, are computed especially for each component and a target system annual probability of system failure using regression models that estimate the effect of short and long term extreme events on structural response. Because in practice, it is convenient to use the return period as a measure to quantify the likelihood of extreme events, the regression model in this paper is a relationship between the component demands and the annual probability density function corresponding to every return period. This method accounts for the uncertainties in the environmental loads and structural capacities, and identifies the target mean capacity of each component for maximizing its integrity and meeting the reliability requirement. In addition, because various failure modes in a structural system can lead to different consequences (including damage costs), a method is introduced to compute optimality factors for designated failure modes. By calculating the probability of system failure, this method can be used for risk-based decision-making that considers the failure costs and consequences. The proposed method can also be used on existing structures to identify the riskiest components as part of inspection and improvement planning. The proposed method is discussed and illustrated considering offshore mooring systems. However, the method is general and applicable also to other engineering systems. In the case study of this paper, the method is first used to quantify the reliability of a mooring system, then this design is revised to meet the DNV recommended annual probability of failure and for maximizing system integrity as well as for a designated failure mode in which the anchor chains are the first components to fail in the system.  相似文献   

杜奎  章向明  范江海  陈礼威 《船舶力学》2010,14(11):1257-1262
用ANSYS有限元分析软件对复合材料补片修复含边裂纹和中心裂纹钢板的强度和刚度进行了数值分析.引入相对刚度的概念,研究了钻有止裂孔裂纹的长度对损伤钢板相对刚度的影响,分析了损伤钢板刚度复合材料贴片修补效果;引入屈服载荷提高率的概念,分析了损伤钢板强度的修复效果.  相似文献   

胡斌  王敏 《水运工程》2004,(7):70-72
从混凝土道路、堆场的各个结构层分析裂缝产生的原因,并针对性地说明预防措施,阐述裂缝维修方法。  相似文献   

秦立新 《舰船电子工程》2011,31(12):128-129,145
文章详细分析了单相VSR型PWM整流器的整流原理,建立了电流内环,电压外环的单相VSR型PWM整流控制器的数学模型和逻辑框图。在MATLAB/Simulink软件环境中进行了仿真,分析了模型的可行性。  相似文献   

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