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基于三维势流理论,本文研究了不同支柱倾斜角度的小水线面双体船在设计航速下的耐波性能。将规则波中的运动响应幅值函数与海浪谱结合得到运动统计有义值。对比不同支柱倾斜角度的频率响应曲线,发现在相同海况条件下随着支柱倾斜角度增加,垂荡和纵摇峰值降低。结果表明,通过倾斜支柱可增加船舶运动的附加质量和阻尼,削弱频率响应曲线共振峰。  相似文献   

基于三维势流理论并考虑黏性阻尼,计算某斜支柱小水线面双体船使用不同支柱构型的耐波性能,结合规则波中的运动响应以及设定海域的波浪谱得到运动有义值。分析发现该船支柱长度、支柱位置及布置双支柱的变化对垂荡和纵摇有义值有显著影响,提出斜支柱小水线面双体船的支柱构型设计对提高耐波性的重要性。  相似文献   

针对波浪作用下平台运动引起的立管疲劳损伤,进行完整的频域计算方法研究。首先采用势流理论对平台的运动响应进行分析,求得平台的运动频响函数;接着采用有限元法对立管的应力响应进行分析,求得立管的应力频响函数;最后,结合立管材料的S-N曲线,采用谱分析方法对四种不同海况下波致立管振动引起的疲劳损伤进行分析,获得损伤沿立管轴线方向的分布曲线。研究结果表明:波致立管振动疲劳损伤与有义波高密切相关,疲劳损伤值随着波高的增加成指数次方增长;立管的最大疲劳损伤值通常出现在立管的边界区域。  相似文献   

讨论规则波下某张力腿平台的动力响应时域运动特性。着重分析入射波角度(15°,22.5°和45°),波高(6m,8m和10m)及波周期(10s,12s和14s)对张力腿平台各自由度运动、顶端张力的影响。探讨吃水高度、工作水深、不同张力腿数目对张力腿平台运动特性的影响。计算结果表明:由于张力腿平台各自由度对入射波角度、波高和波周期敏感度不同,张力腿平台在不同波浪参数下的运动特性(如位移幅值、平衡位置等)及顶端张力表现各异;不同吃水下的张力腿平台位移大小、平衡位置和运动方向等均不同。工作水深越大,各自由度运动越剧烈,这体现了工作环境对张力腿平台运动具有较大影响。张力腿数目越多,张力腿平台运动的位移、幅度等越小,随时间变化也越稳定。  相似文献   

文章应用重叠网格技术和单相Level-set捕捉自由面方法,结合数值造波技术和六自由度运动方程,形成了基于RANS方程的船舶运动响应数值计算方法,并在中国船舶科学研究中心自主研发的船舶专用粘流计算软件OShip上实现。应用该方法计算了DTMB5512船模在迎浪规则波中的运动响应,并通过对计算得到的船模运动时历曲线进行傅里叶变换,提取其运动的幅值和相位,得到了不同航速下船模垂荡和纵摇运动的频响曲线,所得结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

三体船耐波性预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用三维势流理论,计算了三体船在不同航速下垂荡、纵摇、横摇运动频率响应函数。预报了三体船在不规则波中各种海况下航行时的运动和加速度有义值,同时分析了三体船在西北太平洋海区一定海况下的运动特征和规律,最终根据舰船耐波性衡准要求,确定了三体船适合航行的海况与航速,为三体船耐波性方面得出了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

小水线面双体船在波浪中的运动响应预报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用切片理论方法发展了SWATH船耐波性预报程序,提供了390t方案的油田小水线面交通船计算分析结果,包括规则波中纵向运动频率响应函数的计算及不规则波中各种海况下的运动有义值预报。  相似文献   

为探明浮力材料配置体积对深海应急救生舱水面耐波性能的影响,运用CFD软件进行浮力材料3种不同配置体积的深海应急救生舱在水面规则波下横摇和垂荡运动的数值模拟,得到横摇和垂荡运动频响曲线,采用统计分析方法,求得3种深海应急救生舱在三级、四级和五级海况下横摇和垂荡运动幅值。分析结果表明,深海应急救生舱浮力材料配置体积对深海应急救生舱水面耐波性能有较大影响,在满足总体要求和上浮过程安全稳定的基础上,浮力材料配置体积越小,深海应急救生舱的水面耐波性能越好。  相似文献   

三体船横摇模型试验及其特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三体船在波浪中的横摇特性和优点是三体新船型研发的技术支撑,采用模型试验和理论分析相结合的方法,对三体船横摇运动特性进行探讨。开展三体船静水横摇、正横浪零速波浪横摇模型试验,得出三体船线性、非线性阻尼假设下的横摇阻尼、频率响应和周期。通过横摇响应曲线的分析和对比,得出三体船不同侧体位置下波浪中横摇附加惯量、阻尼和运动响应、周期特性,以及侧体位置对以上各横摇特性影响的规律。研究表明:三体船横摇阻尼远大于常规单体船,而横摇运动幅值响应远小于常规单体船;侧体的横位置对三体船横摇具有显著影响,侧体纵向位置对横摇影响很小。综合考虑运动响应和横摇周期,在不规则波中三体船的横摇比常规单体船缓和得多。  相似文献   

针对某深吃水半潜平台在实际海况下的运动响应问题,基于AQWA,对深吃水半潜平台频域和时域下的运动响应进行数值模拟,并开展半潜平台的模型试验,分析6自由度幅值响应算子(RAO)和不规则波下的运动响应。比较由2种方法获得的RAO响应曲线和极限海况下的运动幅值,证明数值方法正确,该深吃水潜平台的运动响应模拟结果满足设计要求。  相似文献   

基于MIKE 21 Mooring Analysis系泊分析软件,模拟研究在不同周期和入射角度的不规则波作用下系泊船舶运动的变化规律。结果表明,系泊船舶运动量随波浪入射角度和波浪周期的变化相互影响。在不同周期波浪作用下的系泊船横移、横摇和升沉运动量均随波浪入射角度的增大而增大,横摇运动的共振效果随着波浪入射角度远离90°方向逐渐减弱,升沉运动量在波浪入射角度靠近90°或0°方向时基本不变。当入射波浪周期较长时,纵移和回转运动量随着波浪入射角度的增大先增大后减小,一般在波浪60°入射时产生峰值。  相似文献   

系泊船舶运动响应周期试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内外系泊船舶物理模型试验中所给系泊船舶运动响应周期特征参数的不同,对横向波浪作用下一艘26.6×104 m3系泊LNG船舶的运动响应周期特性进行物理模型试验研究。结果表明,半载状态下,纵移运动存在着32 s的自振周期;横移运动为周期性间歇增长运动,横移运动周期与系泊船舶固有横摇周期的比值在1.11~1.23,大体上随波浪周期增大成倍数增长;横摇运动峰值随波浪周期增大而增大,横摇运动周期与系泊船舶固有横摇周期的比值在1.23~1.48,大体上随波浪周期增大成倍数增长;不同装载状态下回转运动均存在着较长的自振周期:半载状态为30 s,满载状态为32 s。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic load and motion response are the first considerations in the structural design of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT). Currently, most of the relevant studies have been based on a two-dimensional model test with a fixed or fully free boundary condition, which inhibits a deep investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics with an elastic constraint. As a result, a series of difficulties exist in the structural design and analysis of an SFT. In this study, an SFT model with a one-degree-of-freedom vertical elastically truncated boundary condition was established to investigate the motion response and hydrodynamic characteristics of the tube under the wave action. The effect of several typical hydrodynamic parameters, such as the buoyancy-weight ratio, γ, the relative frequency, f/fN, the Keulegan–Carpenter (KC) number, the reduced velocity, Ur, the Reynolds number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number, on the motion characteristics of the tube, were selectively analyzed, and the reverse feedback mechanism from the tube's motion response to the hydrodynamic loads was confirmed. Finally, the critical hydrodynamic parameters corresponding to the maximum motion response at different values of γ were obtained, and a formula for calculating the hydrodynamic load parameters of the SFT in the motion state was established. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (i) Under the wave action, the motion of the SFT shows an apparent nonlinearity, which is mainly caused by the intensive interaction between the tube and its surrounding water particles, as well as the nonlinearity of the wave. (ii) The relative displacement of the tube first increases and then decreases with increasing values of f/fN, Ur, KC number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number. (iii) γ is inversely proportional to the maximum relative displacement of the tube and the wave force on the tube in its motion direction. (iv) Under the motion boundary condition (as opposed to the fixed boundary condition), the peak frequency of the wave force on the SFT in its motion direction decreases and approaches the natural vibration frequency of the tube, whereas the wave force perpendicular to the motion direction increases. When the incident wave frequency is close to the natural vibration frequency of the tube, the tube resonates easily, leading to an increased wave force in the motion direction. (v) If the velocity in the Morison equation is substituted by the water particle velocity measured when the tube is at its equilibrium position, the inertia coefficient in the motion direction of the tube is linearly related to its displacement, whereas that in the direction perpendicular to the motion direction is logarithmically related to its displacement.  相似文献   

为了探求风浪流成长全过程对应的单点系泊FPSO低频响应极值,应用三维势流理论及非线性时域耦合分析方法,研究了单点系泊FPSO低频运动响应与风浪流入射角度之间的关系,得出了给定风浪流大小前提下最危险的入射角度,计算了风浪流载荷在发展、顶峰、消亡各不同阶段对应的船体低频运动响应极值。结果表明:单点系泊FPSO低频响应与风浪流入射角度密切相关,且响应最大值可能并不出现在有义波高、风速、流速最大的顶峰时期,而可能出现在有义波高、风速、流速较小但风浪流入射角度呈强非线性的发展或消亡阶段。因此,在研究单点系泊FPSO的低频响应极值时,必须考虑风浪流成长过程中的发展和消亡阶段。文中考虑了易被忽略的风浪流成长过程中入射角度呈强非线性的发展和衰亡阶段,为单点系泊FPSO低频响应特性的分析提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

For a large floating vessel in waves,radiation damping is not an accurate prediction of the degree of roll unlike other degrees of freedom motion.Therefore,to get the knowledge of roll motion performance of deepwater pipelay crane vessels and to keep the vessel working safety,the paper presents the relationship between a series of dimensionless roll damping coefficients and the roll response amplitude operator(RAO).By using two kinds of empirical data,the roll damping is estimated in the calculation flow.After getting the roll damping coefficient from the model test,a prediction of roll motion in regular waves is evaluated.According to the wave condition in the working region,short term statistics of roll motion are presented under different wave parameters.Moreover,the relationship between the maximal roll response level to peak spectral wave period and the roll damping coefficient is investigated.Results may provide some reference to design and improve this kind of vessel.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider first- and second-order random wave loads and the effects of time-varying displacement volume and transient wave elevation to establish motion equations of the Spar platform’s coupled heave-pitch. We generated random wave loads based on frequency-domain wave load transfer functions and the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) wave spectrum, designed program codes to solve the motion equations, and then simulated the coupled heave-pitch motion responses of the platform in the time domain. We then calculated and compared the motion responses in different sea conditions and separately investigated the effects of second-order random wave loads and transient wave elevation. The results show that the coupled heave-pitch motion responses of the platform are primarily dominated by wave height and the characteristic wave period, the latter of which has a greater impact. Second-order mean wave loads mainly affect the average heave value. The platform’s pitch increases after the second-order low frequency wave loads are taken into account. The platform’s heave is underestimated if the transient wave elevation term in the motion equations is neglected.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) model is established on the basis of viscous CFD theory to investigate the motion response and power absorption performance of a bottom-hinged flap-type wave energy converter(WEC)under regular wave conditions. The convergence study of mesh size and time step is performed to ensure that wave height and motion response are sufficiently accurate. Wave height results reveal that the attenuation of wave height along the wave tank is less than 5% only if the suitable mesh size and time step are selected. The model proposed in this work is verified against published experimental and numerical models. The effects of mechanical damping, wave height, wave frequency, and water depth on the motion response, power generation, and energy conversion efficiency of the flap-type WEC are investigated. The selection of the appropriate mechanical damping of the WEC is crucial for the optimal extraction of wave power. The optimal mechanical damping can be readily predicted by using potential flow theory. It can then be verified by applying CFD numerical results. In addition, the motion response and the energy conversion efficiency of the WEC decrease as the incident wave height increases because the strengthened nonlinear effect of waves intensifies energy loss. Moreover, the energy conversion efficiency of the WEC decreases with increasing water depth and remains constant as the water depth reaches a critical value. Therefore, the selection of the optimal parameters during the design process is necessary to ensure that the WEC exhibits the maximum energy conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

直/斜支柱SWATH的兴波阻力预报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
斜支柱小水线面双体船(SWATH)除具备常规SWATH优异的阻力及耐波性能以外,还具有优良的隐身性能,目前世界上唯一一艘斜支柱SWATH是美国海军建造的“Sea Shadow”号。本文针对一型直支柱SWATH和自行开发的一型斜支柱SWATH,以Noblesse的新细长船兴波阻力理论为基础,开发了一种新的算法,所预报的兴波阻力与试验结果吻合良好。本文的工作可用于直/斜支柱SWATH船型的开发和优化。  相似文献   

陈崧  王军  郭君  王晓强 《船海工程》2014,(2):27-31,34
对舰船舱段在水下爆炸球面冲击波作用下的刚体运动速度进行预报。以炸药在舱段中部正下方爆炸的工况为研究对象,将舱段简化为平板模型,计及流场对舱段运动时附加质量的影响,提出一种计算船体舱段在球面冲击波的作用下刚体运动响应的方法,对比舰船实尺度舱段水下爆炸试验结果,验证该方法的正确性。结果表明:舰船舱段整体受到冲击波的最大压力时刻比冲击波到达峰值压力的时间有一定的延迟,在冲击波压力趋于零时舱段刚体运动速度达到峰值。  相似文献   

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