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2000年至2002年历时三年的水上运输安全管理年活动,基本实现了"四个明显、一个确保"的目标.珠江水上交通安全生产形势在这三年中继续保持较为稳定的态势.2002年事故统计四项指标与1999年相比,事故总数、死亡人数、沉船艘数分别下降了 36.4%、33.3%、18.8%,直接经济损失上升了 5.7%.  相似文献   

孙国康 《中国港口》2001,(11):23-23,12
江总书记七一讲话全面阐述了"三个代表"的重要思想,在谈到要按照建设有中国特色的社会主义的经济、政治、文化的要求,努力实现"十五"时期的发展目标时,重申了我国<"十五"计划发展纲要>提出的"坚持把结构调整作为主线"的指导方针.  相似文献   

近年来,中海客轮有限公司(下简称"中海客运")在开展"三学一创"活动的实践中,努力探索促使这一活动持续深入的工作机制,使企业走上了两个文明建设互相促进的轨道.在1998年度有35%的船舶荣获市级(集团级)先进单位的基础上,1999年企业实现了全年无重大事故、无PSC:滞留事故,客货运输生产及经济效益等均超额完成集团的计划或控制指标,"海洋岛"轮被中央文明委授予"全国创建文明行业工作先进单位"荣誉称号.  相似文献   

正开年以来,"新常态""新发展理念""供给侧改革",可说是三个高频词。这些词之所以被大家广泛引用、反复解读,正是因为它们也是回答"十三五"时期我国经济发展该怎么看、怎么办的关键词。港口行业也一样,"十三五"时期要如何发展,首先要读懂这三个关键词,要做到设立高瞻远瞩的战略、贴合实际的战术,让港口人也感受到中国港口行业的光明前景。新常态,标示方位,明确方向,是制定各项政策措施的出发点,是推动发展的依据。港口行业要  相似文献   

罗本成 《水运管理》2014,(2):6-8,31
<正>受金融危机和欧债危机的影响,全球航运市场低位徘徊、复苏维艰成为2013年航运业的基调。为促进水运行业转型升级发展,一系列指导意见和激励政策相继出台。以信息化促进行业转型、引领行业发展,成为全年清亮的声音,也寄托了航运界的厚望。经过一段时期的大步伐建设和发展,水运行业信息化成效显著,但"信息孤岛""数据瓶颈""系统林立"等问题凸显,行业信息化似乎陷入  相似文献   

航道概况 流经黔西南州的南盘江、北盘江、红水河(简称"两江一河")是珠江之源流,州境流程560公里.由于其地理位置特殊、水能资源、航运条件良好、沿江矿产资源丰富,国家十分重视"两江一河"的综合开发利用,已经将其列为国家的主航道网,现简称为"西南航运出海中通道".黔西南州货物从红水河蔗香经水路到广东磨刀门出海仅1270公里,贞丰白层港到磨刀门仅有1355公里,安龙坡脚至磨刀门仅有1402公里.这是贵州省南下出海十分便捷的黄金水道.  相似文献   

芮雪 《中国港口》2013,(12):12-13
<正>2008年国际金融危机以来,港口、航运和造船企业纷纷出现困境,港航业遭遇前所未有的"寒冬"。对港口行业来讲,最近两年,可说偶有"复苏"迹象,但"寒冬"却并未真正过去,尤其在航运业的剧烈变革中,港口未来发展还充满变数。在"国际海运(中国)年会2013"上,中远集团董事长马泽华指出,未来国际航运业的变革主要体现在两大层面:第一个层面是航运产业外部的变革。第二大层面是航运产业内部的变革。针对上述变革,专家学者纷纷提出、探讨阻碍航运市场  相似文献   

我国体制改革的步伐自1998年国务院完成了国家一级机构改革以来进一步加快.政府机构改革后,其职能转到哪里去呢?江泽民总书记在党的十五大报告中明确指出:"一是生产经营权交给企业;二是国民经济宏观调控的权力留给综合经济部门;三是大量的服务、协调、公证、监督、自律职能转交给社会中介组织."此后,中央领导同志又多次强调"要培育和发展社会中介组织"、"发挥行业协会、商会的作用."水路交通行业协会作为水路交通行业的社会中介组织,如何行使职能,更好地为政府机构改革和水路交通发展服务?是当前一个值得重视和亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

"九五"期珠江航运发展基本情况和主要特点 (一)珠江水系"九五"内河航运基础设施建设取得重大进展,是建国以来最好时期 过去的五年,在实施"三主一支持"长远发展规划的方针指导下,珠江水运基础设施建设以主通道和珠江三角洲航道网为重点,取得了显著的成绩,航道、港口建设规模及速度达到历史最好水平.  相似文献   

刘海青 《中国水运》2009,(7):100-102
本文纵观中外行业协会发展历程,分析了行业协会从事行业和社会管理的历史必然性。从国家、社会、市场三分法理论角度指出行业协会的定位问题,关键在于理顺行业协会与行政机关在市场、社会两个领域里公共行政的关系。借鉴西方国家行业协会发展经验,结合我国现阶段的国情,建议在行业协会与行政机关建立分工协作、相互监督的关系。并把握公共行政发展规律与趋势,把政府机关定位为公共政策的"掌舵人",行业协会为经济社会中"划桨人"的组织者。最后针对目前行业协会在职权配置、登记注册、监督管理、权力救济制度方面存在的不足,对比行业协会发展的应然状态,提出了一系列创新性的法制建设构想,必将对推进我国行业协会的改革与发展产生积极作用。  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2003,16(7):489-515
Various design loads used in the strength evaluation of ship structures have been introduced currently by classification societies. As most of these design loads have been determined as standard loads for the sake of convenience, the relationships between the design loads and the sea states actually encountered by ships seem to be weak. Accordingly, it may be difficult to refer and utilize them as fundamental design concepts for ship designers or as operational guidelines for ship operators. In view of this background, various efforts (Trans. West-Jpn. Soc. Nav. Archi. 89 (1995) 191; 93 (1997) 121; Jap Shipbuild. Mar. Eng. 2 (1967) 13; Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 1999; Mar. Struct. 13 (2000) 495; J. Ship. Res. 45 (2001) 228; J. Mar. Sci. Technol. 6 (2002) 122; J. Soc. Nav. Archi. Jpn. 186 (1999) 319; Technical guide regarding the strength evaluation of hull structures, 1999; Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 1995; Mar. Struct. 10 (1997) 611; Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Shanghai, Vol. 2, China, 2001, p. 1089; Mar. Struct. 12 (1999) 171; Mar. Struct. 4 (1991) 295) have been made in recent years for developing estimation methods of the design sea states in a rational manner. Furthermore, for more practical purposes, the authors have developed practical estimation methods of the design sea states, the design regular waves and the design loads having transparent and consistent backgrounds to the actual loads acting on primary structural members of tankers (Mar. Struct. 16 (2003) 275).In this paper, it is firstly confirmed that the proposed methods for tanker structures can also be applied to the primary structural members of bulk carriers. Furthermore, the necessary modifications are carried out considering the specific structural types and loading conditions of bulk carriers in order to improve the estimating accuracy of the proposed design loads. Finally, comparisons between the results obtained by the structural analysis of a hold model applying the proposed design loads and long-term values of stresses by the most advanced direct structural analyses for different loading conditions are introduced and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

船舶动力系统S.S.S离合器运动特性仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中继式S.S.S.离合器主要应用在燃气轮机驱动的动力系统,其运动规律对动力系统的传动/切换性能具有重大影响.阐述中继式S.S.S.离合器的结构运动,并建立其虚拟样机.在不同约束条件下,对中继式S.S.S.离合器运动过程进行动态仿真研究,得到中继式S.S.S.离合器的运动特性及的阻尼特性.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
R. S. Farrow, with J. M. Broadus, T. A. Grigalunas, P. Hoagland III, and J. J. Opaluch. 1990. Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy. New York: Taylor & Francis New York, 168 pp., paper.

Richard A. Kenchington. 1990. Managing Marine Environments. New York: Taylor & Francis, 248 pp.  相似文献   

U.S. ports are facing competitive pressures similar to those being felt by ports elsewhere around the world. Despite the public enterprise nature of U.S. port authorities, they tend to function as 'business-like' organizations. This enterprise-like approach stems from their evolution from being primarily private railroad ports in the 19th century to public competitive port authorities in the 20th century. This paper provides an overview of the evolution of U.S. ports and the ongoing effect of earlier legislation, the varied resulting institutional structures, and current national and regional level issues. Although there is no national ports plan or strategy in the U.S.A. (the Constitution limits federal actions in the ports field) the federal government is involved in providing dredging services through the Army Corps of Engineers, navigation aids via the Coast Guard and other minor port-related services. U.S. ports typically come under the jurisdiction of state or local governments. Increasing competition coupled with other port issues (growing financial constraints, difficulties in obtaining dredging permits, environmental concerns and restricted landside access) is forcing some U.S. ports to enter into strategic alliances with others at a regional level.  相似文献   

A major objective of the Palmer Long Term Ecological Research (Palmer LTER) project is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the various components of the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Phytoplankton production plays a key role in this so-called high nutrient, low chlorophyll environment, and factors that regulate production include those that control cell growth (light, temperature, and nutrients) and those that control cell accumulation rate and hence population growth (water column stability, grazing, and sinking). Sea ice mediates several of these factors and frequently conditions the water column for a spring bloom which is characterized by a pulse of production restricted in both time and space. This study models the spatial and temporal variability of primary production within the Palmer LTER area west of the Antarctic Peninsula and discusses this production in the context of historical data for the Southern Ocean. Primary production for the Southern Ocean and the Palmer LTER area have been computed using both light-pigment production models [Smith, R.C., Bidigare, R.R., Prézelin, B.B., Baker, K.S., Brooks, J.M., 1987. Optical characterization of primary productivity across a coastal front. Mar. Biol. (96), 575–591; Bidigare, R.R., Smith, R.C., Baker, K.S., Marra, J., 1987. Oceanic primary production estimates from measurements of spectral irradiance and pigment concentrations. Global Biogeochem. Cycles (1), 171–186; Morel, A., Berthon, J.F., 1989. Surface pigments, algal biomass profiles and potential production of the euphotic layer—relationships reinvestigated in view of remote-sensing applications. Limnol. Oceanogr. (34), 1545–1562] and an ice edge production model [Nelson, D.M., Smith, W.O., 1986. Phytoplankton bloom dynamics of the western Ross Sea ice edge: II. Mesoscale cycling of nitrogen and silicon. Deep-Sea Res. (33), 1389–1412; Wilson, D.L., Smith, W.O., Nelson, D.M., 1986. Phytoplankton bloom dynamics of the Western Ross Sea ice edge: I. primary productivity and species-specific production. Deep-Sea Res., 33, 1375–1387; Smith, W.O., Nelson, D.M., 1986. Importance of ice edge phytoplankton production in the Southern Ocean. BioScience (36), 251–257]. Chlorophyll concentrations, total photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) and sea ice concentrations were derived from satellite data. These same parameters, in addition to hydrodynamic conditions, have also been determined from shipboard and Palmer Station observations during the LTER program. Model results are compared, sensitivity studies evaluated, and productivity of the Palmer LTER region is discussed in terms of its space time distribution, seasonal and interannual variability, and overall contribution to the marine ecology of the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

国际船级社协会(IACS)通过UI SC 178(rev.1)统一解释,明确规定了固定式应急消防泵吸口压头应满足《国际消防安全系统规则(FSS规则)》第12.条的要求,并适用于合同建造日期为2012年1月1日及以后的船舶。基于EXCEL数据处理方法,以32 000 DWT散货船为例,详细核算了应急消防泵在统一解释规定的各种营运工况下的吸入能力。核算结果表明:该船应急消防泵吸口完全浸没在水线以下,故其吸入压头完全满足上述要求。  相似文献   

本文介绍高置滑油柜在滑油系统中的应用,阐明采用高置滑油柜可省略滑油抽吸泵的实用方法。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional (1D) coupled physical–microbiological model has been applied to a site in the central North Sea. The impact of the choice of the turbulence closure scheme on the modelling the primary production has been investigated.The model was run with four different parameterisations of vertical mixing of heat, momentum and dissolved and suspended matters, using M2 tidal forcing and the hourly mean meteorological forcing of 1989 to reproduce the annual thermal structure and primary production. The four mixing parameterisations are: Level 2 turbulence closure scheme [Mellor, G.L., Yamada, T., 1974. A hierarchy of turbulence closure models for planetary boundary layers. J. Atmos. Sci. 31, 1791–1806; Mellor, G.L., Yamada, T., 1982. Development of a turbulence closure model for geophysical Fluid problems. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 20 (4) 851–875] using an explicit numerical scheme [Sharples, J., Tett, P., 1994. Modelling the effect of physical variability on the midwater chlorophyll maximum. J. Mar. Res. 52, 219–238]; a version of the Level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme [Galperin, B., Kantha, L.H., Hassid, S., Rosati, A., 1988. A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical flows. J. Atmos. Sci. 45, 55–62; Ruddick, K.G., Deleersnijder, E., Luyten, P.J., Ozer, J., 1995. Haline stratification in the rhine/meuse freshwater plume: a 3D model sensitivity analysis. Cont. Shelf Res. 15 (13) 1597–1630] simplified to use an algebraic mixing length by Sharples and Simpson [Sharples, J., Simpson, J.H., 1995. Semidiurnal and longer period stability cycles in the Liverpool Bay region of freshwater influence. Cont. Shelf Res. 15, 295–313], also solved explicitly; the same simplified L2.5 scheme with an implicit numerical solution and modified vertical discretisation scheme [Annan, J.D., 1999. Numerical methods for the solution of the turbulence energy equations in the shelf seas. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 29, 193–206]; and another version of the same scheme (but using a different algebraic mixing length) as described by Xing and Davies [Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1996a. Application of turbulence energy models to the computation of tidal currents and mixing intensities in the shelf edge regions. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 26, 417–447; Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1996b. Application of a range of turbulence models to the computation of tidal currents and mixing intensities in shelf edge regions. Cont. Shelf. Res. 16, 517–547; Xing, J., Davies, A.M., 1998. Application of a range of turbulence energy models to the computation of the internal tide. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 26, 1055–1084]. Various model outputs at the sea surface and in depth profiles have been compared with data collected in 1989 as part of the North Sea Project [Huthnance, J.M., 1990. Progress on North Sea Project. NERC News, vol. 12, pp. 25–29, UK]. It is shown that the biological results are extremely sensitive to the small changes in the physical conditions, which arise due to the different turbulence schemes tested. The timing of the spring bloom and the maintenance of the midwater chlorophyll maximum all differ greatly between model runs, and the gross primary production varies by a factor of two from the highest to lowest results. The simplified Level 2.5 scheme, implemented using the numerical methods of Annan [Annan, J.D., 1999. Numerical methods for the solution of the turbulence energy equations in the shelf seas. Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 29, 193–206], produces results, which give the best agreement with the available data.  相似文献   

In this study,a 2kHz Tonpilz projector was designed using a Terfenol-D and modeled in ATILA.For the purpose of modeling studies,it has been determined that a radiating head mass exhibits better transmitting current response(TCR) at 136 mm diameter,where the resonance occurs at 2.4kHz and the peak value of 118 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1 m occurs at 12 kHz.Also bolt at a 46mm distance from the center of the head mass offers resonance at 2.4kHz,and the peak value of 115.3 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1m occurs at 11.5kHz.This optimized design is fabricated and molded with polyurethane of 3mm thickness.The prototype was tested at the Acoustic Test Facility(ATF) of National Institute of Ocean Technology(NIOT) for its underwater performances.Based on the result,the fundamental resonance was determined to be 2.18kHz and the peak value of TCR of 182 dB re 1 μPa/A at 1m occurs at 14 kHz.The maximum value of the RS was found to be -190 dB re 1V/μPa at 1m at a frequency of 2.1kHz.  相似文献   

Book review     
Coastal Management: Readings and Notes. Edited by Marc J. Hershman and James H. Feldmann. Institute for Marine Studies, Coastal Resources Program, University of Washington, Seattle (January 1979), 806 pp. $22.50 (paper bound).

Tobey L. Winters, Deepwater Ports in the United States: An Economic and Environmental Impact Study. N.Y. Praeger, 1977, 201 pages.  相似文献   

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