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双层底装载重货钢板卷筒的强度计算,因船规中无直接公式可套用,故采用直接计算法,按GL船级社要求计算船舯最小剖面模数,并在波浪动载荷的中拱,中垂状态下进行校核船体梁的设计弯曲应力,局部板架纵向应力,横向应力和剪切应力,计算结果非常满意,平板龙骨及船底板厚度比船级社的退审意见还薄了1-2mm,不但减轻了船体重量,节省造船成本,而且还降低了载重量的罚款风险。  相似文献   

郭际 《船舶工程》2017,39(S1):32-36
针对内河船舶船体梁极限弯曲能力的计算与统计特性问题,将影响船体梁极限弯曲能力的主要因素作为随机变量,分别讨论了材料屈服强度与板厚的概率分布参数选取。采用增量迭代方法与改进Rosenblueth方法,计算得到船体梁极限弯曲能力及其分布参数。研究表明,极限弯曲能力计算时可不考虑板厚变异的影响,内河船舶船体梁极限弯曲能力具有统计上的稳定性。  相似文献   

针对内河船舶船体梁极限弯曲能力的计算与统计特性问题,将影响船体梁极限弯曲能力的主要因素作为随机变量,分别讨论材料屈服强度与板厚的概率分布参数选取。采用增量迭代方法与改进Rosenblueth方法,计算得到船体梁极限弯曲能力及其分布参数。研究表明,极限弯曲能力计算时可不考虑板厚变异的影响,内河船舶船体梁极限弯曲能力具有统计上的稳定性。  相似文献   

船体梁弯曲极限强度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对船体梁极限强度计算问题,研究基于弯曲承载力的极限状态分析技术。分析总结船体梁极限强度分析方法及研究现状,阐述简化逐步破坏法(Smith逐步破坏法)的技术流程,探讨基于非线性有限元极限强度分析技术中各参数设置对计算结果的影响。在简化逐步破坏法计算结果的基础上,利用非线性有限元法评估基于单跨模型和舱段模型的船体梁极限强度,并探究上层建筑对极限承载力的影响。  相似文献   

现役散货船板架结构稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对现役散货船双层底结构的稳定性能进行研究,讨论了结构缺陷对稳定性的影响,提出带缺陷结构的稳定性计算方法,得出了计算双层底板架结构的非线性有限元方法,通过实例计算,证明了该方法的正确性与有效性.并讨论了装载情况对双层底结构稳定性的影响,将有限元方法的计算结果与工程中常用的正交异性板方法计算结果进行比较分析,得出了正交异性板方法的计算结果与实际结构承载能力的差距,并依此给出一修正系数,使正交异性板方法能更好地应用于实际工程.本文还对部分骨材开裂的双层底板架进行了非线性有限元分析,得出不同开裂情况下板架的临界载荷.最后文中还通过实船检测资料,对存在着腐蚀缺陷的双层底结构进行了缺陷分析,并与理想结构的临界载荷进行比较,得出了腐蚀状况对结构的稳定性的影响规律.  相似文献   

船舶航行过程中,船体结构会受到总纵弯曲与舱外水压、货物载荷等组合载荷的交变作用,骨材开孔处会出现孔边应力集中,进而造成结构疲劳破坏的问题。针对船体骨材开孔结构开展典型载荷作用下的孔边应力分析。以船舶双层底结构为研究对象,开展典型弯曲、压缩载荷作用下的船舶双层底结构骨材开孔孔边应力分布有限元仿真研究,分析弯曲、压缩载荷作用下不同补强结构对孔边应力分布的影响,为船体骨材贯穿孔结构的优化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

UR-S11A对大型集装箱船结构设计的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际船级社协会针对集装箱船的新标准UR-S11A已于2016年7月1日正式生效,其对大型集装箱船结构设计的具体影响值得研究。以一艘13 500 TEU集装箱船为例,首先分析了UR-S11A相比UR-S11和劳氏船级社(LR)规范在强度校核上的差异,然后通过对总纵屈服强度、屈曲强度和极限强度的研究分析了新标准对船体结构的影响。结果表明,UR-S11A对在0.3~0.4船长处船体梁的总纵弯曲和极限强度的要求更高,部分纵舱壁板与外板的剪切和屈曲强度以及双层底桁材纵骨的屈曲强度受新规范影响较大。  相似文献   

现阶段各船级社规范对钻井船舱段有限元法的载荷选取与装载工况制定并未形成统一意见,这对结构设计造成较大的困扰。针对这一问题,对某型钻井船月池区舱段有限元分析方法与载荷选取思路进行阐述,同时对设计装载工况开展大量对比计算,通过结果分析得出一套典型装载工况与舷外水压力方向组合方式供参考。对比船体梁理论法与全船有限元法的计算结果,对舱段典型工况选取的必要性进行分析,以避免过分保守导致结构经济性下降。  相似文献   

丁惊雷  吴思莹 《船舶工程》2019,41(S1):38-40
由于船体梁极限强度校核值不需要经船级社认可批准,不必纳入装载手册,仅需在设计阶段进行校核。实际设计工作中设计者会根据各自的需要和经验在结构吃水从出港到到港全程设计不同的中间状态,产生不同的实际操作最大静水弯矩值,供设计阶段校核船体梁极限强度的实际操作最大静水弯矩包络值值不且唯一性。文章以某实船为例进行计算分析,发现中间装载过程对弯矩包络值影响较大,不同的中间过程会产生不同的弯矩包络值,若以其中某组较小包络值作为设计阶段船体梁极限强度校核值,同时在船舶营运实际操作中又不对此船体梁极限强度进行校核,会给实际营运的的船舶带来安全隐患。为防止出现这一问题,建议将船体梁极限强度校核值作为强度衡准放入完工装载手册用以指导船长实际操作,确保所有实际操作状态的弯矩不得超过船体梁极限强度校核值。  相似文献   

船体结构极限强度研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭开忍  李小平 《船舶》2006,(5):19-25
综述了船体结构极限强度的研究现状,分析了加筋板、船体板架和船体梁极限强度的计算方法以及船体结构极限强度的试验研究。  相似文献   

This is the second of two companion papers dealing with nonlinear finite element modelling and ultimate strength analysis of the hull girder of a bulk carrier under Alternate Hold Loading (AHL) condition. The methodology for nonlinear finite element modelling as well as the ultimate strength results from the nonlinear FE analyses was discussed in the companion paper (Part 1). The purpose of the present paper is to use the FE results to contribute towards developing simplified methods applicable to practical design of ship hulls under combined global and local loads. An important issue is the significant double bottom bending in the empty hold in AHL due to combined global hull girder bending moment and local loads. Therefore, the stress distributions in the double bottom area at different load levels i.e. rule load level and ultimate failure load level are presented in detail. The implication of different design pressures obtained by different rules (CSR-BC rules and DNV rules) on the stress distribution is investigated. Both (partially) heavy cargo AHL and fully loaded cargo AHL are considered. Factors of influence of double bottom bending such as initial imperfections, local loads, stress distribution and failure modes on the hull girder strength are discussed. Simplified procedures for determination of the hull girder strength for bulk carriers under AHL conditions are also discussed in light of the FE analyses.  相似文献   

This paper is the first of two companion papers concerning the ultimate hull girder strength of container ships subjected to combined hogging moment and bottom local loads. In the midship part of container ships, upward bottom local loads are usually larger than the downward ones. This leads to the increase of biaxial compression in the outer bottom plating and the reduction of the ultimate hull girder strength in the hogging condition. In this Part 1, the collapse behavior and ultimate strength of container ships under combined hogging moment and bottom local loads are analyzed using nonlinear finite element method. Buckling collapse behavior of bottom stiffened panels during the progressive collapse of a hull girder is closely investigated. It has been found that major factors of the reduction of ultimate hogging strength due to bottom local loads are (1) the increase of the longitudinal compression in the outer bottom and (2) the reduction of the effectiveness of the inner bottom, which is on the tension side of local bending of the double bottom. The obtained results will be utilized in the Part 2 paper to develop a simplified method of progressive collapse analysis of container ships under combined hogging moment and bottom local loads.  相似文献   

This paper is the second of two companion papers concerning the ultimate hull girder strength of container ships subjected to combined hogging moment and bottom local loads. The nonlinear finite element analysis in Part 1 has shown that local bending deformation of a double bottom due to bottom lateral loads significantly decreases the ultimate hogging strength of container ships. In this Part 2, extending Smith's method for pure bending collapse analysis of a ship's hull girder, a simplified method of progressive collapse analysis of ultimate hogging strength of container ships considering bottom local loads is developed. The double bottom is idealized as a plane grillage and the rest part of the cross section as a prismatic beam. An average stress-average strain relationship of plate/stiffened plate elements employed in Smith's method is transformed into an average stress-average plastic strain relationship, and implemented in the conventional beam finite element as a pseudo strain hardening/softening behaviors. The extended Smith's method is validated through a comparison with nonlinear finite element analysis.  相似文献   

The alternate hold still-water loading in hogging combined with wave loading is critical for the safe design of bulk carriers. The ultimate longitudinal strength of the hull girder of bulk carriers in this condition has been found to be considerably reduced by the action of local lateral pressure loads. In the present paper, an interaction equation based on the ultimate hull girder strength assessment obtained by nonlinear finite element analyses is adopted to consider the relationship between ultimate longitudinal bending capacity and average external sea pressure over the bottom. This interaction equation is used as the basis for the failure function. The annual probability of failure is obtained by FORM analysis considering two typical load cases, namely, pure longitudinal hogging bending moment and combined global hogging bending moment and local lateral pressure loads. The effect of heavy weather avoidance on the failure probability is evaluated. The results show that the local lateral pressure has a significant influence on the annual probability of failure of bulk carriers in the hogging and alternate hold loading condition.  相似文献   

胡勇  崔维成 《船舶力学》2004,8(4):68-79
船体梁受到碰撞损伤后,必须有足够的剩余强度用以抵抗最大外弯矩,同时还需能够承受最大剪力.在众多类型的船舶中,散货船是一种抗剪能力较差的船型.对于其碰撞损伤后纵向剩余极限弯矩的研究已有较多的文献[2-7],而对于碰撞损伤后的剪切极限强度的研究目前还比较少.针对这一现状,本文的主要目的在于分析讨论散货船受到碰撞损伤后的极限承剪能力;分析结构几何尺寸,碰撞损伤形状以及边界条件等各种因素对碰撞破损船体抗剪能力的影响.为了方便起见,文中也给出了相应的回归经验公式.本文同时还推导了一个船体梁碰撞损伤后的初始屈服剪力计算公式.最后,本文以一艘散货船为例,计算分析其碰撞损伤后的抗剪能力,从中得出一些有益的结论.  相似文献   

For bulk carriers in hogging, the most critical situation is the alternate hold loading (AHL) condition with odd numbered holds loaded with high density cargoes and even numbered holds empty. The effect of the local lateral pressure loads should be considered in the assessment of ultimate hull girder strength in the hogging and AHL conditions. In the present paper the ultimate strength of a Capesize bulk carrier hull girder under combined global and local loads in the hogging and AHL condition is extensively and systematically investigated using nonlinear finite element (FE) analysis with ABAQUS software. Since the bulk carrier used as a reference vessel in this study is an old design we also studied the effect of modified scantlings by multiplying the plate thickness in the bottom structure by a design modification factor (DMF). In particular, it should be noted that a DMF of 1.4 gives a design in accordance with the new CSR rules. Based on the results obtained by nonlinear FE analyses, a practical interaction equation is established between global hogging bending capacity and average external sea pressure over the bottom.  相似文献   

循环弯曲载荷下船体梁的极限纵强度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据生破坏的强度准则,详细讨论了循环弯曲载荷下船体梁的非弹性变形性能。给出了循环弯曲载荷下船体梁极限强度的简化分析方法。进行了纵筋加强箱形薄壁梁模型的循环弯曲试验。理论计算与试验结果作了比较,两者吻合较好。  相似文献   

复合材料船体纵向极限强度可靠性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
把船体甲板或船底板结构视为是一系列加筋板单元的组合,然后利用复合材料梁柱理论计算船体加筋板单元构件的极限承载能力,最后用Smith法计算复合材料船体的极限承载能力。由于复合材料船体纵向极限强度的极限状态方程不能简单地用船体各参数显式表达,故将近年发展起来的响应面法与JC法相结合,对复合材料船体纵向极限强度进行了可靠性分析。并讨论了影响船体纵向极限强度可靠性各变量的敏感性。  相似文献   

采用非线性有限元法对中拱和中垂工况条件下碳纤维增强聚合物(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer, CFRP)修复的浮式生产储卸油装置(Floating Production Storage and Offloading, FPSO)点蚀船体梁极限强度进行仿真分析。对比FPSO的完整船体梁、点蚀船体梁和CFRP修复的点蚀船体梁的中拱极限弯矩和中垂极限弯矩,分析CFRP对FPSO点蚀船体梁的修复效果,并分析胶层失效规律。结果表明,CFRP可为船舶的高效修复提供一种新的方式。  相似文献   

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