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[Objectives]In this paper, the numerical simulation method is used to study the anti-penetration performance and energy absorption mode of a stiffened plate, as well as the influence of different stiffened bars on the flight attitude of the projectile body.[Methods] Finite element software LS-DYNA is used to simulate the process of a truncated oval-nosed projectile penetrating a stiffened plate, and the results of the numerical simulation are compared with an experiment to verify the reliability of the numerical simulation method. The momentum method and mass equivalence method are used to predict the residual velocity of the projectile, and the applicability of different theoretical methods within different velocity ranges is compared. The deformation energy of different regions of the stiffened plate is then extracted to analyze the influence of the initial velocity of the projectile body on the energy absorption mode of the target plate. Finally, the structure of the stiffeners is changed and the influence of the relative position of the stiffeners on the penetration attitude of the projectile body is analyzed.[Results]The results show that the mass equivalence method is more accurate than the momentum method in predicting the residual velocity of the stiffened plate when the initial velocity of the projectile body is in the range of 300–900 m/s. The ratio of the deformation energy of the stiffened plate to the energy loss of the projectile body decreases with the increase of the initial velocity of the projectile body. The effect of a T-stiffened plate on trajectory is greater than that of a rectangular-stiffened plate.[Conclusions]The related calculation method and research results have certain reference value for research and engineering application surrounding the anti-penetration of stiffened plates. © 2023 Chinese Journal of Ship Research. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
刘恒 《路基工程》2018,(6):216-218
亚吉铁路起于亚的斯亚贝巴,止于吉布提港,沿线自然环境多样,部分铁路走行于戈壁滩上,后期运营中产生了不同程度沙埋现象,是典型的风沙地区路基。为此,通过搜集当地气象、风向与风速资料分析当地的风沙等级,在此基础上提出有效、可行的治理措施,效果良好。  相似文献   
隧道施工防排水工作,一般应以排为主,采取截堵排相结合的综合措施,但在实际的施工过程中,应根据现场实际情况(地质状况、涌水量大小、水压力、集中出水点的位置)选择合适的治水方案,以达到快速、安全、有效的治水目的。  相似文献   
介绍了猪龙河概况及其整治思路。针对猪龙河雨污分流工程设计,对其主线工程、线位及施工方式、工程设计中的特殊处理等进行了阐述。  相似文献   
船壳海生物附着问题及应对   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对持续低迷的市场,船舶不得不采取降速航行、漂航、抛锚等多种措施。由此导致频繁发生的船舶污底事件,成为船东、租家不得不经常面对的课题。船壳附着海生物会增加船体阻力,降低航速,增加油耗。多年来船壳附着海生物问题一直困扰着全球  相似文献   
城市水环境治理, 重点在源头, 由于早期设计不合理、施工不规范等历史原因,现状小区内部雨污水排放无序,造成小区内部环境不佳、 市政雨污水管网及污水处理设施不能充分发挥效益。在国家及各地区大力改善水环境的背景下, 以上海某区雨污混接改造工程为案例,结合设计及施工过程中遇到的情况, 回顾总结小区内部雨污混接存在的问题, 提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   
针对农村生活污水治理工程污水管道口径小、乡村道路狭窄、大型施工设备进出不便等特点,结合海盐县农污处理设施工程,介绍了微型顶管二次工法工艺流程及施工过程.总结了微型顶管顶进速度快、工作坑占地面积小、管道铺设精度高、对环境影响小等优点,认为微型顶管在一般砂性、黏性地质条件下具有良好的应用效果,为农污治理项目提供了较好的解决方案.  相似文献   
对李窑路基试验段长螺旋钻孔管内泵压法施工的CFG桩预留50 cm桩头,进行了不同段落的质量调查并抽芯取样进行了强度试验.结果表明,仅需去除20~30 cm桩头即可保证桩顶混合料强度.同时,为减少凿桩头施工对CFG桩成品质量的影响,分析了几种截桩设备的施工效果,研制出专用截桩设备,在京沪高速铁路李窑路基试验段CFG桩截桩中取得了良好的施工效果.  相似文献   
近日,浙江省湖州市率先发布实施了《污水零直排建设与管理规范》市级地方标准,从基本要求、日常管理、评价验收等方面,全方位系统指导规范污水零直排建设,为污水零直排提供了有力的技术支撑,助推水环境治理治本治源。污水零直排,就是对生产、生活和经营活动产生的污水,实行截污纳管、统一收集,经处理达标后才能排放到外环境,做到“晴天不排水,雨天无污水”。  相似文献   
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