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目前,城市公交出行路线优化时未考虑结合公共自行车的优点,使得现有的部分公交出行路径优化不够合理.针对这一情况,重点增加了对合理区域内步行、骑自行车换乘的考虑.分析公共自行车加公交出行路径优化的影响因素,并结合GIS建立公交(含公共自行车)数据模型,以换乘次数最少为优先目标,充分考虑合理区域内换乘的情况,起点和终点双向展开搜索,利用公交线路、公交站点集合求交集的方法查询出候选方案集.分别选取行程时间、乘车距离、步行距离较短的出行方案推荐给出行者.结合GIS系统利用该算法进行查询,将获得的优化方案与现有的优化方案进行比较,发现考虑自行车换乘的出行方案平均出行时间减少15.8%,平均出行距离减少18.7%,平均出行费用减少32.3%.   相似文献   
汽车驾驶模拟器是1种研究“人‐车‐路‐环境”交通特性的重要工具,由于具有重现性好、安全性高、成本低等优势,被广泛应用于交通研究方面,尤其因其能够在危险场景中采集多种车辆数据,近年来汽车驾驶模拟器在交通安全方面的研究进展飞速。文中简要介绍了汽车驾驶模拟器的国内外发展历史,从驾驶分心、道路设计、交通设计、交通事故和驾驶疲劳5个方面梳理出汽车驾驶模拟器在交通安全领域的应用研究,并分析了这5个方面研究领域中驾驶模拟器实验的其中利弊,探讨了汽车驾驶模拟器在中国交通安全研究中的应用前景及存在的问题。   相似文献   
路段多步行程时间预测数据是动态交通诱导系统的重要参数,但已有研究成果,大多集中于一步预测,且存在适应性不强、计算量大、基础数据需求多等不足.应用谱分析及Karhunen-Loeve(K-L)变换对历史及当前检测行程时间序列进行分解与重构,重构时以历史序列与当前检测序列的欧式距离作为相似性度量指标,优化重构时的特征向量系数,使与当前检测序列相似度高的历史序列信息在重构中占据主要地位,通过重构,实现对后续若干时段的行程时间的预测,实测数据检验显示该方法可实现多步预测,预测精度良好,较以往方法有所提高,且历史数据需求量小,计算量小.  相似文献   
高速公路瓶颈路段在发生交通拥堵后会引起运营通行能力突变现象,为了更 加准确揭示瓶颈路段运营通行能力变化规律,引入非对称驾驶行为理论,改进Newell 跟 车模型,并对模型进行参数估计和应用分析.通过12 个仿真场景及试验数据对比分析了 改进模型和美国道路通行能力手册(2010)推荐模型的精确度,发现改进模型可以提高精 度;分析了因车道减少导致的交通拥堵,发现关闭不同车道和车道数对运营通行能力影 响结果不同,得出了相应的影响值;在一定交通量范围内,入口匝道和出口匝道交通量的 增加都会导致主线拥堵路段运营通行能力的降低,并给出了最大降低幅度.研究结果可为 缓解高速公路瓶颈路段交通拥堵提供借鉴.  相似文献   
基于状态空间方法构建适用于城市轨道交通网络的短时客流OD(origindestination) 估计模型.利用自动售检票数据分析得到OD间乘客行程时间分布特征,构建基于行程时间分布的客流到达系数,以此建立OD流与车站进出站客流间相互关系,并以车站客流分离率为状态变量构建结构化OD矩阵估计状态空间模型.以北京市轨道交通为对象进行案例分析,结果表明,当估计时段长度为15 min 时,估计平均相对误差为 35.5%;为30 min 时,估计平均相对误差为20.4%;为60 min 时,估计平均相对误差为 16.3%.所构建模型能能有效解决城市轨道交通短时客流估计问题,具有一定的实用性.  相似文献   
基础设施扩容为主的道路交通和轨道交通建设,成为目前各大城市普遍采取的治理城市交通拥堵的主要手段,由于轨道交通建设存在资金和建设时间持续问题,如何对有限的道路交通资源重新划分成为治堵工作的关键.本文以综合交通模型为基础,形成以地面公交路权优先为突破口的交通系统容量优化方法,提出交通系统人次容量定义,构建度量舒适性和可控性的评判标准,建立层次化的公交专用道布设方法,动态调整地面公交和小汽车的路网资源比,保障地面公交路权,达到小汽车和公交出行时耗的相对均衡,实现交通的个体最优向系统最优的转化,形成一条落实公交优先的新路径.最后以广州市为例,将容量分析技术应用到实际路网,提出以公交专用道方案为主的道路资源定量分配方案,落实公交优先,指导广州市交通发展.  相似文献   
基于北京地铁6 个换乘站客流高峰期乘客对上行方向步行楼梯和自动扶梯的选择行为调查数据,采用灰色关联法计算乘客选择行为影响因素的重要度并排序.利用模糊数学理论建立乘客的选择行为模型,并分析乘客选择行为与相关影响因素的变化规律.研究表明,楼梯高度、扶梯前排队人数、乘客携带行李情况为影响乘客选择行为的重要因素.本文建立的模型可较好地刻画乘客的选择行为,模型计算结果与实际数据较吻合.此外,扶梯前排队人数少于25 人时,乘客选择楼梯的概率较小,受其他因素影响小;超过25 人后,乘客选择楼梯概率随排队人数的增加显著增加,且乘客负重、楼梯高度越小,影响越明显.不同负重乘客选择楼梯的概率随楼梯高度的变化规律一致,并随楼梯高度的增加近似呈线性下降.  相似文献   
随着教师住宅外迁、教职工拥有汽车的数量上升和高校与社会的交往越来越密切,校园内的停车问题日显突出。本文以北京航空航天大学校园为例,通过对进出校园的车流量、停车能力与车位分布、停车行为等进行调查、统计和分析,揭示校园内停车行为的规律,包括各时段进出校园的车辆总数、平均停车时间、车位周转率等,发现停车系统中存在的问题、并提出若干建议。该研究对其他高校有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Assessing the accuracy of the Sydney Household Travel Survey with GPS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past few years, GPS has been used in a number of surveys in the US to assess the accuracy of household travel surveys. The results have been somewhat alarming in that most of these exercises have shown that the standard trip-based CATI survey conducted in the US under-reports travel by about 20–25%. It was decided to use GPS to assess the accuracy of the Sydney Household Travel Survey, a continuous survey conducted by face-to-face interviewing. The procedure used was for the interviewers to recruit households for the household travel survey in the normal manner, and then, if the household met certain criteria, to endeavour to recruit the household to also undertake a GPS survey. A small sample of about 50 households was obtained, and GPS devices successfully retrieved that measured data on the same day as the travel diary was completed. In addition, participants in the GPS survey completed a prompted recall survey a week or two later, using maps and tabulations of travel obtained from the GPS devices, to identify mode, purpose and occupancy for trips measured by the GPS, and also to check for accuracy in defining trip ends and total number of trips. Based on the analysis of the GPS compared to the diary results, it was found that respondents under-reported their travel by about 7%, which is much less than in the US CATI results. Respondents were also found to under-report travel distances and over-report travel times. There was also a high incidence of non-reporting for VKT.
Peter StopherEmail:
This paper presents an examination of the significance of residential sorting or self selection effects in understanding the impacts of the built environment on travel choices. Land use and transportation system attributes are often treated as exogenous variables in models of travel behavior. Such models ignore the potential self selection processes that may be at play wherein households and individuals choose to locate in areas or built environments that are consistent with their lifestyle and transportation preferences, attitudes, and values. In this paper, a simultaneous model of residential location choice and commute mode choice that accounts for both observed and unobserved taste variations that may contribute to residential self selection is estimated on a survey sample extracted from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area household travel survey. Model results show that both observed and unobserved residential self selection effects do exist; however, even after accounting for these effects, it is found that built environment attributes can indeed significantly impact commute mode choice behavior. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the model findings for policy planning.
Paul A. WaddellEmail:
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