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控制车用汽油机排气污染的催化技术及其发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环保法规的日益严格进行了汽车尾气催化转化的发展。介绍了催化技术和催化剂载体近40年的发展历程,综述了稀燃条件下国内外的催化技术特点,。指出开展稀燃条件下催化转器的研制必将对汽油机稀燃及其低排放技术磁生巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   
Rosenbloom  Sandra 《Transportation》2001,28(4):375-408
In the next three decades there will a huge increase in both the absolute number of older people and in their percentage of the populationin almost all Western European countries, North America, and Australia. Most older people will have active lifestyles in which mobility and access play a major role and almost all older men and a majority of older women will be car drivers, used to the convenience and flexibility which the car provides.Using data from the US, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom, the paper shows that, in spite of cultural and policy differences, older people around the world are more likely to have a license, to take more trips, and to do so more often as the driver of a car than older people just a decade ago; they are also less likely to use public transit. These trends have a number of sustainability implications – the most obvious one is increased environmental pollution. For example, even though older people may travel less than younger drivers they may be polluting proportionately more because a) they are less likely to make as great a proportion of trips in public transit as younger people and b) the trips they do make may create more pollutants. In addition, older drivers may incur more wasted miles due to wayfinding errors and trip-scouting behavior. And when older people curtail their driving, younger family members may have to increase (or lengthen) their trip-making to provide needed services or additional transportation.While this paper stresses the environmental problems posed by an aging population, effective strategies arise from a focus on a broader definition of sustainability. The most important approach is to accept the inevitable and work to make the private car "greener" and safer. New transit service concepts and strategic community and neighborhood design and service elements can complement the development of cleaner cars.Although many of the potential strategies are not new, or can be expensive to implement, the convergence of environmental concerns with other problems arising from the automobility of the elderly – including increasing crash rates and serious loss of mobility among those unable to drive – may make these policies more politically viable than in the past.  相似文献   
Carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), and nitrogen oxide (NO) emission factors (EFs) are measured with a commercial vehicle emissions remote sensing system (VERSS) during a large-scale vehicle exhaust emissions study in Las Vegas. Particulate matter (PM) EFs are simultaneously measured for individual vehicles with a newly developed PM-VERSS based on ultraviolet backscatter light detection and ranging (Lidar). The effectiveness of CO and HC EFs as proxy for NO and PM EFs for spark-ignition vehicles is evaluated. Poor correlations were found between EFs for pollutants on an individual vehicle basis indicating that high EFs for one or more pollutants cannot be used as a predictor of high EFs for other pollutants. Stronger functional relationships became evident after averaging the EF data in bins based on rank-order of a single pollutant EF. Low overlap between the highest 10% emitters for CO, HC, NO, and PM was found. These results imply that for an effective reduction of the four pollutants, inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs, including clean screening, should measure all four pollutants individually. Fleet average CO and HC concentrations determined by gaseous VERSS were compared with fleet average CO and HC concentrations measured at low-idle and at high-idle during local I/M tests for spark-ignition vehicles. The fleet average CO concentrations measured by I/M tests at either idle were about half of those measured by remote sensing. The fleet average high-idle HC concentration measured by I/M tests was about half of that measured by VERSS while low-idle I/M and VERSS HC average concentrations were in better agreement. For a typical vehicle trip, most of the fuel is burned during non-idle conditions. I/M measurements collected during idling conditions may not be a good indicator of a vehicle’s potential to be a high emitter. VERSS measurements, when the vehicle is under a load, should more effectively identify high emitting vehicles that have a large contribution to the mobile emissions inventory.  相似文献   
随着汽车运动速度的提高及汽车日益轻量化,汽车的车内外运动噪声越来越严重,影响行车的安全性、舒适性、动力性和经济性,也干扰其它车辆的行驶和附近居民的正常生活,其研究具有重要意义。分析引起运动噪声的主要噪声源,概述其形成机理,介绍其研究现状及方法,并对其发展进行展望。  相似文献   
对公路建设施工造成的环境污染及其危害性进行了分析,提出切实可行的文明施工、防止污染、新科技环保等综合措施,坚持可持续发展的科学发展观,发展文明施工、绿色施工。  相似文献   
城市的扩展使得部分新建的构筑物建设在早期垃圾填埋场上,施工建筑物基础时会破坏原垃圾填埋场的防渗体系,造成含大量有害离子的垃圾渗滤液污染地下水,而且施工完成后,垃圾渗滤液也会腐蚀桩基.为评估并减少垃圾渗滤液的不利影响,以建设在垃圾填埋场上的某铁路桥梁桩基为研究对象,通过理论研究和模型计算,对垃圾渗滤液污染物的传输特点和桩基的耐久性进行分析,得出泥浆密度、泥皮厚度、渗滤历时与单桩浆液损失量的关系,地下水新增污染物浓度与泥浆损失量、泥浆参数等的关系,以及混凝土保护层厚度和去锈剂的使用对桩基耐久性的影响.  相似文献   
This study characterizes the dispersion of emissions of oxides of nitrogen and nitrogen dioxide from traffic sources in the Hamilton census metropolitan area. The Integrated Model of Urban Landuse and Transportation for Environmental Analysis software was used to estimate emissions of oxides of nitrogen from traffic sources. The Air Pollution Model, was used to simulate dispersion of the traffic emissions over the city. The models account for the two primary wind directions in this region – the prevailing southwest and a secondary northeast direction. The results show a prominent triangle of high pollution defined by major roads and highways along the periphery of the Hamilton Harbour, at peak-hour. With southwest winds, residential areas along the northern shoreline of the Harbour are affected, while the western sections of the city are affected by northeast winds. High concentrations are persistent in some areas, for both wind directions. The resulting dispersion surfaces characterize the spatial distribution of traffic emissions and thus provide a means of assessing population exposure over the Hamilton area.  相似文献   
罗迅  刘立钢 《中国海事》2013,(10):42-44
文中以"北方之珠"轮改装工程为例,就VLCC大型油船改装成海上浮式储存卸油平台过程中存在的监管重点、难点进行了分析。  相似文献   
为解决干散货港口中散货堆场、皮带机接口、翻车机房等部位的抑尘效果差这一现状,研制了干雾抑尘系统。介绍散货港区除尘技术现状,分析干雾抑尘技术的应用形式、适用条件。详细阐述微米级干雾抑尘技术原理和微米级干雾抑尘装置组成。该技术有众多特点和优势,起到良好的节能效果。  相似文献   

Valuation of externalities is a condition for correct investment and pricing decisions in transport. This paper provides a brief survey of the main studies achieved in OECD countries in order to get these valuations. Numerical values for the average social cost of transport are presented. The procedures according to which environment is taken into account in France and Italy are analyzed, and the importance of valuation in these procedures is assessed. Finally, prospects for further research and new developments are expressed.  相似文献   
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