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广西路桥建设有限公司是广西新发展交通集团有限公司的全资子公司,具有公路工程施工总承包壹级资质,通过了质量管理、环境管理、职业健康安全管理体系“三标一体化”认证,是一家实力雄厚、技术精湛、管理先进、开拓进取的交通工程施工企业。  相似文献   

文章根据高速公路工程试验检测管理的特点,全面分析了目前试验检测管理体系中存在的问题。在此基础上充分利用信息化技术优势,从试验数据采集标准及试验检测信息化管理体系建立两方面,探讨了工程试验检测的管理方式和方法,并评述了试验检测数据的潜在价值。  相似文献   

论述了施工企业在降低工程成本、提高经济效益方面,应加强项目成本管理,建立成本管理体系,抓好成本制度的建立、完善和落实。  相似文献   

4月1日,山东交运集团公司召开了对标精细化管理阶段推进会暨创新成果发布会,通报了集团对标精细化管理阶段推进情况,汽车总站、第三客运公司、港口物流公司作了经验交流发言。会议发布了10家单位的创新成果,并给予现场评分和表彰。  相似文献   

贯彻ISO9000系列标准,打破传统的质量管理模式,引进国际标准要求的管理方式和先进理念,与国际惯例接轨,探索建立一套既符合标准要求又符合企业实际的优秀质量管理模式,本文介绍机电公司这样一个多产品类别企业,在策划和建立质量管理体系的过程中的一些做法。  相似文献   

扁铲侧胀试验在地基土液化判别中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过上海地区两个工程实例地基土的液化判别结果,对比分析了标准贯入、静力触探和扁铲侧胀三种液化判别方法,对扁铲侧胀试验在地基土液化判别中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

从探讨新时期高速公路施工标准化管理的重要意义出发,结合工程实际,深入分析现阶段高速公路施工标准化管理中的问题所在,提出关于建立并完善未来高速公路施工标准化管理体系的合理化建议,可为同行提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

本文结合广州地铁二号线轨道工程,介绍了怎样保证地铁轨道工程铺轨基标(控制基标、加密基标和道岔铺轨基标)测设精度的作业方法、流程和注意问题等。  相似文献   

优质的工程防水质量是确保轨道交通区间隧道结构无渗漏和结构耐久的关键。针对武汉地质环境特点,从轨道交通建设工程质量管理体系、防水科技攻关、防水设计原则和标准、材料质量控制、施工质量管控等方面系统阐述了武汉轨道交通工程防水质量保障体系。  相似文献   

为了提升道路工程施工的质量管理,综合分析道路工程质量对交通安全和经济的影响,探讨当前道路工程质量管理面临的挑战,并详细阐述施工质量管理的原则、标准以及实施过程中的各项控制措施。通过京沪高速公路和港珠澳大桥的案例研究,展示了有效质量管理在工程成功中的关键作用。此外,还强调了工程施工过程中质量监督和评价的重要性。结论指出,结合现代技术在道路工程管理中的应用,对于保障工程质量、安全性及其可持续性至关重要。  相似文献   

Trevor Grigg 《运输评论》2013,33(4):351-362
Urban public transport has had broad political appeal and escalating financial support since the late 1960s. The preference has been for public ownership and operation of services with only limited private sector involvement in the provision of services in a highly regulated environment. The financial standing of public transport coupled with the likelihood of a sustained period of fiscal restraint, perhaps even a decline in available resources, has created an imperative for change. This paper argues that broad‐based acknowledgment of the financial realities, clear definition of quantifiable objectives and increased authority and control for public transport management is required if public transport agencies are to meet the challenge. A new balance between service, ridership and revenue is required. Managing with declining resources will require a financial planning approach, separation of policy and planning from operations, removal of restrictions on user choice and operator competition and increased involvement of the private sector. Substantial changes in internal organization, procedures and structures and a cost‐effectiveness orientation will be necessary.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of a tradable credit system in managing the morning commute congestion with identical and nonidentical commuters. The credit system consists of a time-varying credit charged at the bottleneck and an initial credit distribution to the commuters, where the credits are universal in terms of time. Credits are tradable between the commuters and the credit price is determined by a competitive market. Under the assumption that late-arrival is not allowed, we prove that an optimal credit charging scheme, which completely eliminates the bottleneck queue, always exists despite how commuters vary in their value-of-time (VOT). The optimal charge rate is strictly increasing and convex with time, which therefore drives the commuters to depart in the increasing order of their VOT. The optimal credit charging scheme is pareto-improving, but may cause undesirable welfare distribution among the commuters. Our study shows that a combination of an initial credit distribution and an optimal credit charging scheme can simultaneously achieve system optimum and certain forms of equality (e.g., “numerical” or “proportional” equality), and that the commuters in the middle VOT bracket will receive the most credits under the proportionally equitable credit distribution.  相似文献   

城市轨道建设的施工阶段作为整个工程中对周边地区负面影响较大的阶段,对其噪声进行治理有着十分重要的意义。本文通过研究城市轨道交通工程的建设过程,重点阐述地铁施工过程中产生的噪声污染情况,通过模型预测施工期噪声影响,从技术和管理层面分别开展施工期降噪技术研究,研究地铁施工可采用的噪声控制措施。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a non-anticipative, adaptive, decentralized strategy for managing evacuation networks. The strategy is non-anticipative because it does not rely on demand forecasts, adaptive because it uses real-time traffic information, and decentralized because all the information is available locally. It can be used with a failed communication network.The strategy pertains to networks in which no links backtrack in the direction of increased risk. For these types of networks, no other strategy exists that can evacuate more people in any given time, or finish the evacuation in less time. The strategy is also shown to be socially fair, in the sense that the time needed to evacuate all the people exceeding any risk level is, both, the least possible, and the same as if less-at-risk individuals did not participate in the evacuation. The strategy can be proven optimal even when backflows happen due to driver gaming.  相似文献   

Major highway reconstruction can cause significant disruptions to existing travel patterns and economic activity. Reducing these impacts on travelers, shippers, businesses and residents requires that innovative and effective transportation management actions be developed and implemented. This paper reports the major findings and recommendations of a research study on managing transportation during highway, reconstruction. The primary objectives of the study were
–  to investigate and document the critical interrelationships among state-of-the-art reconstruction and scheduling techniques, traffic accommodation strategies, construction quality control measures, and project planning and evaluation processes, and
–  to formulate and recommend a corridor transportation management process that can be used to develop, implement and evaluate a transportation management plan of strategies to mitigate the corridor-wide impacts of major highway reconstruction.
The recommended process consists of five chronological phases, each composed of many tasks having related focuses within the overall process. Each task is designed to contribute to the common objective of seeing that an effective transportation management plan for mitigating travel impacts throughout the project corridor is successfully realized. This process was formulated on the basis of information collected on 25 highway reconstruction projects throughout the United States by way of site visits, direct meetings with project personnel, requests for documentation, and phone interviews.  相似文献   

Operations control is an important means of improving service quality for high-frequency transit. Past research on real-time control has focused on developing and evaluating the effectiveness of different control strategies, largely relying on running times and demand which are assumed to be static. We formulate a mathematical model for holding control optimization that reflects dynamic running times and demand. The model can be used to produce a plan of holding times that accounts not only for the current state of the system, but also for expected changes in running times and demand. We evaluate the effectiveness of the model within a simulation environment. The results show that control based on dynamic inputs outperforms its static equivalent in high demand cases where passengers can be left behind at stops, and to a lesser extent in low to moderate demand cases with time-varying running times.  相似文献   

文章以施工项目的成本管理工作为主线,阐述了加强成本管理对企业实施低成本战略的意义和必要性,分析了实施项目成本管理中存在的问题,重点论述了项目成本管理过程中需要采取的各种成本控制措施。  相似文献   

A system of tradable travel credits is explored in a general network with homogeneous travelers. A social planner is assumed to initially distribute a certain number of travel credits to all eligible travelers, and then there are link-specific charges to travelers using that link. Free trading of credits among travelers is assumed. For a given credit distribution and credit charging scheme, the existence of a unique equilibrium link flow pattern is demonstrated with either fixed or elastic demand. It can be obtained by solving a standard traffic equilibrium model subject to a total credit consumption constraint. The credit price at equilibrium in the trading market is also conditionally unique. The appropriate distribution of credits among travelers and correct selection of link-specific rates is shown to lead to the most desirable network flow patterns in a revenue-neutral manner. Social optimum, Pareto-improving and revenue-neutral, and side-constrained traffic flow patterns are investigated.  相似文献   

文章对当前地方国有企业管理中存在的问题进行了分析,并就建立现代企业制度、推进人力资源开发与管理及加强企业党组织发挥保证监督作用进行了思考,提出了一些探索性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

县级国、省道公路沥青路面维修施工工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据公路沥青路面病害的性质进行了分类,并对不同的病害分类有针对性的提出了处理方法,为保证处理方法的有效性和实用性进一步提出了质量控制措施。  相似文献   

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