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企业之间的最后竞争将是优秀文化理念的角逐。具有恒久价值和社会认可的文化无论从企业内部还是外部,愈来愈超过硬实力的比较作用。一个企业如果缺失自己的文化特色和价值体系,就不会基业常青。因为,没有文化价值的企业解释不了自己的存在,也无法清醒认识、正确判断未来的社会需求和市场竞争趋势。  相似文献   

交通之魂,文以化之;交通之神,文以铸之。自盘古开天地、女娲造人,人类发展文化总是与交通相伴而生。京杭大运河、丝绸之路、茶马古道、赵州桥……一个个交通的物质性实体,推动了社会文明的进步,也创造了璀璨的交通文化。2006年11月,交通运输部部务会议研究决定成立交通文化建设研究工作指导委员会,成立交通行业文化建设研究总课题组和22个子课题组,  相似文献   

正我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、文化多样,是名副其实的世界遗产大国。其中,交通文化遗产集历史、科学、文化、艺术、情感、经济、生态等多种价值特点于一体,是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。那么,该如何更加有效地保护和利用,提升国家文化软实力和中华文化影响力?"丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道,从文化路线角度讲,  相似文献   

文章以研究区域文化在高速公路隧道洞门景观设计中的运用为出发点,在阐述徽州文化内容、特点及徽州文化在洞门景观设计中的现实意义的基础之上,通过设计实例分析,解读徽雕文化、建筑文化、徽商文化等传统徽州文化元素在黄塔(桃)高速公路隧道洞门景观设计中的实际应用.提出在隧道洞门景观设计中应更多注入文化内涵,展示区域文化底蕴,实现传统文化精神与现代设计理念的和谐统一.  相似文献   

文化力在当代不仅是综合国力的构成要素之一,而且也是一个国家和民族的重要战略资源,同时也是一个行业、区域以及经济发展、社会进步的内在驱动力。对于一个民族来说,文化是精神之根,对于一个行业则是活力之魂。道路运输行业的文化力是由全行业管理者和行业从业人员在长  相似文献   

高铁开通运营以来,围绕高铁安全文化建设和管理不断地探索和实践。安全文化建设是进行有效安全管理工作的重要保障,基于亚当斯理论分析了事故发生机理,深入剖析安全文化建设的主要方面和注意事项,结合风险管理流程提出改进的安全文化建设管理模式,并将改进的模式运用到高铁安全文化建设中,提高高铁安全风险文化建设与管理水平。  相似文献   

从交通文化角度看荷兰绿色交通发展的启示   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文以荷兰1995年和2011年的自行车交通发展对比为主线,从交通文化的角度剖析荷兰绿色交通的特点,深入分析荷兰交通枢纽周边交通规划、路权分配以及自行车交通文化的形成,以期通过交通文化的阐释为城市交通拥堵问题的缓解提供思路。  相似文献   

本文回顾了中国古代不同阶段的交通运输制度文化。通过对中国古代交通运输制度文化的历史回顾可以发现,古代交通运输发展的驱动力实际上是当时的政治、军事和经济事务等需求。中国历史上各朝代的交通运输网络规模和运量不断增长,管理实践中逐渐演化生成了独特的交通制度文化,交通运输管理由简单走向逐渐成熟和系统化,并在世界上产生了一定的影响。中国历史上的交通运输管理实践及其制度文化建设经验,其形成、优化与完善的机制和过程,对于认识当今的交通发展仍然具有一定程度的启示意义。  相似文献   

中国传统文化元素是中国五千年历史文化的结晶,也是中华民族文化精神的体现。中国传统文化元素运用于公共交通车辆的外观设计不仅有助于提升人们的审美情趣,促进对中国传统文化的认知,而且有助于彰显城市文化特色和提升城市文化的影响力。本文分析中国传统文化元素融入公共交通车辆外观设计的作用,并结合我国各大城市公共交通车辆外观设计的案例,探讨了中国传统文化元素在公共交通车辆外观设计中的应用方式。  相似文献   

世界顶级企业领导与变革领域最权威的代言人约翰·科特说:"每时每刻,我们都在与企业文化打交道。"那么,我们在企业中真得能感知到身处文化氛围之中吗?企业文化究竟对企业的经营管理会产生怎样的影响呢?企业文化的核心要素是企业精神和企业价值观,企业文化的精神内涵是平静而无形,还往下沉淀。就像水一样,柔中有秀、柔中寓刚,无形、不具有强制性。  相似文献   

结合G205、G312等沥青路面不同程度出现的沉陷、接缝台阶、波浪、车辙、桥涵与路面接茬不平、跳车等路面不平整现象,分析、探讨造成沥青路面平整度差的路基、桥涵、路面基层施工方面、材料方面以及路面摊铺、碾压等主要原因,并提出相应对策措施。  相似文献   

Zhang P.  Wang L.  Li L.  Yao Y.  Zhang X.  Zheng B.  Liu M. 《现代隧道技术》2022,(2):227-241and251
In recent years, railway tunnels in karst areas have frequently suffered flooding after high-intensity rainfall, which seriously affects the safety of tunnel operation and the order of transportation, and even interrupts the traffic. Based on the water hazard case in the Yuanbaoshan Tunnel on the Zhijin-Bijie Railway Line, this paper explores the causes of lining damage in terms of geology, rainfall, and the design and construction of water hazard sections, and puts forward the treatment technology for tunnel water hazards with the core concept of "making full use of existing structures and employing open drainage methods in key sections". Besides, this paper simulates and analyzes the formation of hazards and the treatment effect through numerical simulation. The results show that the subjective causes for the damage in tunnel linings include an insufficient understanding of the water-bearing formations at the geological investigation stage, the underestimation of water hazard risks posed by high-intensity rainfall during construction, and the unimproved waterproof and drainage system in the design alteration, while the objective reasons include the development of karst near the tunnel section that passes through the stratum, the strong connectivity of water conduits, and the high-intensity rainfall in a certain period of time on the tunnel site. As for the simulation results, they show that the increase of external water pressure caused by the sudden rise in groundwater level after rainstorm significantly increases the internal force of linings, and eventually leads to a much lower safety factor of sidewall linings and large scale damage, which is in consistency with the characteristics of the actual on-site damage. After on-site emergency treatment, the tunnel structure has become stable and even encountering unprecedentedly heavy rainfall twice, the tunnel has still remained in a good condition. Since then, no water hazards and other disasters have occurred, which proves that the treatment plan is valid. © 2022, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   

我国交通运输业能源消耗量与污染物排放量日益增多,交通部门的节能减排措施研究迫在眉睫。本论文基于LEAP模型构建了某城市客运交通能耗与污染物排放模型,并预测了基准情景、政策情景、技术情景及综合情景下该城市客运交通2014-2030年之间的能耗及污染物排放情况。研究表明,三种发展情景下该城市能源需求量及污染物排放较基准情景均有减少,其中综合情景效果最佳,综合情景在2030年的能源消耗与CO2排放可分别减少56.98%和54.55%,CO、HC、NOx与PM2.5可分别减排67.39%、67.27%、51.43%与75.38%。因此应大力发展公共交通,尤其是轨道交通,同时限制私家车的无节制发展,并推广节能环保技术以改善终端利用层次能源结构。  相似文献   

目前我国隧道大规模快速的发展,而钻爆法以其高效、经济的特点在隧道建设过程中起着至关重要的作用。然而,施工期隧道钻孔、爆破、喷射混凝土、出渣等施工工艺都会扬起大量粉尘颗粒物,严重危害现场人员的身体健康,降低施工现场的能见度影响施工效率和安全,同时大量颗粒物加剧机械设备磨损,在一定程度上影响了设备的使用寿命。结合隧道开挖过程,根据粉尘在隧道内分布规律,粉尘产生因素及运移机理,通过比较隧道减尘、降尘、排尘、除尘、阻尘五种控制措施的特点,提出与现场相适应的粉尘颗粒物综合防治措施,从而减小粉尘的危害,提高现场施工环境质量。  相似文献   

隧道施工废水对水环境的影响分析及应对措施   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章根据不同隧道施工废水的来源、水量及水质的特性,分别从理化、生态、景观等方面详细分析了隧道施工废水对水环境的影响,确定了主要污染物质为油类和悬浮物(SS),其对水环境的物理化学性质方面的影响较大;并提出了加强施工机械车辆管理以减少排污量、在隧道进出口处设置沉淀池、必要时采取隔油沉淀气浮处理等相应对策。  相似文献   

This paper deals with developing a methodology for estimating the resilience, friability, and costs of an air transport network affected by a large-scale disruptive event. The network consists of airports and airspace/air routes between them where airlines operate their flights. Resilience is considered as the ability of the network to neutralize the impacts of disruptive event(s). Friability implies reducing the network’s existing resilience due to removing particular nodes/airports and/or links/air routes, and consequently cancelling the affected airline flights. The costs imply additional expenses imposed on airports, airlines, and air passengers as the potentially most affected actors/stakeholders due to mitigating actions such as delaying, cancelling and rerouting particular affected flights. These actions aim at maintaining both the network’s resilience and safety at the acceptable level under given conditions.Large scale disruptive events, which can compromise the resilience and friability of a given air transport network, include bad weather, failures of particular (crucial) network components, the industrial actions of the air transport staff, natural disasters, terrorist threats/attacks and traffic incidents/accidents.The methodology is applied to the selected real-life case under given conditions. In addition, this methodology could be used for pre-selecting the location of airline hub airport(s), assessing the resilience of planned airline schedules and the prospective consequences, and designing mitigating measures before, during, and in the aftermath of a disruptive event. As such, it could, with slight modifications, be applied to transport networks operated by other transport modes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with developing a methodology for estimating the resilience, friability, and costs of an air transport network affected by a large-scale disruptive event. The network consists of airports and airspace/air routes between them where airlines operate their flights. Resilience is considered as the ability of the network to neutralize the impacts of disruptive event(s). Friability implies reducing the network’s existing resilience due to removing particular nodes/airports and/or links/air routes, and consequently cancelling the affected airline flights. The costs imply additional expenses imposed on airports, airlines, and air passengers as the potentially most affected actors/stakeholders due to mitigating actions such as delaying, cancelling and rerouting particular affected flights. These actions aim at maintaining both the network’s resilience and safety at the acceptable level under given conditions.Large scale disruptive events, which can compromise the resilience and friability of a given air transport network, include bad weather, failures of particular (crucial) network components, the industrial actions of the air transport staff, natural disasters, terrorist threats/attacks and traffic incidents/accidents.The methodology is applied to the selected real-life case under given conditions. In addition, this methodology could be used for pre-selecting the location of airline hub airport(s), assessing the resilience of planned airline schedules and the prospective consequences, and designing mitigating measures before, during, and in the aftermath of a disruptive event. As such, it could, with slight modifications, be applied to transport networks operated by other transport modes.  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展,受社会车辆保有量剧增以及交通环境日益复杂等诸多因素影响,重大交通事故等突发公共事件屡见不鲜。文章针对互联网时代自媒体的特点,分析了网络自媒体时代下交通公共危机管理与突发事件处治所面临的问题,提出在当前社会结构转型条件下,处理好自媒体时代互联网上众多网民良莠不齐的信息,给予公众公开透明的信息以正视听,消除虚假信息和谣言的蛊惑,是交通管理部门必须应对、不可回避并需尽量趋利避害的重大课题。  相似文献   

由于高深路堑开挖施工地质复杂,现场机械及人员较多,而有效的监控量测对于调控施工进度,判断边坡的稳定状态以及指导现场施工等发挥着重要作用。为更好的了解边坡动态,更为准确、详细可靠的分析边坡情况,确保施工安全,本文以某公路边坡为工程背景,以现场监控量测为手段,对不同时间、机械开挖不同位置以及降雨前后的边坡进行动态观测。结果表明,位移量随着时间的增长而逐渐减少,反弯点出现后边坡逐渐趋于稳定状态;边坡累计沉降量随开挖深度的增加而不断上升,最后趋于稳定状态。  相似文献   

兰州地区黄土土质疏松、孔隙比大、强度低,普遍具有严重的湿陷性、高压缩性和动力易损性,在增加正压力或孔隙水压力时,极易引起隧道底部及建筑物地基的破坏。为解决兰州绕城高速某大断面黄土隧道底部变形过大的问题,文章选择灰土挤密桩作为加固手段,采用三维数值方法对隧底未处理条件下和采用灰土挤密桩加固后的围岩变形与受力特征进行研究。结果表明:隧底开挖后主要产生隆起,并随开挖方向逐渐增大,起点拱脚处产生下沉,位移最大值出现在隧底中心处;采用灰土挤密桩加固后,其桩身轴力、桩身应力和桩身位移在水平方向均呈现出两边小、中间大的规律,且随开挖方向逐渐增大,桩身承担了隧道开挖产生的大部分荷载,隧底受力与变形均有所减小;灰土挤密桩加固后的隧底位移值减小了32.0%~34.4%,灰土挤密桩能够很好地提高黄土隧道隧底承载力和抵抗变形的能力。  相似文献   

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