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科学预判长三角港口面临的最新政策机遇、需求特征和码头建设重点,对做好“十四五”水运规划中期调整、优化区域港口码头建设重点等意义重大。本文重点分析了涉及长三角区域港口建设的关键政策机遇,科学预判区域港口分货类运输需求发展趋势和结构化特征,提出了长三角区域港口码头建设重点。未来3年区域码头的重点建设路径是,推进中小码头和老旧码头升级改造,超前谋划码头后方储运设施建设,推动集装箱码头设施能力提升和后续岸线资源开发,有序推进重大件设备、商品汽车等专业化码头建设等。相关结论将为做好长三角区域港口规划调整、推动区域港口一体化发展等提供参考。  相似文献   

辽河沿海经济带发展规划上升为国家战略,是国家部署新一轮沿海地区区域发展规划的重要组成部分,标志着这个经济区域作为国家重点开发区域的主体功能得到确立。  相似文献   

正根据《深圳市海上休闲与客运码头专项规划》(征求意见稿)(以下简称"《规划》"),深圳将规划16处海上休闲与客运码头,相关规划方案即日起征求公众意见。《规划》明确,深圳将分为东、西两大码头区域。其中,西部区域以客运码头、公共游艇和旅游观光为主,兼顾陆岛运输功能;而东部的码头,则以公共游艇、旅游观光和海上休闲为主。在东、西部两大区域,重点打造5个海上休闲和客运码头集中发展区,由西向东依次为大空港发展区、前海发展区、深圳  相似文献   

传统船舶路线规划方法所使用的通信系统,在极端条件下无法进行数据传输,导致规划方法的鲁棒性较差。对此应用北斗卫星通信系统,设计新型船航线规划方法。利用北斗卫星通信系统的高适应性,对当前航向安全区域进行划分,并对其进行适当扩展,确保其区域内包含了潜在障碍物的边界,基于扩展后的安全区域,建立航障物的最小凸包围,作为航线规划的环境基础,最后应用Dijkstra算法,根据权重最小赋值,连接权重点,求取最优航线,实现航线规划。从实验结果可以看出,应用北斗卫星通信系统的船舶航线规划方法,在极端环境下,数据真实应用率提高了29%,数据包传输丢包率降低了33%,相比较传统规划方法,拥有更优秀的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

<正>《长江三角洲区域一体化发展规划纲要》提出,要协同推进港口航道建设,具体从世界级港口群打造、国际竞争力提升、重点物资运输系统合作、企业合资合作、港航资源整合等方面提出了新要求2019年12月,中共中央、国务院印发《长江三角洲区域一体化发展规划纲要》(简称《纲要》),明确提出了协同推进港口航道建设的重要任务,具体从世界级港口群打造、国际竞争力提升、重点物资运输系统合作、企业合资合作、港航资源整合等方面提出了新的更高要求。  相似文献   

刘艳利 《中国海事》2007,(11):71-75
政策与法规国务院常务会议原则通过《综合交通网中长期发展规划》10月31日,国务院常务会议审议并原则通过了《综合交通网中长期发展规划》。《规划》为配合国家总体发展战略,统筹考虑经济布局、人口和资源分布、国土开发等对交通运输的要求,对涵盖铁路、公路、水运、民航和管道5种交通运输方式的综合交通网建设作出了规划,明确了今后一个时期重点建设的综合运输大通道、国际区域运输通道和全国性综合交通枢纽。  相似文献   

叶红玲 《中国水运》2009,(10):13-13
近日,从河北省政府召开的重点产业调整和振兴规划实施意见推进工作调度会上获悉,河北省将着力打造“一带两通道”物流格局,推进三类物流产业集聚区建设,即从重点区域入手,推进环京津物流产业带产业聚集、推进冀东物流通道产业集聚、推进冀中南物流通道产业集聚。通过优化产业布局,巩固和提升河北省住国家规划物流网络中的重要地位。  相似文献   

厦门市刚刚编制出《厦门船舶工业发展规划》并举行了评审会。规划范围包括厦门湾沿岸,涉及厦门湾区域船舶工业统筹规划,重点发展造船业、修船业、游艇旅游业及船舶电子设备等配套产业,厦门湾将发展成为海峡西岸重要的造修船基地。  相似文献   

水网地区航道网技术评价指标与方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对过去区域航道网技术评价体系进行初步探讨的基础上,结合多个市域航道网规划实践,基于对区域航道网规划特点及技术评价特性分析,借鉴公路的成熟做法,提出区域航道网技术评价指标体系及方法,并以苏州、无锡、常州市航道作为水网地区实例,进行江苏省水网地区规划航道网技术评价与分析比较,进而提出各技术评价指标建议值。  相似文献   

[目的]针对无人艇(ASV)集群区域覆盖问题,设计一种基于电子海图信息系统(ECDIS)的多无人艇区域覆盖路径规划方法。[方法]首先,通过提取ECDIS中的海陆和水深信息,建立基于栅格化方法的无人艇集群覆盖区域环境模型。其次,提出一种基于轮盘选择法的区域划分方法,解决基于初始位置的区域划分方法区域划分不规则的问题,实现在栅格地图中对无人艇集群覆盖子区域的合理划分。最后,构建一种基于模板法的区域覆盖路径规划方法,解决生成树覆盖方法路径转弯数量较多的问题。[结果]搭建基于ECDIS的无人艇集群人机交互仿真平台,验证所提基于轮盘法和模板法的区域覆盖路径规划方法对优化规划路径转弯数量的有效性。[结论]采用所提基ECDIS的无人艇集群区域覆盖路径规划方法,实现多无人艇对海上目标任务区域的覆盖路径规划。  相似文献   

文章分析了物流园区的概念,论述规划建设物流园区的意义,即合理规划建设物流园区将对当地整体利益的提高起到重要的推进作用。指出我国物流园区规划建设中存在的诸多问题,如规划的不合理,标准的不统一等,进而,从政府体制,市场物流需求,统一规划,分部实施,市场化运作,高水准发展,培训并吸引专业人才等方面提出规划建设物流园区的建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop realistic and relevant investment planning models for inland container transportation systems. The models may be utilized to identify the most effective investment plan for inland transportation infrastructure development and to evaluate the inland container transportation system. The procedure enables determination of the optimal locations, sizes and time of container port developments as well as the optimal container cargo flows through transportation networks. A heuristic algorithm was developed for the purpose of evaluating alternative investment plans. Dynamic and linear programming methods are applied to each of the two planning problems: the former for the optimum container port capacity development problem and the latter for the optimal allocation of inland container traffic movements. The model has been applied to concrete inland container transportation system problems in Korea.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop realistic and relevant investment planning models for inland container transportation systems. The models may be utilized to identify the most effective investment plan for inland transportation infrastructure development and to evaluate the inland container transportation system. The procedure enables determination of the optimal locations, sizes and time of container port developments as well as the optimal container cargo flows through transportation networks. A heuristic algorithm was developed for the purpose of evaluating alternative investment plans. Dynamic and linear programming methods are applied to each of the two planning problems: the former for the optimum container port capacity development problem and the latter for the optimal allocation of inland container traffic movements. The model has been applied to concrete inland container transportation system problems in Korea.  相似文献   

Coastal aquaculture in South Australia has been going through a period of unprecedented growth during the past seven years. The value of the South Australian aqua‐culture industry has increased from US$1.3 million in 1990–1991 to an estimated US$31 million in 1996–1997. This growth has led to the implementation of planning and management policies by the state government. South Australian coastal waters have been divided into regions, and regional aquaculture management plans have been prepared. These management policies have generated concerns among interest groups and the community. The recent coastal aquaculture planning and management policies are described and analyzed, focusing on their contribution to the development of an ecologically sustainable industry. The need for an integrated approach to management is emphasized, especially given the great interest of the state government on the development of the industry.  相似文献   

The coastal zone has critical natural, commercial, recreational, ecological, industrial, and esthetic values for current and future generations. Thus, there are increasing pressures from population growth and coastal land development. Local coastal land use planning plays an important role in implementing the U.S. Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) by establishing goals and performance policies for addressing critical coastal issues. This study extends the CZMA Performance Measurement System from the national level to the local land use level by measuring coastal zone land use plan quality and political context in fifty-three Pacific coastal counties. Plan quality is measured using an evaluation protocol defined by five components and sixty-eight indicators. The results indicate a reasonable correspondence between national goals and local coastal zone land use planning goals, but a slight gap might exist between the national/state versus local levels in the overall effectiveness of coastal zone management (CZM) efforts. The results show many U.S. Pacific coastal counties lack strong coastal zone land use plans because the average plan quality score was only 22.7 out of 50 points. Although these plans set relatively clear goals and objectives, they are somewhat weaker in their factual basis, identify a limited range of the available planning tools and techniques, and establish few coordination and implementation mechanisms. The regression analysis results indicate that CZM plan quality was not significantly related to any of the jurisdictional characteristics.  相似文献   

针对港城分离型城市港城一体化规划的编制问题,以钦州大榄坪为例,分析港城一体化规划所需关注的功能、产业、空间布局、港口规划、集疏运体系等要点,给出因地制宜地制定规划、重视产业在其中的作用、统筹港城集疏运体系、处理好弹性与控制的关系等规划建议。  相似文献   

Regional ports, as infrastructure in regions, influence transport and regional development policies and planning. The interaction and involvement of regional ports with their stakeholders in the region are pivotal. The conundrum on what constitutes a regional port and thus its region has further complicated this limited researched area. In the extant literature, port and region relationship mainly centres on major metropolitan ports, and pays little heed to regional ports. In this context, this study investigates on how the Australian regional ports can be better involved in regional development. The study adopts a qualitative methodology to explore the Australian regional port stakeholders’ perceptions on port’s role in regional development through 38 semi-structured telephone interviews. Thematic analysis of data assisted by a mixture of NVivo software and manual techniques proposes a conceptual model that may assist policy-making. The key findings suggest that symbiotic growths of ports and concerned regions accelerate regional development. To contribute to regional development, the Australian regional ports can be proactive in building collaboration with regional organisations. The findings have major implications for port managers and port policy-makers for developing a region-oriented long-term port planning and for creating environment for Australian regional ports for regional resource configuration.  相似文献   

舰艇航路规划系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舰艇航路规划日趋复杂,规划过程涉及大量的海洋环境数据,为了有效地利用海洋信息提高航路规划效率,设计了基于ArcGIS平台的舰艇航路规划系统。建立舰艇航路规划空间分析模型数据库,依托ArcGIS平台的空间分析能力解决地理空间中的舰艇航路规划问题。介绍了舰艇航路规划系统的层次结构、组成、数据库以及模块功能,并给出了水下舰艇三维航路规划技术的实现思路和方法。系统可根据航行任务为多型舰艇制定航行计划,有利于提高舰艇航行的安全性和隐蔽性。  相似文献   

There seem to be two types of ocean planning system in the world. First, the federal or united government suggests a basic framework of the plan which is followed by states, countries or areas as shown in the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia, and so on. Second, a powerful central government prepares a basic ocean plan that guides the following sector plans of the relevant ministries. These cases are shown in Japan, Korea, and China. In Korea, the 2nd Ocean and Fishery Development Plan (OK21, 2011–2020) was made as a comprehensive ocean plan reflecting recent natural and social changes including global warming. The OK21 is declarative in its nature, and so evaluated by its sector plans, which have some specific implementing means such as budgets and manpower, organization, and so on, by the relevant laws. The 2nd OK21 is supported by 21 legally binding sector plans, 14 more than in the 1st plan, thus guaranteeing more effective implementation than in the 1st plan. In addition, most of sector plans are planned to be carried out through the well-coordinated system among the related ministries, thus showing a high degree of implementing efficiency of the plan. Every marine area in the plan, including marine environment, is being supported by more sector plans than before, indicating the equitable development of marine areas in the future. In sum, the 2nd OK21 is expected to show more implementing power due to the well-organized sector plans than in the 1st plan.  相似文献   

针对全局路径规划研究中遗传算法存在搜索范围广而导致收敛速度慢的问题,本文提出一种混合优化的全局路径规划方法,完成对图像读取、处理后使用A*算法预处理缩小可行区域从而提高收敛速度。所提出的混合优化规划方法主要优化遗传算法的初始种群,在不影响最终路线的情况下,缩小初始种群的搜索范围,提高算法进行全局路径规划的速度,快速有效的规划出全局路线。另外本文给出一种评价体系对规划结果进行定量的避障评价,评价结果能够以数值形式对规划结果进行综合评价,评价结果显示通过混合优化算法规划出的路径具有更佳的安全性。  相似文献   

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