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渤海海峡海域船舶定线制完善的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过原始数据的采集分析及调查问卷,对渤海海峡海域的海上事故、船舶流、习惯航路、通航管理规定等船舶交通环境要素进行了量化分析。在此基础上结合IMO的相关规定、海员航行习惯、船舶操纵及航海技术领域的相关理论进一步分析了该海域现有船舶定线制连接部分的类型、组合方式、尺度、位置等问题。提出了该海域现有船舶定线制连接的比选方案,该方案对保障船舶航行安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

介绍澳洲大堡礁海域各航道概况、引航业务、报告系统、航行安全、防污染等注意事项,对原先的一些资料做了更新,供大家参考。  相似文献   

为避免海域遭受污染,通过建立模糊综合评判模型,运用模糊综合评判法对渤海海域船舶溢油风险进行评估,以确定渤海海域船舶溢油的主要危险源、发生溢油可能性最大的港口水域及船舶溢油造成的危险程度,从而为合理地配置有限的船舶溢油应急资源和实施风险决策提供一定依据,将目前事故后的危机管理改变为预防性的风险管理。  相似文献   

为提高船舶在特殊情况下的航行机动性,增强海图上危险障碍物的表现力,对数字海图上满足船舶机动安全航行的海域进行了选取和分析。文章重点阐述了在水深数据的基础上利用Delaunay三角网选取船舶安全航行海域以及运用缓冲区技术对障碍物进行重点显示。通过编程实现对结果进行分析,达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

舟山海域,船舶密度大,潮流复杂,部分渔船和采砂船违规作业,不遵守避碰规则,造成了大量的财产损失。为了确保海警舰艇在舟山海域的航行安全,减少舰艇事故,通过分析舟山海域的船舶事故特点,从人、环境和船舶三方面,总结了舟山海域船舶航行存在的危险因素。从保持正规瞭望,控制安全航速和海警舰艇航行能力训练三方面出发,结合舟山海域的特点,总结提出了海警舰艇航行的安全建议。  相似文献   

基于北斗传输AIS信息可以解决AIS远海域存在监控盲区的问题,然而船舶密集海域AIS信息无法全部通过北斗信道传输,针对此局限性研究AIS信息自适应筛选技术,采用距离筛选法、舷角筛选法及混合筛选法,根据行进中舰船所在海域的船舶动态情况,连续自主筛选影响舰船安全行驶的船舶AIS信息基于北斗窄信道传输。通过仿真可知经过自适应筛选后,待转发的船舶AIS数据量减少效果显著,能够保证岸基指挥中心及时有效监控本舰所在海域的船舶动态情况,保障舰船的远洋航行安保能力。  相似文献   

一种多智能体信息融合船舶避碰系统   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在狭窄海域中,使用自动化控制系统避免船舶之间的碰撞,从而减少相应人员和财产损失,一直是研究的热点之一。随着信息采集、处理、融合技术的发展,使得通过多个船舶之间的相互协作,实现自动化碰撞避免成为了可能。本文提出一种基于信息融合的船舶碰撞避免决策模型。该模型包含有船舶智能体、VTS智能体及3个融合层次。通过该模型,在同一海域不同船舶之间可以通过相互协作,实现更加精确和经济的船舶碰撞避免决策。  相似文献   

以一艘200方抓斗式疏浚船为例,阐述船舶波浪载荷长期预报和全船有限元直接计算方法。讨论不同波浪散布函数对船舶波浪载荷计算结果的影响。针对不同海域进行波浪载荷长期预报,通过对比分析得到南海海域波浪载荷水平,提出了南海工作船舶波浪载荷预报建议。在此基础上,对全船进行结构有限元分析,得到不同海域中全船结构应力水平,并对船体局部结构进行了优化,为在南海进行施工作业的疏浚船的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

文中对南海争端海域发生油污损害的不同情形进行了分析,通过对比国内外在类似情形下如何适用基金对南海争端海域如何适用船舶油污损害赔偿基金进行了探讨。  相似文献   

2010年4月3日,“SN NO.1”轮在澳大利亚大堡礁海洋公园附近水域搁浅,受到世人的广泛关注.此文对事故发生的原因进行分析,并重申驾驶人员应履行的职责,旨在吸取事故教训,加强船舶安全管理,预防事故发生,确保船舶航行安全.  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, is managed under the GBR Marine Park Act (1975) and is seen as a shining example of marine resource management. The principle tool of management is zoning for multiple use. We examined surveillance and illegal fishing around two inshore islands (Magnetic and Orpheus) of the GBR Marine Park in 2000/2001. Both islands are near Townsville, the largest city adjacent to the GBR. Surveillance effort was low, with vessels present on only 16% of days of the year. Measurable but low levels of illegal recreational fishing occurred within no-take zones. Levels decreased with increasing surveillance effort. Thus zoning was not completely successful in protecting fish targeted by fisheries, even within the most highly enforced sections of the Park. The expansion of no-take zones in 2004 from 4.6% to 33.4% of the area of the 358,000 km2 Park represents a considerable challenge for future surveillance and enforcement.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between Australian's attitudes toward climate change impacts on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and environmentally responsible behavior (ERB). We hypothesize that general attitudes toward climate change, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control predict intended and reported behavior, and that attitude negatively influences constraints on adopting ERB. The moderating effect of residential condition (urban vs. rural contexts) was tested across these hypothesized relationships. We randomly selected 200 individuals from eight regions: Five within 50 km of the GBR Coastline and three from the Statistical Metropolitan Areas in Australia. We yielded 1,623 surveys by telephone interviews. Findings confirm our hypotheses and suggest the most important predictor of intentions is perceived behavioral control. The two groups of respondents (urban vs. rural) illustrate different relationships. This study offers insight on how managers of the GBR can effectively shape residents' behavioral tendencies that minimize human impacts on the natural environment.  相似文献   

Complex policy frameworks guide the management of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) at multiple decision-making levels. Mounting pressure on its outstanding universal value suggests that further improvements in governance are required. There has been little examination of the role of policy actors in addressing complex governance challenges in large scale marine protected areas (LSMPAs) involving multi-layered governance conflicts across diverse contexts. Framed by street level bureaucracy, pragmatic planning theory, and lessons from MPA governance, this paper examines how policy actors improvised and collaborated to advance outcomes in the GBR LSMPA. We assessed practice-focused oral histories with experienced policy actors who negotiated agreements and achieved policy outcomes in the GBR between 1985 and 2016. These policy actors were skilled improvisers, alternating between roles as democratisers, mediators, and negotiators. They used collaboration and facilitative leadership to advance policy in the face of governance problems. This enabled them to adapt policy across multi-level decision systems, address power and information imbalances, and generally deal with conflict and uncertainty. A deeper understanding of improvisation will assist governments and others to address complex challenges in LSMPAs.  相似文献   

Understanding how people are dependent on Large Scale Marine Protected Areas (LSMPAs) is important for understanding how people might be sensitive to changes that affect these seascapes. We review how resource dependency is conceptualized and propose that it be broadened to include cultural values such as pride in resource status, scientific heritage, appreciation of aesthetics, biodiversity, and lifestyle opportunities. We provide an overview of how local residents (n = 3,181 face-to-face surveys), commercial fishers (n = 210, telephone surveys), and tourism operators (n = 119 telephone surveys) are potentially dependent on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), a region currently experiencing significant environmental, social, and economic change. We found that commercial fishers and tourism operators were dependent not only financially on the GBR, but also because of their age, years in the industry and region, lack of education, and the number of dependents. These stakeholders lacked flexibility to secure alternative employment. All stakeholder groups, regardless of economic imperatives, were dependent on the GBR because of their cultural connections. We propose that resource dependency also provides an umbrella concept to describe the cultural services provided by an ecosystem, which can be described through place-based dependence and place-identity.  相似文献   

Increasingly, natural resource managers see the marine protected areas that they are responsible for as linked social-ecological systems. This requires an equal focus on managing for both natural and human dimensions of the protected estate. Consequently, identification of indicators that represent the human dimensions of Large Scale Marine Protected Areas (LSMPAs) such as the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is critical if these values are to be properly considered as part of standard management practice. Assessment and monitoring of the human dimensions of LSMPAs requires a replicable, collaborative process, rolled out at local scales but comparable across vast, socially and geographically diverse areas. This paper explores the application of a process for the development, assessment, and monitoring of the GBR's human dimensions. The process includes (a) development of a conceptual framework that links indicator sets to the desired state of the GBR's human dimensions; and (b) a collaborative approach including ten practical steps to implement assessment, monitoring, and benchmarking of the human dimensions of an LSMPA. We conclude with examination of challenges and opportunities for implementing this process in the GBR context, specifically with respect to the targets and objectives of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) requires offshore petroleum operators on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) to perform risk assessments of impacts (allisions) between passing ships and offshore installations. These risk assessments provide a basis for defining the allision accidental load that the installation shall be designed for. Even though the risk of allision is small, the potential consequences can be catastrophic. In a worst-case scenario, an allision may result in the total loss of an installation. The ageing industry standard allision risk model, COLLIDE, calculates the risk of impacts between passing (non-field-related) ships and installations based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. Both the COLLIDE risk model and a new Bayesian allision risk model currently under development are highly sensitive to variations in vessels’ passing distances, especially close proximity passings. Allision risk assessments are typically performed during the design and development phase of an installation, which means that historical AIS data are used “as is”, disregarding future changes to the traffic pattern when the new installation is placed on a location. This article presents an empirical study of one of the most important variables used to calculate the risk of allision from passing vessels, namely passing distance. The study shows that merchant vessels alter course to achieve a safe passing distance to new surface offshore petroleum installations. This indicates that the results of current allision risk assessments are overly conservative.  相似文献   

船舶进、出闸室(或船厢)速度的商榷   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周华兴 《水道港口》2001,22(1):14-17
分析了阻力、允许速度及模型试验与实际运转条件的差异 ,为确定船舶 (队 )进、出闸室 (或船厢 )的速度 ,进行了初步探讨 ,提出依据和建议。  相似文献   

一次过闸时间、日过闸次数、船舶装载系数、运量不均衡系数等是影响船闸通过能力的因素,结合广西桂平船闸多年来的实际运行情况,研究船闸通过能力计算系数的取值问题。  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水通航以来,通过三峡坝区货运量持续增长,通过能力已趋于饱和,而且船舶大型化发展迅速,目前通过船舶大约一半吃水大于原设计标准。科学合理地挖掘船闸的富余水深,增加过闸船舶吃水、提高船闸的通过量是当前需要解决的重要问题。采取理论研究与实船测试验证的方法,对三峡船闸的运行方式和过闸船舶、船舶吃水控制标准计算方法、船舶过闸实船试验、过闸船舶吃水控制标准等进行了系统的研究,取得了多项创新成果。  相似文献   

长江上游尚存诸多的单线控制河段,区域内船舶排队现象严重。为探索控制段航道通过能力,结合控制段信号台的调度规则,将排队理论引入船舶排队的研究过程,建立拥有一个优先级的M/M/1排队服务模型,并以王家滩控制河段为例,评估其通过能力。结果表明,模型求解得到目前王家滩河段在控制调度期上行船舶平均等待时间达32. 5 min,下行10. 2 min;综合船舶与交通流数据,得出当前控制段航道通过能力为1. 91亿~4. 45亿t,约为标准航道设计通过能力的67. 5%。此方法可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

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