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汽车磁流变减振器设计中值得注意的若干技术问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汽车磁流变减振器利用磁流变液的流变特性可受外加磁场控制的特性,实现减振器的阻尼系数的可控,从而实现阻尼力的控制,基于磁流变换的磁流变减振器的特性是由多种因素所决定的,如磁流变液、工作模式、磁路结构、导磁材料、线圈和机械结构等。对磁流变液的性能、阻尼通道的设计、磁路中磁芯材料的选用以及磁流变减振器的体积补偿等在磁流变减振器设计中值得注意的一些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

汽车磁流变液减振器阻尼力计算方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对磁流变液在剪切流动中存在剪切稀化特性,根据流体力学N-S方程,建立了基于Her-schel-Bulkley模型的准稳态平板Poiseuille流动方程,得出了磁流变液在阻尼通道中流动的速度分布函数,分析了磁流变液的剪切稀化效应对阻尼通道磁流变液流动的影响,推导了汽车磁流变液减振器阻尼力计算表达式,对汽车磁流变液减振器产生的阻尼力进行理论预测研究。按照长安之星微型汽车技术要求,设计和制作了微型汽车磁流变液减振器,并对其进行了试验测试,测试结果表明:所提出的分析方法是可行的。  相似文献   

针对Passat B5轿车前悬架,开发了双筒滑阀式磁流变液减振器,提出了簧载质量的绝对速度及其与非簧载质量间的相对运动速度估计算法,利用实测悬架参数和磁流变液减振器的非线性阻尼力特性,建立了带磁流变液减振器的半主动悬架模型。沥青路面试验结果表明:相对于被动悬架,采用磁流变液半主动悬架后车辆平顺性改善大于10%。  相似文献   

分析了汽车单筒充气磁流变减振器的结构和基于磁流变液Bingham本构关系的阻尼力模型,对用于汽车悬架的国外某单筒充气磁流变减振器阻尼力示功特性、温度特性、活塞磁路磁场特性、磁流变液流变特性进行了试验研究。试验结果表明,磁流变阻尼器具有很强的耗能性和可控性;随控制电流增加,其阻尼力增大,电流达到一定时磁场出现磁饱和状态,阻尼力将趋于稳定;随着工作温度升高,减振器压缩阻尼力增大,拉伸阻尼力下降。  相似文献   

对车辆磁流变减振器的温度特性测试装置、引用标准以及温度性能测试进行研究。结果表明,磁流变减振器在-40~120℃温度范围内具有良好的F-S示功性能。  相似文献   

磁流变减振器阻尼力和电流的精确控制是实现半主动悬架的算法、达到整车系统控制目标的必要条件,但由于磁流变液的温度敏感性使得磁流变减振器阻尼力强烈依赖温度变化,带来模型失配和控制效果弱化的问题。基于此进行磁流变减振器在不同电流和速度下的高低温(-40℃~80℃)示功试验研究,揭示磁流变减振器在低温下丧失阻尼特性而表现出刚度特性,在高温下黏滞阻尼退化的特性规律。为了描述磁流变减振器随温度变化的复杂非线性特性,提出一种新的磁流变减振器变温参数化双曲滞回模型,该模型引入温度作为自变量,对磁流变减振器黏滞阻尼、刚度及滞回特性进行准确描述。为了面向实际减振器控制,在此双曲滞回模型的基础上,进一步线性化求逆得到磁流变减振器温度修正的逆模型。该逆模型输入预期阻尼力和减振器压缩速度作为自变量,可以直接给出满足减振器力值约束的控制电流。研究结果表明:相较于未进行温度补偿的逆模型,该逆模型能够平均提升12.79%的电流控制精度以及12.53%的控制力跟踪精度;进行温度修正的模型能够在仿真中还原更真实的磁流变减振器力学特性,逆模型能够给出更精确的控制电流,为充分发挥磁流变减振器的能力、实现车辆的半主动悬架精确控制提供了理论和方法指导。  相似文献   

根据磁流变减振器的非线性特性,提出磁流变减振器广义回归神经网络(GRNN)模型辨识方法,利用台架试验获取的力学特性数据,建立磁流变减振器广义回归神经网络正、逆模型,并与反向传播神经网络(BPNN)模型进行比较.结果表明:通过合理选取网络变量并优化光滑因子,GRNN模型能准确预测磁流变减振器的阻尼力和控制电流,其正、逆模型辨识精度优于BPNN模型.此外,GRNN还具有结构简单、快速收敛等特点,为磁流变减振器的准确建模与控制提供了重要手段.  相似文献   

为进一步研究磁流变液减振器阻尼特性,将磁流变液当作一种由刚性悬浮颗粒与液体载液构成的高浓度悬浮液,考察其表观滑移对磁流变液减振器阻尼特性的影响。在对被简化成平行平板模型的磁流变液减振器环形阻尼通道内的流场进行分析时,针对磁流变液在磁场作用下磁性颗粒重排而导致液体中刚性粒子等效粒径增加的现象,在理论分析中考虑了磁流变液的表观滑移边界条件,并将其引入到Herschel-Bulkley模型中,从而将环形阻尼通道中的流场划分为3个区域,即表观滑移区、屈服区与非屈服区,分别对3个区域的流变学特性进行分析,推出了减振器输出阻尼力计算公式,与同条件下不考虑表观滑移时的阻尼力进行了对比。设计了双线圈式环形阻尼通道与旁通小孔并联型电磁活塞头,磁路模型通过了有限元验证,同时根据中国产某轿车悬架参数要求设计并制造了磁流变液减振器样机,通过台架测试得到了圆润饱满的示功特性曲线。结果表明:表观滑移会降低减振器的阻尼系数,且在窄通道、低流速与高磁场条件下表观滑移对输出阻尼力的影响较明显;设计的旁通小孔和浮动活塞分别有良好的泄流与体积补偿作用;活塞峰值速率为0.3m·s~(-1)时的理论阻尼力与试验测试阻尼力之间的最大偏差只有180N,说明考虑了表观滑移的理论模拟结果与试验测试结果能较好地吻合。  相似文献   

汽车磁流变半主动悬架的控制研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了改善汽车的乘坐舒适性和行驶安全性,提出了一种汽车磁流变半主动悬架的控制策略。首先,设计了磁流变减振器的工作模式,通过试验获得了其速度特性和力学特性,建立了磁流变减振器的数学模型;其次,建立了带磁流变减振器的二自由度车辆简化模型及其参数表;最后,基于双环控制理论,设计了一种控制系统,其外环产生理想的结构阻尼力,内环调节电流驱动器的电流,以使磁流变减振器实时地产生控制阻尼力。仿真结果表明:以磁流变减振器为基础,通过半主动控制技术,悬架系统的振动动态性能得到了有效的控制。  相似文献   

基于商用磁流变减振器的结构特点,将磁流变减振器简化成具有4个圆形阻尼孔和1个环形阻尼孔的平板模型.根据磁流变液的特性,推导出控制电流、活塞速度与阻尼力的关系式,并在MATLAB中仿真得到不同电流下的速度阻尼特性曲线.经台架试验验证,该理论关系式能够较好的表达磁流变减振器的特性.  相似文献   

The paper investigates cavitation effect which negatively influences the performance of a monotube shock absorber of road vehicle (passenger car). For better understanding of this phenomena, three physical models of shim stack valves are analyzed. Validation results allowed selecting the most appropriate valve model in presence of cavitation processes. A mathematical model of monotube damper with consideration of fluid compressibility and cavitation phenomena is developed. Simulation results are validated by experimental data obtained on hydraulic test rig. Based on the selected approach, a simplified method suitable for assessment of cavitation processes in automotive monotube shock absorbers is proposed. After investigation it is found that damping force when cavitation occurs mainly depends on the initial pressure and absorber inner diameter.  相似文献   

汽车筒式液阻减振器技术的发展   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
分析了汽车乘坐舒适性/行驶平顺性和操作稳定性对筒式液阻减振器特性的要求,提出汽车在不同行驶工况减振器特性的要求是不的;分析了被动式减振器的发展历程及非充气和充气减振器的特点,阐述了机械控制式可调阻尼减振器,电子控制式减振器以及电流变和磁流变液体减器等的结构特点,工作原理及其动态特性;分析了筒式液阻减振器其于经验设计/实验修正开发方法的缺点,阐述了基于CAD/CAE技术的现代设计开发方法的过程及其关键问题,最后分析了我国筒式液阻减振器技术的发展状况及问题,展望了减振器技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

In the case of full vehicle models, the technique of multi-body simulation (MBS) is frequently used to study their highly non-linear dynamic behaviour. Many non-linearities in vehicle models are induced by force elements like springs, shock absorbers, bushings and tires. Commonly, spline functions are used to represent the force responses of these components. If the non-linear relationships are more complicated, the spline approximations are no more accurate. An alternative approach is based on empirical neural networks which are based on the mathematical approximation of measured data. It is well known that neural networks are able to represent and predict complex component responses accurately. The aim of this paper is to perform a dynamic full vehicle simulation using a thermomechanically coupled hybrid neural network shock absorber model. In this shock absorber model, the spline approach is combined with a temperature-dependent neural network. Based on a displacement-controlled excitation on a four post test rig in the ADAMS/Car MBS software, a rugged test track is simulated. In this way, the front and rear shock absorbers are dynamically loaded with comfort-relevant frequencies in the range of 0.75–30 Hz and velocity amplitudes up to 2 m/s. By the simulation, stability of the hybrid neural network model is demonstrated. Furthermore, the damping force, the vertical acceleration of the chassis and the required simulation times are compared. The standard spline approach is used as a reference.  相似文献   

节流式磁流体阻尼可调减震器的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘淑艳  杨华 《汽车工程》1998,20(1):37-42
本文介绍了以两种不同的磁流体作为工作液的节流式磁流体阻尼可调减震器的外特性试验,试验结果表明:其中BH-1磁流体的粘-磁性能和粘-温性有均优于06-A,满足了磁流体阻尼可调减震器的性能的要求,节流式磁流体阻尼可调减震器的示功图饱满,阻尼力变化显著,可调性能优良;其结构合理,为实用型磁流体阻尼可调减震器的研究奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

In the case of full vehicle models, the technique of multi-body simulation (MBS) is frequently used to study their highly non-linear dynamic behaviour. Many non-linearities in vehicle models are induced by force elements like springs, shock absorbers, bushings and tires. Commonly, spline functions are used to represent the force responses of these components. If the non-linear relationships are more complicated, the spline approximations are no more accurate. An alternative approach is based on empirical neural networks which are based on the mathematical approximation of measured data. It is well known that neural networks are able to represent and predict complex component responses accurately. The aim of this paper is to perform a dynamic full vehicle simulation using a thermomechanically coupled hybrid neural network shock absorber model. In this shock absorber model, the spline approach is combined with a temperature-dependent neural network. Based on a displacement-controlled excitation on a four post test rig in the ADAMS/Car MBS software, a rugged test track is simulated. In this way, the front and rear shock absorbers are dynamically loaded with comfort-relevant frequencies in the range of 0.75-30 Hz and velocity amplitudes up to 2 m/s. By the simulation, stability of the hybrid neural network model is demonstrated. Furthermore, the damping force, the vertical acceleration of the chassis and the required simulation times are compared. The standard spline approach is used as a reference.  相似文献   

Electromechanical dampers seem to be a valid alternative to conventional shock absorbers for automotive suspensions. They are based on linear or rotative electric motors. If they are of the DC-brushless type, the shock absorber can be devised by shunting its electric terminals with a resistive load. The damping force can be modified by acting on the added resistance. To supply the required damping force without exceeding in size and weight, a mechanical or hydraulic system that amplifies the speed is required. This paper illustrates the modelling and design of such electromechanical shock absorbers. This paper is devoted to describe an integrated design procedure of the electrical and mechanical parameters with the objective of optimising the device performance. The application to a C class front suspension car has shown promising results in terms of size, weight and performance.  相似文献   

汽车减振器阀系参数建模及CAD软件开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用节流压力与流量以及阀片变形之间的关系,建立了减振器阀系参数设计数学模型和优化目标函数.在此基础上,开发了一套减振器阀系参数CAD软件,并对其特点进行分析.通过实例,利用该软件对阀系参数进行CAD设计,并对减振器进行了阻力特性试验,其结果与特性要求值相近.这表明所建立的减振器阀系参数设计模型是正确的,所开发的阀系参数CAD软件是可靠的,对于减振器设计具有实际推广价值.  相似文献   

汽车半主动悬架系统发展状况   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
姚嘉伶  蔡伟义  陈宁 《汽车工程》2006,28(3):276-280
简要回顾汽车半主动悬架系统的发展,论述刚度可控半主动悬架系统的研究及其发展动态,详细阐述了当前各种可调减振器的研究开发状况,并提出了新型磁流变液减振器的研究内容。在评价了主要的半主动悬架控制策略的基础上,指出应着重研究复合、实用、稳定的控制方法,并重视非线性控制问题的研究和解决。另外,提出了汽车半主动悬架系统的研究与开发思路。  相似文献   

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