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正中东部分原油将不经马六甲直达中国石油管道开通后,每天都能有二十几万桶原油从马德岛港输送到中国,中东部分原油可不经过马六甲海峡直接到达中国。中国与缅甸4月10日签署《中缅原油管道运输协议》,中国外交部副部长刘振民当天对记者说,该石油管道将很快开始运行。这一协议被视为缅甸总统廷觉本月6日-11日对中国国事访问所取得的一项重要成果。IMO推便利运输新措施IMO便利运输委员会((FA)于2017年4月4日至7日在IMO总部召开其第41届会议,会议将讨论有关国际海上运  相似文献   

我国石油海上运输安全体系及评价(下)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙峻岩  贾大山 《水运管理》2005,27(10):24-28
3 我国石油海上运输安全体系 3.1 海上运输通道的可替代性 我国进口石油主要来自中东和非洲,但运输船舶都需要经过马六甲海峡。对马六甲海峡的过度依赖使得我们对其替代方案研究较多,这些方案包括水路替代方案和陆路替代方案,主要有如下几个方案。  相似文献   

正0引言马六甲海峡、新加坡海峡是世界上最繁忙的航道之一,是连接印度洋与南中国海的最短航路,包括中国、日本、韩国等国家的进口原油有80%是通过这条航道运输的。据统计,2015年有80 959艘次船舶通过马六甲海峡、新加坡海峡,平均每天约221艘次。伴随着船舶尺度、吨位以及船舶交通密度的增大,海峡更加拥挤。笔者曾多次驾驶VLCC航经马六甲海峡、新加  相似文献   

1我国与东盟贸易和投资往来情况 东南亚地区东临太平洋,西接印度洋。由于地理位置独特,马六甲海峡成为连接东半球与西半球的运输通道,而新加坡和马来西亚的中转港口则成为该运输通道上的重要节点。  相似文献   

受油价高企的影响,发展石油替代能源和提高石油资源利用率成为了现阶段解决我国石油供需问题的两大策略,但是这两项短期产生一的效益并不足以弥补我国日益扩大的石油供需缺口。因此短期内,要解决能源短缺问题,原油进口依然是最主要的方式。当前,中东地区依然是我国石油进口源主要来源地,进口主要路径是马六甲海峡。但中东地区地缘政治的原因,战事随时都可能发生,而马六甲海峡肆虐的海盗也让石油运输风险更多几层,因此从运输途径上来看,我国实行多源化原油进口是必须的。  相似文献   

中国—巴西铁矿石运输航线,途经中国东部沿海,穿越南海、新加坡和马六甲海峡或加里曼丹(Kari-Mata)海峡(或Gelasa海峡)和巽他(Suhda)海峡,横跨印度洋和南大西洋。经度跨度达163°,纬度跨度达  相似文献   

中国石油工业的蓬勃发展,刺激了市场对离岸石油设施及海上重型运输服务的需求,而中国企业在相关技术领域积极与国际接轨,并大胆创新以追求更先进的设备及生产力。中石油集团旗下的中国石油天然气第一建设公司(CPFCC)日前与专长于海上重吊运输的挪威SeaMetric国际等公司签署合同,联合建造、  相似文献   

石油战略储备运输和海洋环保   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳芳  荣雷 《世界海运》2007,30(2):37-39
为了保证中国经济的可持续发展,石油战略储备已经紧锣密鼓地着手进行。海运是中国石油战略储备运输中重要的运输方式之一,试从石油战略储备的意义及运输过程中对海上环境的保障两个方面进行论述。  相似文献   

依靠收费还是捐款来保护马六甲海峡航道安全以及环境,最近成了马六甲海峡沿岸国和部分使用国争论的焦点。在3月13日于马来西亚举行的有关马六甲海峡安全与环境保护的研讨会上,来自马来西亚、新加坡、印度尼西亚和日本等国将近100名代表就马六甲海峡收费问题热烈讨论,方案颇多,却难达成统一意见。  相似文献   

中国政府特使李盛霖出席巴基斯坦瓜达尔港开港仪式,交通部部长李盛霖视察中远西亚公司,魏家福会见世界经济论坛主席施瓦布,赵沪湘接任中国国际货运代理协会会长,挪威船级社在中国成立第四家培训学院,GMS便利运输的全部法律文件签署完毕,马六甲海峡拟收“入峡”费,[编者按]  相似文献   


Straits and canals have always served as key nodes in shipping networks. The blockage of a strait or canal will lead to ship deviations and increased transportation costs. To measure this impact on the Chinese fleet, our study develops a mathematical model that is based on a programming formulation. Each strait or canal is assumed to be blocked in turn, and the increased transportation costs for the Chinese fleet in different scenarios are calculated and compared using the proposed programming formulation in order to measure the impact of the blocked strait or canal on the Chinese fleet. Larger increases in transportation costs have greater impacts on the fleet. The results show that a blockage of the Strait of Hormuz would have the greatest impact of all straits and canals; it would cause the Chinese fleet to lose a portion of its import and export market, and such a blockage cannot be addressed through ship deviations. Based upon increased transportation costs, the four straits or canals that would have the greatest impact if blocked are the Mandeb Strait, the Suez Canal, the Sunda Strait and the English Channel.  相似文献   

就船舶从马六甲海峡和新加坡海峡东部航行到新加坡锚地的航法和自引抛锚的方法以及抵达该区域抛锚的注意事项进行全面阐述,并将最近自引抛锚的体会进行汇总和介绍,为船舶在新加坡自引抛锚提供具体详尽的参考资料和指导。  相似文献   

The Malacca Strait, the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal play an important role in the global container shipping. To study the impact of main channel interruption on the container shipping, we analysed statistical data on all routes operated by the top 100 global container liner companies and constructed a network model. We selected four topological metrics to measure the network’s connectivity and used the network weekly total shipping capacity and average shortest shipping time to measure the network’s transportation capacity and transportation time. The interruption of the main channel is simulated, and the changes in the metrics are analysed. The results indicated that the network’s vulnerability is sensitive to main channel interruption. If the Malacca Strait is interrupted, the network’s prosperity degree fall by almost half and the network’s transportation time increase by more than a quarter if the Suez Canal is interrupted. In addition, East Asian and European container liner shipping have more than 50% dependence on the Malacca Strait and the Suez Canal. Moreover, the container transport time between ports in East Asia, Europe, and North America and the rest of the world increases by an average of 4–9 days in the main channel interruption.  相似文献   

以琼州海峡目前海上运输通道的现状分析为基础,在海南省国际旅游岛与广东.海南战略合作框架协议等发展战略背景下,以"整合资源、分离客货、优化港城、互利共赢"为指导原则,对琼州海峡两岸的海口市与徐闻县的港口与城市未来的发展思路、目标与措施进行了规划研究。  相似文献   

邢丹 《中国船检》2012,(10):43-45,130,131
站在国家整体利益上,他们各自的坚持宛如“医得眼前疮.剜却心头肉”。 2012年.中国已成为世界第二大石油消费国和进口国,拥有和控制油轮船队规模位居世界第三。然而.与之形成鲜明对比的是,巨大石油进口量与中国油轮船队运输比例的失衡。那么,这种失衡背后到底是何因素在作怪?  相似文献   

Recently, maritime security issues in the Strait of Malacca have been in the limelight. Statistics highlighting the risk of piracy faced by shipping in the Strait of Malacca and the possibility of a terrorist attack have led to an enhanced awareness of the need for heightened security. The declaration by Lloyd’s Joint War Committee (JWC) of the Strait as a “war risk area” has strengthened the perception that the littoral states have not done enough to make the Strait secure for international trade.  相似文献   

In efforts to overcome an foreseeable energy crisis predicated on limited oil and gas supplies, reserves; economic variations facing the world, and of course the environmental side effects of fossil fuels, an urgent need for energy sources that provide sustainable, safe and economic supplies for the world is imperative. The current fossil fuel energy system must be improved to ensure a better and cleaner transportation future for the world. Despite the fact that the marine transportation sector consumes only 5% of global petroleum production; it is responsible for 15% of the world NO x and SO x emissions. These figures must be the engine that powers the scientific research worldwide to develop new solutions for a very old energy problem. In this paper, the most effective types of marine power plants were discussed. The history of the development of each type was presented first and the technical aspects were discussed second. Also, the fuel cells as a new type of power plants used in marine sector were briefed to give a complete overview of the past, present and future of the marine power plants development. Based on the increased worldwide concerns regarding harmful emissions, many researchers have introduced solutions to this problem, including the adoption of new cleaner fuels. This paper was guided using the same trend and by implementing the hydrogen as fuel for marine internal combustion engine, gas turbines, and fuel cells.  相似文献   

张敏  翟再 《中国海事》2009,(10):49-51
金融海啸席卷全球,面对严峻的经济形势,海峡两岸能否携手开展金融合作、经济合作,共同应对危机冲击显得尤为重要和迫切。2008年11月4日,海峡两岸关系协会与台湾海峡交流基金会签署了《海峡两岸海运协议》,标志着海峡两岸实现海上直航。针对这一重大举措,文中首先对海上直航的重要性进行了分析,然后结合海峡两岸海上直航现状,深入探讨了直航的前景,最后提出了几点两岸共同应对国际金融危机的对策建议。  相似文献   

在实船航行经验的基础上,分析了新、马海峡的航道特点和通航条件,论述了大型油轮通过海峡的航行方法和操船注意事项,供航海人员参考。  相似文献   

This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the stock market perception of risk in US listed water transportation companies and seven other main sectors, air transportation; rail transportation; trucks; electricity; gas; petroleum refining; and real estate over the period July 1984-June 1995. This is done by employing the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to model the stock returns of each industry and hence compare their betas (systematic risk). Multiequation Regression Models are used for estimation. The findings suggest that the water transportation industry exhibits significantly lower market risk than the average stock and the rail transportation industry, significantly higher systematic risk than the real estate industry, while its systematic risk is insignificantly different from the rest of the industries. These results are useful to investors basing their decisions on relative market exposures to risk in different industries.  相似文献   

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